Am I being unfaithful to my system trading girlfriend?


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A mate of mine asked me to post this up. He's a bit embarrassed so I said I'd do him a favour.

Dear T2W,

I've been going out with a really lovely swing trading method for quite a while. She's really reliable and predictable and does me well when the nice trends are going on with FTSE100 stocks. Recently though, markets have been a bit choppy and lacking direction. It's all got a bit dull so I thought I'd cheer myself up by going out and have some fun.

I didn't expect to meet a new method called 'reversals' so quickly. She's brilliant, dead exciting and really fun to do, especially over shorter timeframes. I started off with her using really fixed entry and exit rules, but she's a real fun loving method and suggested we should do a bit of experimenting if you know what I mean. After a couple of weeks now I'm using my head when it comes to picking out exits and being a bit more choosy about entries as well. I even got thrown out of a trade yesterday due to some wild volatility but got back in again because I decided my original entry rule still stood and the trade was really profitable.

She's really encouraging me down the road of dicretionary trading but I've heard it's a bit dangerous if you're not well protected and if you don't know what you're doing can get you in a right load of trouble.

Thing is though, I've got the old system based girlfriend back at home, ready to have me back and I just can't make up my mind whether this is just a discretionary fad or it's real love and mental stimulation - like you'd imagine trading should be. I can't decide which girl is best for me.

Pls help - I'm so confused.

Name & Address Witheld.
play with them both, I am sure that each one has certain qualities which you like otherwise you wouldnt stray.

if only you could take the best of each and put them into one, I am sure you will be a very happy man.

if one is making you choose over the other, then get rid of that one thats giving the ultimatum.
Seriously, is this generally how disctretionary skills develop - basically one you have method you end up optimising it based upon a growing understanding of market behaviour?