Programmer Wanted

  • Thread starter Thread starter Big_P
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Dear all,

I am looking for programmer to code for me.

If you are interested, please read on.

Background: I have a full-time job but have also been part-time trading for around 12 years now. Mainly, I spreadbet but I also have experience with futures. I have one particular setup that I want to try programming. The rules for the setup are clearly defined, there is no ambiguity or discretion needed to take the trade. For this reason, I believe the setup should be programmable and ultimately profitable.

Details of the setup: it is a price action and volume driven pattern which has a profit/loss ratio of 2:1 and a strike rate of around 60%. The frequency of the pattern is roughly 3 trades per day over 3 different markets. The timeframe is 1 minute.

My goal: I want to code, test and ultimately put £50k of my own money against the project.

What is in it for you? I want to treat this as a joint venture. I will take on all of the financial risk, all you have to do is give me your expertise and time. I will pay you top programmers rates and should the project be successful, I will give you a percentage of the profits, up to an agreed limit. I have another 2 patterns that we could attempt to programme so if you deliver on the first, there will be potential to work together further.

Who am I looking for? This is the important bit. I am looking for a programmer with a proven track record and references. Or if you are reading this and know somebody who ticks these boxes, please get in touch. We will get a solid agreement, drafted up by lawyers, so there is no misunderstanding.

I’m very confident this will work. I have put 12 years of seriously hard work into studying and trading the markets and now it feels the right time to start my ‘algo journey’. You may ask, why don’t I just learn to code by myself? Well, it’s not what I do and I’m not interested in doing so either. I’ll leave that to you!

One final point : I am based in Surrey, UK. I want to be able to meet up with my chosen programmer, so please bear this in mind.

I will eventually turn this thread into a journal, so all T2W readers can see my progress.

If you are interested, please get in touch and we’ll go from there.

Best Wishes,

What you are wanting will be possible in "off the shelf" sofware already such as Multicharts or Tradestation. All it would need is someone to write the signals / indicators using the language that the package uses. To do otherwise would be reinventing the wheel and take a lot more time in my view.
What you are wanting will be possible in "off the shelf" sofware already such as Multicharts or Tradestation. All it would need is someone to write the signals / indicators using the language that the package uses. To do otherwise would be reinventing the wheel and take a lot more time in my view.
Good suggestion, thank you Trader333.

However, it might be worth explaining my setup a little further.

I don't use any indicators at all. So my method doesn't involve "when one moving average crosses another" or anything like that. My chart only contains candlesticks and volume. That's it. Over the years, I've even done with girdlines. I trade from a very pure chart.

Attached is one of my setups. Obviously I don't want to give too much away but my rules work by defining candle lengths, volumes and their relationship with one another.

In my very limited knowledge of programming, I think I'll need somebody who knows Python or similar to programme this?


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In my view it can still be programmed with an existing software package as there is very little that cannot. Even 12 years ago when I was day trading there was still the ability to use Easylanguage to program setups of individual candle lengths relative to any others including volume so that will still be more than possible.
What you need, is to implement a set of "criteria" forming the strategy. Where a criterion has the possible values "true"/"false". For example "Is it Monday today?"( yes/no) , "Is the former candle inside the present candle? (yes/no).

Such sets of criteria are generic across types of control strategies, any strategy is made up of a set of criteria. Criteria for activating an airbag may be; G-force larger than 5 (yes/no), car speed > 50km/h (yes no), a window is up (yes/no).

You would break your strategy into such true/false criteria, and implement those in a platform IDE. Some might be standard in the platform IDE, other criteria might not needing to be developed..
In my view it can still be programmed with an existing software package as there is very little that cannot. Even 12 years ago when I was day trading there was still the ability to use Easylanguage to program setups of individual candle lengths relative to any others including volume so that will still be more than possible.
I concur with this guy. from what you've described @Big_P it does look pretty straight forward
practically anything i could think of could be done in something like Amibroker (it doesnt use "easylanguage" which was developed for tradestation) which has its own scripting language based on C#, which can then route your orders to a compatible broker. of which interactive brokers is one of the most widely used brokers for getting data (via API) and sending your coded orders through to them
then, when you think you know which software program you might use, your choice of programmer is somewhat easier to find. rather than a generic programmer, which could be quite nebulous, you have narrowed your search somewhat to an amibroker (or of course tradestation) developer. of which there are many, and generally inexpensive.

when ive required something outside of my own skillset, upwork is where i post my requirements and get them to quote for me. if you need a hand or want to talk through the experience give me a shout

best of luck
Thank you Trader333, TickCOM and 1nvest, I really appreciate your input.

