Any ideas??


Senior member
I'm running 2 instances of Sierra from TWS. Upgraded both to version 48. The one on my TWS machine is updating. The networked one is not 🙄
I've checked the Data Source Settings etc. Network is running OK. Server Name
Connect on program startup/retry if fail to connect/Reconnect if data feed lost all checked.
What have I missed?
Looking that way. I'm investigating Socket connect error 0. Then I think it's downgrade :cheesy:
I suggest you request help in SC's own forum, via their web page. Their techies hang around in there, as well as knowledgeable users, so you should get an answer to your problem.
Just got this back:

Sierra Chart: Sierra Chart Support Board: Socket connect error 0

Posted by Admin (Admin) on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 12:41 pm:

This might be resolved by a revision coming out next week.

I asked where I could get a downgrade.

"There is no downgrade. Please wait. The source of the problem is with IB. The revision should fix the problem though."

Funny it's IB's fault, I upgraded Sierra 😕
They posted the fix on 25th. Two versions 48 now running OK.....except now there's no volume showing on Ftse future. 🙄
Still waiting for the Ftse vol fix. Another problem though..... I seem to be getting a lot of 4000000 and 8000000 lot volume spikes on ES. They're looking at it 🙄
Version 49 is out now. Volumes are now showing in Ftse future.
Let's see if this fixes the massive vol spikes as well.

So far so good. No silly 4mil and 8mil volume spikes...........yet 😉
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