An Experiment

I hate to break it to you all but....

The King has on no clothes...

Bunch of fkin muppets..
So would this post count as a null hypothesis for the experiment as well as not posting anything at all......
deleted a couple - same rules :)

i'm trying the same ruse on my account to stop me keep looking at the damn thing all the time
Shot my new S&W Bodyguard 380 yesterday. As soon as I qualify it (250 rounds or so without fault), it will replace the LCP. It's that much better.

Oh wait, this is not one of the plethora of gun forums I'm on. Oh well. :D

Do your duty as an American citizen and help those who need help by buying a gun for Chanukkah, Howard.
Aim just left of the cross and empty the magazine.

SWHC Smith & Wesson sees Q3 revs $94-99 mln vs $108.16 mln Thomson Reuters consensus


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