Any UK based day trader want to collaborate with a programmer?


I am a senior software developer who ran some algos in the past (several years ago) to trade futures contracts. I did make a couple grand in the first couple months and ended up quitting a couple grand net negative in the following months, at which point I quit and stayed away from it for several years now. (I was in 20's back then when such amount of money mattered a great deal).

Now I am several years older, bit more mature in mental and programming skills. I am looking to find one another experienced day trader as a strategist partner to start building an algo system properly from the ground up. To not waste anyone's time, I will write below what it is that I am thinking of building. I understand many have different ideas and may disagree with me. I am only interested in partnering with a person who agrees with me on the overall design and if we disagree on small bits, we can discuss more of course.

  • Technical analysis based strategies that make 1 trade per day with hard profit target exit and stop loss (in terms of % loss) across many instruments. All remaining opened positions will be closed at market close each day to leave no overnight risk.
  • Human input (will make a UI for it) to configure on which days which instrument should be completely ignored and no position should ever be opened for it. (ex. scheduled economic reports days where technical analysis don't apply well, or dramatic events like COVID where the entire market is impacted all across. At times like this I would like to just turn off these TA based algos for like 1-2 weeks. If we want to manually trade these irrational times on the side... we can... but that's a different endeavours all together in my opinion.)
  • I don't believe in back-testing too much, I would like to put more efforts into live-testing.
  • All strategies will be running in simulation mode and monitored their daily performance everyday regardless of them being trading with real money or not.
  • At the start of each day, capital allocation is calculated for all eligible strategies. out of above simulation results, only the ones that recently (x number of days look back) performed well above some threshold will be eligible for capital allocation to be traded with live account each day.
  • Capital allocation is weighted based on their recent performance.
  • We will put an adjustable parameter in terms of how many days to look back for "recent performance" evaluation. This is per instrument. I think this is an important human intervention to the system. Small look back days means we think that the market is rapidly changing and we want to be more aggressively adaptive (maybe like the year 2020). Longer look back days means market is trending in one direction with not much noise (ex. years when S&P just trends up) and we would like to ignore noise in the short term losses in the P&L.

I do not want to build a trading system that does everything for you as I don't believe in that. The idea here is to automate chores and reduce the daily task for traders (us) to only the things that really matter.

Elements of the system handled automatically:
  • Positions opened based on TA based signals
  • Positions closed based on profit target
  • Positions closed based on stop loss
  • Capital allocation adjustments for all strategies each day
Elements of the system that require manual human intervention:
  • When and What instruments the system should not trade at all
  • What is the general market sentiment for each instrument and how much bias we want to give to recent performance for it?
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We can collaborate online if you are experienced enough in Java and C# with the IB broker API. If you confirm I come up with a plan?

I need to see your Github open-source projects in these languages preferably?

Strategy is TA> Sentiment> Fundamental based. And Best of the best strategy is fully develop the TA-based techniques then Sentiment based strategy is one level above the TA-based one and the Fundamental-based strategy is one level above the Sentiment-based one. Developing Sentiment and Fundamental based strategies need exceptional talent in programming and not unless your strategy didn't master the TA concept, its useless to enter these two Sentiment and Fundamental fields as the proper development need skills that not even hardworking prodigy development teams and companies in the world have such skills. And you are just an individual.

My interest is in IB with C# and Java and I will help in the development phase as well.


Best of luck