Advice?...Market Raider Plus Program?

Market Raider Plus

Has anyone got any updates on the Market Raider Plus Programme it is now over 6 weeks since anyone posted.
I know for certain that cashmaster is not using it at present as his time is taken up with TUFXP and The Beaumont Method.
Maybe that should tell us something that cashmaster with his system and the affiliate money that he is getting at present is quite a substantial amount so as not to be to worried about pushing Market Trader Plus.
But I am quite sure he will be pushing Market Trader Plus quite soon as his method for TUFXP has not been giving him any income for the past 4 months so anyone else using his system will be in the same boat.

Sorry to appear ungracious but

I tried it about 3 months ago. Like so many of these things - hype, hype, hype turns out to be ****e, ****e, ****e..................
Market Raider Plus is a dead loss. Also, you cannot "trial it" without paying at least one month's subscription. If you trial it and decide not to go ahead, the first month's subsctiption of £97 will not be returned by Streetwise (much to my chagrin!). Here is why it is a dead loss:

Mrket Raider Plus produces an apalling financial loss - it simply does not work. Furthermore, there are no "twice weekly online audio visual makrket updates" relating Market Raider Plus. Also, there is no ongoing help relating to the 5 minute charts so I have no way of gaging the effectiveness of my results against the "system's results". Worst of all, most Market Raider Plus signals are losers or non-viables. The few trades that are profitable are very much in the minority and it is pot luck as to whether one can take advantage of the profitalbe trades. This is so because it is impossible to participate in all the trades (one can only select 2 or 3 trades at any moment in time from the dozen or so potential trades), and the chances of usually choosing the successful trades are remote. The 5 minute-chart method is not a sytem that Ian Williams follows or uses himself, and there is no day to day commentary (or even weekly commentary) on how the 5 minute charts are performing. The Swoop and Scoop information is totally irrelevant to Market Raider Plus since you totally rely on the Market Raider Signals.
I agree with russselleaton. Although I bought the system to try it out (I honestly believe that the Ian Williams system does work) - I found that the software system wasn't up to expectations and I gave up after a month or so.

I don't hold much value for any forex bots - bets thing to do is find your own system - there are plenty of good books out there that all offer tidbits of useful trading techniques.
I agree with russselleaton. Although I bought the system to try it out (I honestly believe that the Ian Williams system does work) - I found that the software system wasn't up to expectations and I gave up after a month or so.

I don't hold much value for any forex bots - bets thing to do is find your own system - there are plenty of good books out there that all offer tidbits of useful trading techniques.

Kane what good books would you recommend if you dont mind letting me know:?:
The "bible" for all newbie and amateur spread betters has got to be

The Financial Spread Betting Handbook: A Guide to Making Money Trading Spread Bets (Paperback)
by Malcolm Pryor (Author)

Anyone got any other suggestions?
Yup - like most of these things - hype. Find out about trading yourself, what you want to trade and when. Then build your own system, it really is not as difficult as it sounds, although it will take time especially if you're on your own. Try Thyre free, authoritative and informative and a must for any first timer.
Hello has anyone got anything constructive to say about the updated market raider plus program.
Would like to hear from people who have tried it not negative comments from others who have not.:-0
Hello has anyone got anything constructive to say about the updated market raider plus program.
Would like to hear from people who have tried it not negative comments from others who have not.:-0

Am I to assume by the silence that no one uses it on here😴
Am I to assume by the silence that no one uses it on here😴

The Ian Williams Magic Button MarketRaider PlusProgramme

The impressive promotion of this system by Streetwise and the name of Ian Williams was enough for me to believe this system worked. How wrong I was. My experience with this system over 10 trading days was 7 of the 10 days were losing days.(I was limited on time to trial the system because the system trial started from when the money was taken from my bank, I didn't receive the system until a week later). The system gave me advised entry and exit signals over the 10 days for 87 trades, 63 of these were losing trades and produced a loss of £53. I did contact Ian Williams who offered no explanation to why the system was consistently providing losing trade signals. Within 3 days of using the system and trading on the advised signals I had already lost £119. Mr Williams advice was to be patient?!
The deal is that you consistently pay £97 a month plus to have use of the system. So its in Streetwise and Ian Williams interest to be patient isn't it at £97 per month. I'm already £97 plus my losses out of pocket. Streetwise offered no return of my £97 and said that software wasn't covered under the Sale of Goods Act and they would defend very strongly any claims?!
Now, I'm a fair man that expect other people to be fair that have taken my money under false pretences. You make your own judgement whether Streetwise and Ian Williams are honest people.