I thought you were given hell because you were a yank mp
"my situation is i got miffed over seeing what i say so often (now backed up by nine on that thread) repeated by yet another person, when i was originally given so much hell over saying it in the first place !"
"THATS why i got testy --- not you, neanderthal weedhopper quick fingered honey dipper, but because, plain and simple, i WANT my credit for going thru the crap to tell how it works !"
"I dont understand you, but i think i like you, but im not sure cause i dont ever know what youre saying !"
late last night so..................an answer
I thought you were given hell because you were a yank mp
Serious.... my only problem with your posts was Stops, even if you yourself do not use them for whatever reason you see fit
I fail to see how your method would be affected or be less effective by saying its a VERY good idea to use them say over the 4 hr tf or days and manage your risk in a phisical way ?? why a disclaimer, your saying ok I will put a disclaimer but I will not budge my stance on it or the general tone of posts regarding them even if it is a good idea for new traders to use them (Its a good idea for all traders to use them imho)
I just think it gives out the impression that Stops are for pussy"s and imho thats not the case
I understand fully what you say regards Stop runs in the lower tf / noise / getting Stopped out when your trades still valid etc
Why not post more detail on trade management mp :?:
It seems to be an issue thats worth covering, td did mention it 1st and covered it a little in a number of posts but I am sure he will not mind at all, not having invented trade management himself anyway
I think you have made some very good valid points in many posts on many threads
Regards News trade information you posted, I said at the time and posted to the effect that I had no problem with your opinion and I even agree with many of the points you have made mp. (cannot be bothered looking them up. but they are there unless LM "s broom as been out spring cleaning
Credit = do not be a big baby mp, I posted ages ago in a serious / humourous way regards market manipulation / price moved or held by large traders or whoever, who cares anyway really as long as price moves and we can find low prob trades in desired direction
"See my MEN IN BLACK POSTS on Dow 07 and FTSE 07 threads" .......I want credit I said it 1st
Its playground stuff mp, who cares who said it, or who said it 1st
Fw posts an overlap of something that you covered 1st and someone else covered 6 months ago etc etc
Others who perhaps do not like your posts or charts mp etc or just plain did not see them at the time can appreciate better what you were trying to say and the knowledge you were trying to inpart in your posts and thread
Well done mp you have spread the word and like a snowball its gathering pace :clap:
"neanderthal weedhopper quick fingered honey dipper"
a complement mp