Annual Targets: ROI>15% DD<10%

Pending Orders

AUD/USD: sell 0.9797, sl 0.9837
AUD/USD: buy 0.9670, sl 0.9630
EUR/JPY: sell 100.97, sl 101.27
EUR/JPY: SELL 101.97, 102.27
GBP/JPY: sell 125.47, sl 125.77
GBP/JPY: buy 123.03, sl 122.73
EUR/USD: buy 1.2473, sl 1.2433
EUR/USD: buy 1.2403, sl 1.2363

All other orders cancelled and all subject to change.
Open Trades Summary
USD/JPY: sold 79.97, sl 80.27
AUD/JPY: sold 78.96, sl 78.96 (initially 79.27)
AUD/JPY: bought 77.03, sl 76.73

Essentially flat AUD/JPY. Bought to protect profits from sell but kept sell open in case price broke below support.

Just closed AUD/JPY buy at 78.02 and moved sl on the AUD/JPY sell to 78.35
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Pending Orders

AUD/USD: sell 0.9797, sl 0.9837

Open Trade Summary
USD/JPY: sold 79.97, sl 80.27
AUD/JPY: sold 78.96 (although got filled at 79.93), sl 78.35 (initially 79.27)
AUD/USD: sold 0.9797, sl 0.9837

Cancelling all pending orders.

After approx 55 trades, account currently at £640. So 14% gain so far this month, risking approx 0.5% per trade.

Have a great weekend and thanks for reading 😍
Open Trade Summary
USD/JPY: sold 79.97, sl 80.27
AUD/JPY: sold 78.96 (although got filled at 78.93), sl 78.35 (initially 79.27)
AUD/USD: sold 0.9797, sl 0.9837

Open Trades Summary

AUD/JPY: bought 77.03, sl 76.73

Essentially flat AUD/JPY. Bought to protect profits from sell but kept sell open in case price broke below support.

Just closed AUD/JPY buy at 78.02 and moved sl on the AUD/JPY sell to 78.35

stop losses hit on AUD/JPY sell (equivalent to initial risk:reward 1:5) and AUD/USD sell (full loss)

AUD/USD: buy 0.9803, sl 0.9763
AUD/JPY: buy 78.03, sl 77.73
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AUD/USD: buy 0.9803, sl 0.9763
AUD/JPY: buy 78.03, sl 77.73

AUD/USD buy activated and AUD/JPY missed order by two pips so may cancel this order...

Will start analysing trades soon to try and improve stop loss placements, risk:reward etc.
Open Trades Summary
USD/JPY: sold 79.97, sl 80.27

Closed at 78.52 for risk:reward just short of 1:5.

Stop losses hit on other open trades. None of them were full losses.

Have no open positions.

Account at £635 (£560 was balance at beginning of journal)
Approx 60 trades (so many more than I expected), approx 0.5% risked on each.

Will hopefully do some analysis of trades etc over the weekend.
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Since the start of this journal: 13.4% gain, daily drawdown less than 3%.

62 trades: 13 winners at risk:reward of at least 1:5
49 trades resulting in either full losses, small losses or breakeven.

Graph below is me just copying my daily balance (from my broker statement) to Excel.


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USD/CAD buy 1.0303, sl 1.0273
NZD/USD sell 0.7678, sl 0.7710
GBP/JPY sell 122.97, sl 123.27

All subject to change and looking at other potential trades but have to go out for the day soon.
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USD/CAD buy 1.0303, sl 1.0273
NZD/USD sell 0.7678, sl 0.7710
GBP/JPY sell 122.97, sl 123.27

sl hit on USD/CAD and NZD/USD trades.

GBP/JPY sell 122.97, sl 123.27 (may adjust soon due to Bank of England)
USD/JPY sell 79.20, sl 79.60 (may adjust due to Fed later today)
EUR/JPY buy 99.52, sl 99.20
sl hit on USD/CAD and NZD/USD trades.

GBP/JPY sell 122.97, sl 123.27 (may adjust soon due to Bank of England)
USD/JPY sell 79.20, sl 79.60 (may adjust due to Fed later today)
EUR/JPY buy 99.52, sl 99.20

Stop losses hit on GBP/JPY and USD/JPY trades

Stop loss on EUR/JPY trade move to 99.35