Advice?...Market Raider Plus Program?

The system may well work. It appears to trade breakouts. Does anyone have any recent experience of it, trading a set number of pairs consistently over the last 6 months or so? CashMaster is currently blogging it (an affiliate remember) and appears to be making a steady profit on 5min bars with his nose pressed against the screen all day. Would that suit you?
ferfuxake, pedro has commented on it all that anyone would ever need to know about this shyte.

why do you people insist on pursuing this endless HG crapp ?
Cash Master Blog

Easy there Rathcool. If we were all totally blinkered we'd still be travelling around on the back of a mule.

Luv your photo by the way. I'm sure it doesn't do you justice. You look strangely familiar....
Thinking about the 30 day trial on this although the marketing material is garbage - 'just 150 places available' !!...aye, right, there'll be a few at number 149 then....don't appreciate having my intelligence, such as it is, insulted so blatently.

What I'm after then, is updated performance info from you guys at the top of the thread that took this up a few months ago.
Market Raider Plus

Although my tmobile data card was playing up this week I did catch a buy signal on Monday evening for USDCHF. I traded out, 20 mins later, at my target profit of 10 points.

Note, that i'm not following the system rules to the letter. I am only looking for entry points identified by the system (and obviously following the system advice for stop loss points), then when i reach my target profit I exit.

Well done! Using my own target would have been a sensible approach. All I ended up with were small profits and persistent (tho' modest) losses. The Rotherham guarantee seems OK to be fair.

Next step is controversial Traders University. I'll let you know!:clap:
any update, kane57 ?

I've done it. I"ve signed-up for the Market Raider Plus software (on a monthly pay as you go). Providing this software does indeed follow the techniques in TTEW course then it ought to save some time. I"ll let you guys know how my paper trading goes.....

I know this is an old post but 'here, here' to Scanjet's comment 'If we were all totally blinkered we'd still be travelling around on the back of a mule....'

The problem with many traders is that they have become totally blinkered and are not open to anything new that maybe (just maybe) worth at least looking into.

It is totally unfair to slag something off without at least giving it a chance or at least time for people to experiment and report back on it.

I am not saying this software is good or bad as I haven't tried it but we must all learn to hear what people have to say without ridiculing them. Newbies and seasoned traders come to forums like this to ask for help and advice. Yes by all means state your opinion but do we have to stoop to levels of ridicule and/or slagging someone or someone's method/idea before they've even had a chance ? The answer is a simple resounding NO.

Show some compassion, show understanding, see both sides of the coin and advise accordingly, there is no need for any insults or bad mouthing.

Trading doesn't have to be so, so hard. Okay maybe you've taken a long time to learn what you do and maybe you've lost shed loads of cash learning but it doesn't have to be that way and not everyone learns in this manner.

Times have changed, technology has improved, so much has been learned and more and more people are prepared to share their knowledge whether it be for free or given away, the general public have never had a better opportunity to get involved in trading and we should all embrace this. It is far, far easier than some years ago and this can only be a good thing.

Maybe, just maybe, new technology and methods/ideas can help people to trade a little easier and we must all be at least open to this.

There's a useful phrase I learned from a very successful person, it goes like this:

'In this world of change the learners will inherit the earth while the learned will find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists'

Learn new skills, be open minded, be prepared to change, it has to be the way forward.

Happy trading

Cash Master Blog

Easy there Rathcool. If we were all totally blinkered we'd still be travelling around on the back of a mule.

Luv your photo by the way. I'm sure it doesn't do you justice. You look strangely familiar....
He's actually selling it now for £97 per month. Now whilst I agree that if it works then he would be able to command a pricely sum. And he is !

Imagine 1000 people paying £97/month - Yes thats a massive £97,000 per month going into his Forex account ! I call that a princely sum so maybe he ain't so stupid.

I'm not so sure either that 1000 people doing the same thing would slip the price. A thousand traders doing the same thing is a piddle in the ocean (unless of course they are all trading with massive accounts) so I think he will be safe and I doubt he will sell that many subscriptions anyway.

