How you Measure Class
Very, very good post indeed.
And this prevailing aspects of class is also present in nearly all areas of life. We could take women as an example. Some are just so damn stunning that no matter how badly they dress you still find them sexy. Others could have the best stylists, hairdressers, clothes that money can buy, yet you'd still think: no thank you.
There is nothing to stop individuals trying to strive to be better, and some do get better. What makes this game more difficult is that it's hard to measure one's class since you don't know if you can trust the measures in question.
Hi Temptrader
Good observation and very true
One way of measuring Class ~ Some top prof did loads of research on the subject to find out if it did infact exist and could you measure it.
His conclusion was something like ~
The measure of class is the amount of challenges an individual or animal can withstand in a competative race or competition.
It stands out a mile, an individual or animal with obviously the most or more talent and ability will fail against another individual or animal who as a noticeable lower level of ability and talent.
Most assume that its just nerves, a bad day at the office or the lower talented individual employed spoiler tactics etc or in an animals case the race was not run fast enough or conditions did not suit. This thought is held as fact because when the individual drops back in class (not always that obvious) their form returns as if by magic.
The only exception to the rule is 1st attempt at a move up in class by an individual or animal, failure then can be forgiven ~ ONCE
Failure the second time and it is very very unlikely that you are looking at an individual or animal that can compete in that Class and win consistantly. If you are examining the very best, World class = NEVER is close enough, a once in 50 year event.
What is really interesting Class beats outright speed = The Clock so the fastest lose to Class = nature working away in the background F..cking all your hard work up
Accept its a little hard to work out your own if you do not play or have played a competetive sport pretty seriously and had to work at the head bit of a game or activity or even given it any thought before.
Keeping a record of when you experience a poor result or run of results and all details regarding trade and period. Whats going on in your own head at time etc
I mean user error however small and circumstances etc. How you performed during periods of drawdown. How you feel. How you perform when your doing really well etc etc. when do the errors appear.
I find it helps anyway, some very unusual patterns develope once the sample period gets large enougth and you get used to doing it as part of your routine so your not really thinking about it. Did it for years when playing Snooker and riding bikes so comes as second nature. Some would find it distracting at 1st and it does take practice.
Your Method must be pretty Fixed / automatic and your trading must be achieving consistant results for you to pick anything up of value imho
Finish on this ~
If you see an horse running in group 1 class that as failed once at that level in the past and you are satisfied that the field today contains genuine group 1 animals you can dismiss that horses chance no matter what the general opinion is regards its chance
I don"t bet on horses or snooker players much anymore due to time and learning to trade
Snooker players are absolute animals and perform as such, you can bet on it, and it is only a two horse race ~ enjoy 🙂