Anna Anna Trading Journal

I cleared out of all my trades. Had horrible internet service, they're installing new fiber optics cable, but cut cable on the way, was without service for days. Went to my sons house to use roadrunner, its great, don't think I'll ever leave his cabin in the woods.
Friday should be an interestine day.
I do live coaching classes on trading stocks, options, futures & forex. I have several price structures, if you are inerested. email [email protected]


I will be trading QQQQ, waiting for the Qs to hit HOD - high of day- could hit $31
10:30 am Dec 30 puts QAVXD in 10k contracts@ .94
10:30 am Dec 31 puts QAVXE in 10k contracts@ 1.38
10:30 am Dec 32 puts QAVXF in 10k contracts@ 1.95

10:30 am SKF 105 sell call 5k contracts @ 11.40
complete bull posted after market is closed
post your trades before market opens
then we will evaluate

Bernie, is that you?