From what you have all said, it seems that programming my setups is perfectly feasible.

My issue is still with trust.

I've spent years and years of blood, sweat and tears to make trading work for me. I'm really struggling to just hand over my hard work to a random person on the internet.

So this leads me back to my request of asking if anyone has employed a programmer that they trust 100%?

On a seperate thread, NVP wrote this :

you can always ask on the big forums for JV's with other traders .....dont be surprised though if you dont get any "big" names interested as they naturally get a lot of requests from many traders to team up ......they will tend to only work with other "names" who have proved that can trade and be sucessful (albeit without programming much)

i was lucky as once i had proved myself a few years back on here and other forums a few really good programmers stepped up and we did some great work together across the years ......the programming was way beyond my abilities ....lucky me

look over the posts and experience of anyone interested in you takes time to trust people ......and that trust goes both ways


If you're reading this @NVP ... who are these "big" names please? And you mention that you did some great work together with some really good programmers. Would you care to share?

Also, to Pat949, you wrote:

I suggest you talk to an expert trader BEFORE parting with megabucks of money. What may seem like a brilliant idea all too often doesn't produce profits. Without profits is useless and worthless.
Don't worry about the programmer stealing your ideas. He may be able to make that difference to make it profitable. The markets are so large that your programmer's activities are NOT likely to affect you. So get him to do the whole programme especially as you are a beginner.

Again, if you're reading this @Pat494, you said that "programmers won't steal ideas". It sounds like you have some experience in employing a programmer? Do you have anyone in particular you could recommend?

And same question to @1nvest, do you know any particular programmers from upwork who are reliable and trustworthy?

In an ideal world, I don't just want to approach someone over the internet. I'd like an introduction to someone I can meet in person, who has a track record and does this for a living.

Bottom line, for the right person, i can make it financially worth their while - with potiential to grow a longer term JV - and I am more than willing to put my money where my mouth is!
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There are some basics to know within automated trading:

1. Never disclose the full strategy to anybody.
2. Never store the strategy in the cloud.
3. Run the strategy from a computer only you have access to.
4. Take care when you open a broker account, make sure you can get your money back.

Which mean you need to find the right IDE which allows you to be in full control, and which is obviously not a cloud based environment.
Is it possible to scale out the strategy to the daily chart. Then can manually trade end of day.
Thank you Trader333, TickCOM and 1nvest, I really appreciate your input.

From what you have all said, it seems that programming my setups is perfectly feasible.

My issue is still with trust.

I've spent years and years of blood, sweat and tears to make trading work for me. I'm really struggling to just hand over my hard work to a random person on the internet.

So this leads me back to my request of asking if anyone has employed a programmer that they trust 100%?

On a seperate thread, NVP wrote this :

If you're reading this @NVP ... who are these "big" names please? And you mention that you did some great work together with some really good programmers. Would you care to share?

Also, to Pat949, you wrote:

Again, if you're reading this @Pat494, you said that "programmers won't steal ideas". It sounds like you have some experience in employing a programmer? Do you have anyone in particular you could recommend?

And same question to @1nvest, do you know any particular programmers from upwork who are reliable and trustworthy?

In an ideal world, I don't just want to approach someone over the internet. I'd like an introduction to someone I can meet in person, who has a track record and does this for a living.

Bottom line, for the right person, i can make it financially worth their while - with potiential to grow a longer term JV - and I am more than willing to put my money where my mouth is!
Hey @Big_P
When using upwork I know specifically which part of the code I'm struggling with
I will already know part of the strategy, and its code. So im not giving the whole game away. So trust isn't an issue for me. I probably would also be sceptical in your shoes. You could try the same approach?
If you need the details of the amibroker developers then yes I would be happy to provide them.

