All you need is... The Further Tales

Mr Marcus,

If you apologized, it was for a reason. No one does that for nothing. I, also, apologized for causing a disturbance. Without all the legal beagle talk, I challenge you to forecast any share on the LSE, three months from the day you post that share on this site.

If you are successful, you'll get your apology and, also, a staunch supporter.


.....i have zero intention of making calls for anyone on here at the moment....there were 100s of "live" calls before "that" series...all timecoded in the chat room with mods present and verifiable....40 plus winner runs..i will call for the right reasons...and that is to help others...not to prove myself or disprove others lies.....when the time is right...i will start a new thread for people to post their "blotters"....i trust all those who "make" calls will have no problem doin so.and also if t2w reinstate a chat room....make calls...not a problem.
Hey mp6140, why don't you show us something similar! :whistling

.....i have zero intention of making calls for anyone on here at the moment....there were 100s of "live" calls before "that" series...all timecoded in the chat room with mods present and verifiable....40 plus winner runs..i will call for the right reasons...and that is to help others...not to prove myself or disprove others lies.....when the time is right...i will start a new thread for people to post their "blotters"....i trust all those who "make" calls will have no problem doin so.and also if t2w reinstate a chat room....make calls...not a problem.
I've asked the mods to clean this thread up, and move everything starting +/- 50 posts ago, over to the 'Further Tales' thread... It's gone astray long before the latest arc of posts anyway.

I suspect they are currently sunbathing, so in the meantime have a go...

Come Monday morning, and we're back serious though 😈

Ahh, did I upset you! Sure Belgium is a fine topic really! 😱:whistling

Wasp's fault! 🙂

probably........... 😱

Ah well..... :clap:
Where did lurkerlurker's post disappear to? Was it deleted just because he mentioned SOCRATES?
You've suggested that the forecasts of Mr Marcus were not genuine. Despite acknowledging that he was able to predict charts exactly three months ahead with a very high degree of accuracy, you still insist on suggesting that he is not "genuine" - this implies some contrivance to deceive and is utterly offensive. If you have proof that Mr Marcus is not genuine or is intending to deceive people with his predictions, then you are free to share it. I am certain you have no such proof, or indeed evidence you could show us. Otherwise you are making baseless insults against a man who has selflessly given significant time to this site with the singular motive of helping others.

I suspect that you disclose the true reason for the nature of your post by admitting further that you do not know how Mr Marcus was able to make this prediction. You will state that he was "behind everyone else", yet admit that he was able to predict 3 months in advance. Who else here can draw the future of an instrument with a high degree of accuracy for 3 months? Who was he behind? Again, I suspect you cannot answer this. You do not understand this ability so you insult it and suggest it must be fraudulent - insulting what you don't understand is a serious flaw in your attitude.

Mr Marcus is not a performing monkey - he attempted to teach and assist members of this site a long time ago, and would post the sort of charts you now request. Unfortunately, due to attitudes like yours, it is impossible to attempt to show anyone anything significant on these boards without people like you implying dishonesty due to your ignorance and your unwillingness to learn. Mr Marcus has nothing to prove to you or anyone on these boards, so I suspect you won't be getting rewarded for your disparagement with a nicely annotated chart of the next three months.

I have been working with Mr Marcus recently and he can indeed forecast the market accurately. He is a very successful trader. I'm not talking about BS delayed forum calls which are selectively posted - I'm talking about correct and accurate analysis of the markets in advance and live reactions to setups. He runs a very successful trading team in London and has given many hours trying to help aspiring traders. His forecasts are as genuine as his motives, and it is a sad day indeed to see this attacked by someone posting on a forum allegedly devoted to learning about trading. A shameless demonstration of ignorance and hostility.

Socrates is another example - if you read his initial posts you will see his polite demeanour, patience, and good intentions. Unfortunately I believe the attitudes on Trade2Win wore him down over time, however he also wished to help people and was also rewarded with small minded jealousy and insults.

The fact is that because of people like you, the people on this site (especially the new traders) do not have the benefit of being able to interact with those who know, and instead they have to listen to drivel from those who don't, and are more interested in their own ego, forming knitting circles, and attacking what they don't understand.

It is said on the Internet that the only way to deal with trolls is to limit your reaction to reminding others not to respond to trolls. I feel there is an injustice here which warrants comment, but I suspect it will do no good if people would prefer to believe that predicting the markets is impossible and anyone who claims this ability must be a fraud. People will believe what they want, and aside from the select few who are able and willing to take responsibility for their own development, those further ahead in any field intimidate rather than inspire. I shall not be engaging in further dialogue about this matter...or becoming involved in arguments here.

Since I'm back however briefly, I'd like to say a quick thanks to everyone who encouraged me along the way when I was posting here - and I wish you all the best in the future.

By the nature and the "writing style" of your post, it's clear you have come a long way since your first post, lurker.

