
Legendary member
here is some useful info for AIQ RT users...

Tic/Trin/new highs/lows/advancers/decliners/volume etc

log on to myTrack (its free if you dont have it)

at the top of the myTrack quote page, click the button labelled 'market pulse' or on the toolbar, click functions/market pulse
market pulse has 2 input boxes. click arrow in left one, select 'statistics'
select desired exchange in right box
any of the displayed symbols can be put into aiq quotes, charts, or myTrack quotes - lists all of them for dow, nyse, nasdaq, amex, and london

Symbol Lookup (realtime)

from myTrack, at top of quote page, click 'symbol lookup' button
select company name, put in partial name, click send

Symbol Lookup (eod - dial data)

dial data symbol files (again, eod only, not realtime) are located here:

Indicies, Commodities, and Miscellaneous

From myTrack, press F1 key to access myTrack help
from help, click help topics / using mytrack / symbol lookup
lots of info in there

Can't Find it?

click chat button
depress 7 button
maximize chat window
type question in long input line at bottom, then single left click channel 7 window, press enter
realtime tech support available during us market hours in channel 7

Real Time Market Activity Reports

(updates on 12 minute cycle)
sign on to myTrack click market pulse button
there are numerous market activity reports - click the arrows in the selection boxes
reports for nyse, amex, london, toronto, vancouver, london , optpoins, currencies, etc
