An Experiment

This thread reminds me very much of primary school and somewhat of lemon juice.

Come on DT, it's just lulz, nothing more, so if you're offended by anything I have written, I heartily apologise as there is no malice intended on my part at your expense. I thought you would probably just join in and make the thread more obtuse.
Come on DT, it's just lulz, nothing more, so if you're offended by anything I have written, I heartily apologise as there is no malice intended on my part at your expense. I thought you would probably just join in and make the thread more obtuse.

Robster you twit.

Are you not aware that lemon juice is used by kiddies as invisible ink???

Uuuugghhhh - I cannot believe I actually sunk to your level....
<facepalm on>Bugger..........<facepalm off>

I don't think I'll ever get over upsetting you this much DT.

You've got to admit that the lemon juice reference is obscure, I thought you were using it as a metaphor for elitism and bitterness.
<facepalm on>I Bugger little boys all the time
..........<facepalm off>

I don't think I'll ever get over upsetting you this much DT.

I thought you were using it as a metaphor for elitism and bitterness.
Come on robster... what's the point of elitism and bitterness if
You can't share it with others?
Come on robster... I really want you to DP me tonight, I'm really hot and need some multi-man action
You can't share it with others as it only makes me really jealous

I can't help it TB.
I'm an emotional kind of guy and won't pander to your base desires no matter how much you want to pay me.