Any Pro real time gurus?


Established member
Any Pro real time gurus out there? I would appreciate it if you could PM me, I just have a simple question....

Not a interesting question i'm afraid, just about adding indicators. Save me starting a new thread, does anyone know if Market Analyser is still in business? There contact number is not in use and there site is abit dodgy...

MDS Group plc - The Market Analyser
ProReal Time ADX Bug?

ProReal Time Gurus...

I noticed a problem many months ago with the proscreener of PrpReal Time (PRT) and assumed it was just my inability to program or maybe a fluke that would solve itself given some time away from PRT. Well, I back using it and still notice the problem. Here’s a simple code I used for proscreener to find NYSE stocks with a 2 point increase in ADX over the previous day…

i1 = ADX[14]
c1 = i1 > i1[1] + 2
SCREENER[c1] ((close/DClose(1)-1)*100 AS "% Chg yesterday")

The problem with this code is that it also returns stocks with decreasing ADX’s. I contacted PRT about this and they sent me this code…

c1 = myADX > MYADX[1]+pips
screener[c1]((close/DClose(1)-1)*100 as "my" )

However, I think this code is equivalent to mine as it returns exactly the same results. I have found that of the 30 stocks that this code displays, about 5 or so of them have decreasing ADX’s. I must have done something wrong. Any help would be appreciated.

Hey Walt

I hope that you don't mind me dropping you a line

I'm just trying to sort out a Proscreener that allows me to see forex pairs and indices that have consistent Bullish and Bearish readings on the Parabolic SAR indicator on the Weekly, Daily, 4 hourly and 1 hourly time frame

I'm thinking that it is not that technically difficult but my coding skills are zero. Any chance you could point me in the right direction for some help

Very best regards