However, I would never be comfortable with a completely coded strategy, the chances are high there is something in the code will need to be changed. You will think of something later. Are you really always going to have access to this individual?
I know its not your forte, it wasn't mine. But it doesn't take that long to be reasonably proficient. If it is amibroker, I could help you get started. I don't need your strategy details, we could start with the candle and volume criteria for example. Then if it gets further, those details are still your own. And as for me being interested in your strategy, not a chance from what you've described😁. I have my own thanks and its unlikely to be changing anytime soon

Alternatively in your shoes, rather than a sweat shop of coders which is what upwork is, you could try the forum boards of your chosen software. You must be using some type of software to view your chosen market, they would have their own resident experts
They would likely be far more expensive but potentially more collaborative. I've also gone down that route for other software. Again the chances are high they have their own strategy and are likely not interested in yours despite how great you think it might be
Unfortunately I have rather fallen out with my old programmer. Too many mistakes etc.
If you like MT4 or 5 then MQL have lots to choose from. Mostly foreigners, so language problems may arise.
There are some basics to know within automated trading:

1. Never disclose the full strategy to anybody.
2. Never store the strategy in the cloud.
3. Run the strategy from a computer only you have access to.
4. Take care when you open a broker account, make sure you can get your money back.

Which mean you need to find the right IDE which allows you to be in full control, and which is obviously not a cloud based environment.
Great points, thank you @TickCOM

Is it possible to scale out the strategy to the daily chart. Then can manually trade end of day.
@0FXTrader0 Yes indeed, I have tried this before. However my rules are really quite specific, so the number of opportunities that it throws on a daily chart is very small (even over a very large number of markets), so this style of trading doesn't keep me interested. I've always traded very small timeframes because it suits my personality much better.

Hey @Big_P
When using upwork I know specifically which part of the code I'm struggling with
I will already know part of the strategy, and its code. So im not giving the whole game away. So trust isn't an issue for me. I probably would also be sceptical in your shoes. You could try the same approach?
If you need the details of the amibroker developers then yes I would be happy to provide them.

However, I would never be comfortable with a completely coded strategy, the chances are high there is something in the code will need to be changed. You will think of something later. Are you really always going to have access to this individual?
I know its not your forte, it wasn't mine. But it doesn't take that long to be reasonably proficient. If it is amibroker, I could help you get started. I don't need your strategy details, we could start with the candle and volume criteria for example. Then if it gets further, those details are still your own. And as for me being interested in your strategy, not a chance from what you've described😁. I have my own thanks and its unlikely to be changing anytime soon

Alternatively in your shoes, rather than a sweat shop of coders which is what upwork is, you could try the forum boards of your chosen software. You must be using some type of software to view your chosen market, they would have their own resident experts
They would likely be far more expensive but potentially more collaborative. I've also gone down that route for other software. Again the chances are high they have their own strategy and are likely not interested in yours despite how great you think it might be
Excellent post, @1nvest Will send you a DM.

Unfortunately I have rather fallen out with my old programmer. Too many mistakes etc.
If you like MT4 or 5 then MQL have lots to choose from. Mostly foreigners, so language problems may arise.
Sorry to hear that @Pat494 ... and this is my worry. I hear a lot of these trader/developer relationships end in tears. I really hope I can find someone and be an exception to that rule.
If you can write out the rules in a few simple lines you should even be able to get it at least semi automated with SierraCharts and the spreadsheets you can use there to get alerts or execute trades.

I have used it in the past before i coded my strategy and it was a great help to get to know if the strategy was codable/profitable and to get in to coding all together.
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Hi, I have coded for 20 years, and made my own trading bot that works in multiple markets, but failed to find a winning algo. Maybe we can join up?
Hi, I have coded for 20 years, and made my own trading bot that works in multiple markets, but failed to find a winning algo. Maybe we can join up?

Many thanks for your reply and indeed to everyone who has contributed to this thread.

I am working on my strategy/coding with someone from this forum , I'll let you know how it goes.
Good suggestion, thank you Trader333.

However, it might be worth explaining my setup a little further.

I don't use any indicators at all. So my method doesn't involve "when one moving average crosses another" or anything like that. My chart only contains candlesticks and volume. That's it. Over the years, I've even done with girdlines. I trade from a very pure chart.

Attached is one of my setups. Obviously I don't want to give too much away but my rules work by defining candle lengths, volumes and their relationship with one another.

In my very limited knowledge of programming, I think I'll need somebody who knows Python or similar to programme this?
This setup looks exactly like the one I'm using. By looking at it I already know what your entry criteria is.
I'm also working on my trading bot right now and I also use only volume and candlestick patterns so I guess we are going to be in the same trades from time to time.
Did you finish working on your bot? How is it trading?