But be careful in generalizing comments like "BS delayed forum calls which are selectively posted" because by definition when a "live" trade or call is placed, it cannot be selective because, at the time of the post, the poster doesn't know whether it will be a losing or winning trade. Unless he can predict the future, and up to that point there's no point in being selective about it. You see the paradox?

Having said that, there's the obvious chasm between those who believe predicting the market is impossible and to those who believe it can be done. But more importantly, for newbies, is to realize that predicting the markets is not a conditio sine qua non in order to make (a very decent) profit out of the markets.

And seriously, I - and many others - have tried to help you in the past a lot, so I think it's a bit presumptuous to make general comments like "... and are more interested in their own ego, forming knitting circles, and attacking what they don't understand."

One final note... I'm sure some of those who tried helping you along the way would be interested in your progress and the path you took to achieve it. Making a post about it first and then deleting it 5 minutes later is plain cowardly though...
Where did lurkerlurker's post disappear to? Was it deleted just because he mentioned SOCRATES?

A bit paranoid to say the least.
No, it was deleted because he deleted it himself, in the same way mr. marcus deleted a lot of his posts. So it looks like he's been taught well...

I hope for your sake's FW that you let mr.marcus stay around, and not hound him out as before. He's definitely one of the few......

"for my sake"? Mr. Marcus is free to stay and go where ever he likes, I hold nothing against him. On the contrary, I regret that I wasn't a member of T2W at the time he made these predictive calls.


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.....i have zero intention of making calls for anyone on here at the moment....there were 100s of "live" calls before "that" series...all timecoded in the chat room with mods present and verifiable....40 plus winner runs..i will call for the right reasons...and that is to help others...not to prove myself or disprove others lies.....when the time is right...i will start a new thread for people to post their "blotters"....i trust all those who "make" calls will have no problem doin so.and also if t2w reinstate a chat room....make calls...not a problem.

a true gent. i came out of the dark and down my little mountain top just to salute you.

have violated the self imposed rule of not being present here, but i do so to refresh one huge lesson you gave me regarding a bulletin board.

it is a waist of time and effort of sharing truly advanced knowledge in a bulletin board.

all the best and no more posting here on my behalf😉

by the way, im having a little jacinto in several months, and just found a provider of nappies up in that mountain
a true gent. i came out of the dark and down my little mountain top just to salute you.

have violated the self imposed rule of not being present here, but i do so to refresh one huge lesson you gave me regarding a bulletin board.

it is a waist of time and effort of sharing truly advanced knowledge in a bulletin board.

all the best and no more posting here on my behalf😉

by the way, im having a little jacinto in several months, and just found a provider of nappies up in that mountain

The one thing that strikes me, is that the exact minute the wizard posts, his followers come out of the bushes... despite bulletin boards being "a waste of time and effort".

Ironic, to say the least.

I guess it's called conditioned indeed. No offense to anyone in particular, but - speaking as an advisor - all those out there to criticize bulletin boards sure spent a lot of time there in the past.

It's not the forum or the site that's the problem, it's the trader. The answer is in the chart, not in someone else's post.

Unfortunately, people sitting on mountain tops live in thin air. They should come down to the valley some more.
This thread has people crawling out from under the stairs Firewalker.

The funniest thing in the earlier post is the portrayal of he who shall not be named as a kind gentle character. I have yet to see anyone come close to the polite baiting that he perfected - viciousness in the extreme. To the disinterested reader it certainly didn't seem that anyone else was wearing him down.
The one thing that strikes me, is that the exact minute the wizard posts, his followers come out of the bushes... despite bulletin boards being "a waste of time and effort".

Ironic, to say the least.

I guess it's called conditioned indeed. No offense to anyone in particular, but - speaking as an advisor - all those out there to criticize bulletin boards sure spent a lot of time there in the past.

It's not the forum or the site that's the problem, it's the trader. The answer is in the chart, not in someone else's post.

Unfortunately, people sitting on mountain tops live in thin air. They should come down to the valley some more.


Don't misquote. Sheesh!!😡

Jacinto said:
it is a waist of time and effort of sharing truly advanced knowledge in a bulletin board
...FW.....i have not spoken to jacinto for 2 months....i told him to follow himself as i do everyone....not follow me... which he did and promptly left for the hills before id finished the sentence....haha....its insulting to make out he doesnt have his own voice and opinion?...the irony is amazing...jacinto...lurker etc ....head for the mountains....if we bump into each other ...lets reinact the sound of the music hey....baggsie im julie andrews.
...FW.....i have not spoken to jacinto for 2 months....i told him to follow himself as i do everyone....not follow me... which he did and promptly left for the hills before id finished the sentence....haha....its insulting to make out he doesnt have his own voice and opinion?...the irony is amazing...jacinto...lurker etc ....head for the mountains....if we bump into each other ...lets reinact the sound of the music hey....baggsie im julie andrews.

hey, we are breaking rules by the minute 😀

a true gent, i repeat. proud to be student of such a wizzard 😎......that cannot be an insult.....

ok, over and out. my mountain will bump a machine today or tomorrow.

all the best