All vendors are crooks!!

Or appearing on T2W in some cases. I'm not sure the Baghdady gang came off very well in their attempts to manage their reputation in the current thread.

The trouble is, they are probably patting each other on the back at how well they did....

That's how off the wall they were...

Anywa, with PBolyes suggestion in mind - I'll start up a "lets get the bad vendors fund"

Just send money to my paypal account or send me your credit card details and I'll take what I see fit...

Then I'll get them for you.
OK, as long as you promise not to charge the card twice 😆

Thrice welcome, darling of the Spring!
Even yet thou art to me
No bird, but an invisible thing,
A voice, a mystery

- Adam Ant, 3rd May, 1984, about tea time.
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Oh BTW, Futex are playing hardball and won't give me any information on Tom's performance or reasons for leaving.

It gets more interesting.
He was hot sh*t and decided to move on. The consensus among his adversaries is that he was just regular sh*t and was told to move on.
I had an interview with futex many years ago and the recruiter told me that I shouldn't listen to what Dante is saying. He wouldnt say more.
Can we ban these AI posting bots?

I admit to wondering whether Manostrell and Mirordana are the same AI (not so "I") and merely running different programmes or actually different models. Enquiring minds and all that.....
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I admit to wondering whether Manostrell and Mirordana are the same AI (not so "I") and merely running different programmes or actually different models. Enquiring minds and all that.....
Probably both the same software, bored children on lockdown with nothing else to do.
Very nice discussion...
All has been said back in 2012 ...
They say trading is a zero sum game.
It is true, guys that sell useless stuff to believers make money, believers buy useless stuff and lose money. 🙂
I missed this in 2012. Please allow me a late contribution.

All vendors are NOT crooks but they are all forced to sell products that aren't quite good enough. The reason is simple business economics.

If they're selling a strategy, it can only have 4 outcomes for their buyers who follow it strictly -
1. get rich quickly
2. get rich slowly
3. lose money slowly
4. lose money quickly

"Lose money slowly" is the one that avoids an instant bad reputation and litigation and regulator issues, but which raises the probability of future sales of the "advanced course", the "master-class", the "platinum membership", the new edition of an old title etc. This is reinforced by the 10,000 hours to become a trader myth and the regular slew of new indicators which are not really different and certainly not necessary.

A trading course could be a useful collation of techniques, but it won't change your life.
Why would the vendor setup a business and lose out on the tax free status of there trading.

Samuel & Co Trading
Astro FX
Falcon FX
Learn to Trade
Why would the vendor setup a business and lose out on the tax free status of there trading.

Samuel & Co Trading
Astro FX
Falcon FX
Learn to Trade
Are you saying that you know the persons who own these companies do not themselves trade as individual private retail traders?
If taxes were the real problem I would find many myfxbook trackrecords of demo accounts.
Even a demo trackrecord can prove if you are able to make pips.
Or maybe an account of 1000$ trading one microlot.
Does there trading not become a trade when they are selling trading courses and education?
The point is that teaching trading is not like teaching other subjects.

Suppose you make a living working in a factory and at the evening you learn playing piano from another person that makes a living working in a factory.
There is nothing wrong because nobody expects to start making a living playing piano.

With trading is different, you don't study trading just for fun, you expect your investment in education will lead to something profitable.
Additionally, a company can be set up and registered so as to operate as a separate legal entity from the owners and its employees. This would bring the company within the tax regime as a provider of services and educational material - but not as a spreadbetter - but leave the individuals concerned still subject to the tax rights and duties of any other man in the street.
Having an edge is much more difficult than finding a way to show a profitable trackrecord without tax, privacy or IP protection issues.
So when I cannot see a profitable trackrecord I assume thare is no profitable trackrecord and no profitable trader.
Of course you don't need to be a profitable trader to teach what is a candle or a moving average but usually people willing to pay hundreds or thousands expect something more than the basics.
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