Even if he sells just 100 subscriptions then he is raking in a cool £9700 per month, a nice amount to trade in anyones books.

Right I'm off, I think I will go and develop a nifty bit of software and speak with the guys at a publishing company 🙂

There may be robots that make money but they sure aren't for sale to the general public for a few hundred quid. Even if they do make money, mass marketing them takes away any edge they have.

If Ian has such a program - how much do you think it would be worth ? It's virtually a money printing machine. $100,000 ? $200,000 ? How much is he selling it for ???? $99.99 ?

If Ian sells this program to 1,000 people then 1,000 people will be entering the market at the same time, causing the price to slip. How much slippage before the system becomes ineffective ?

If it sounds too good to be true - it is.

I've done it. I"ve signed-up for the Market Raider Plus software (on a monthly pay as you go). Providing this software does indeed follow the techniques in TTEW course then it ought to save some time. I"ll let you guys know how my paper trading goes.....

do you have the link for the monthly pay as you go option?
Been using MRP since December and made back the cost of the system during the 30 day trial period so decided to buy it.

Reasonably easy to use and plenty of signals depending on the timeframes.

Works on the trailing stop basis, limiting losses and locking in profits as appropriate. Have sometimes taken a larger profit and ignored the stop but thats been down to personal choice.

The support is good with any questions answered promptly and they are improving the system all the time.

Hope that helps

That's good. Do you have any proof of that? I would be interested in this software if it is so good.
do you have the link for the monthly pay as you go option?

Streetwise Publications are offering the monthly pay as you go. I'm not endorsing it but if you're strapped for the lump sum payment then at least you can try it out on a month per month basis. Better to lose a couple of months at £97 per month than lose the whole £1700 which I believe it is if you buy it outright.

I would be interested to know how any 'takers' get on with it, you never know maybe it has merit, one T2W member has said it works for them so it remains to be seen if it works long term.

Good luck !
Hi there,

I don't think they have a sales site for the payg system - I have only seen mailshots in the UK for this and websites for the full price as a one off purchase.

According to the mailshots they raise a standing order on your bank account which you can cancel at anytime - they send a software disc and instructions in the post.

On the site you went to via the link is their Head Office telephone number which is
01709 820033.

Also on that site is an email address of
[email protected]

I would give them a call or send an email and see if they will arrange things for you,


Good thank you for your help on this matter will try both ways of contacting them and will see what happens.
Thank you again.
Permormance updates

Kane57, please could you update us with your progress.

There seems to be so little info on the web regarding marktraider plus (except for cashmaster). If anyone has tried this software - does it work? - would you recommend it?


Yes the lack of any feedback is very strange - which has made me think that either it is very very good and people don't want us to spoil the fun by everyone setting up trades at the same time or,,,,,,,,it's no good at all in which case they feel ashamed at having lost some money or.....maybe when you buy it you have to sign a confidentiality agreement not allowing you to publish results - I noticed Cash-master has stopped giving a daily report on his trades.

Who knows - but just my thoughts.


Market Raider Plus


Yes the lack of any feedback is very strange - which has made me think that either it is very very good and people don't want us to spoil the fun by everyone setting up trades at the same time or,,,,,,,,it's no good at all in which case they feel ashamed at having lost some money or.....maybe when you buy it you have to sign a confidentiality agreement not allowing you to publish results - I noticed Cash-master has stopped giving a daily report on his trades.

Who knows - but just my thoughts.



Has anyone got any updates on the Market Raider Plus Programme it is now over 6 weeks since anyone posted.
I know for certain that cashmaster is not using it at present as his time is taken up with TUFXP and The Beaumont Method.
Maybe that should tell us something that cashmaster with his system and the affiliate money that he is getting at present is quite a substantial amount so as not to be to worried about pushing Market Trader Plus.
But I am quite sure he will be pushing Market Trader Plus quite soon as his method for TUFXP has not been giving him any income for the past 4 months so anyone else using his system will be in the same boat.
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Bought it, used it, crap!

Over a month the system lost approx 200 pips a day.