Any EXCEL Gurus?

If when you say =(b12+b13) becomes =(b13+b14) but the answer is the same as for b12+b13, you man that the subsequent answer is wrong because you can see the cells that are being referenced and it does not work out to the answer given. Simply save you work close excel and re-open, this rectifies problems in 99 out of 100. Sometime excel conflicts with other programs/resources, Mr Gates' way of keeping you within arms distance of the great white whale.
I saved all the affected files under different file names. Seems to have done the trick - until the next time. I hate computers !

You can get live data linkable to Excel from (subscription) and (requires brokerage account), among others

Glad i'm not alone Salty!...........I hate em toooo.

some say that the genius of Microsoft (BG et al.) is that when your computer breaks think it's your fault!!! (not theirs)

it's probably poorly designed software that contributes too. Would you drive a car that broke down so much? etc.

I think the trader function is different to the analysis function! you need to be 2 different people (ha ha) the analysist is logical so can usually deal with the computer probs.

......but errrrr!! I hate em all (computers only) I'm going into mr angry mode so better stop. ("you wouldn't like me when I'm angry")



The result of your help ChowClown & YouWho.

Here are the buy signals. As you can see it was basically to produce visual signals of ma crossover.

Next step is to cross-reference points to check whether the last point was higher or lower..i.e. any divergence between adjacent points.

Eg. price crosses MA and signal is produced. At present, if price moves further away another higher signal is produced (no divergence). However, i don't want this. I only want the next signal to be produced when there is negative divergence, i.e signal is lower than the last.

Any ideas???


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Salty, have you got "manual calculation" switched on? is seems like that may be the problem. try copying your formulae as per normal. then with a mighty prod of your index finger, hit F9. et voila! it may work, or it might not.

to return to automatic calculation, go to tools/options , then click on the calculation tab. then make sure "automatic" is selected.

hope this helps,

back to my trousers

Just checked.
Automatic calculation is definitely on.
But since I changed all the file names it seems to be working.
Very odd but as long as it works, that's ok.
Hi all

I've got a really basic excel problem which I am a struggling

if F4 is greater than F5 but less than F6, and C4 is greater than B4

When this happens I what it to display in the cell 'Buy at D4'


I hope someone can help

many thanks
=if(and(f4>f5,f4<f6,c4>b4)=true,"BUY AT xxxx","")

ill have a think as to how to include the price in the buy command



could try this, not sure if it works though...

=if(and(f4>f5,f4<f6,c4>b4)=true,"BUY AT "&d4,"")
Thanks for the reply Fettered

But it does'nt work.

Its a help though because I can get the gidst of how it works.

I'm completely new to excel.

I take it I just type what you have written into the cell?
yup, just type what i have put into the relevant cell

i attach an example that i have just tested out and it does seem to work ok.

the formula is in cell A4...

dont forget to start the formula with "=" . an easy mistake to make


