Humble input
Sometime back, I joined this site. Wanted to be a daytrader. Found a snakeoil salesman on this site who was happy to take my money, I tell you, the snake oil cost me far more than the extortionate fee I paid! It took me off in the wrong direction, a bit of time to recover, lost a ton. I'm sure many of you will laugh at how gullible I was but then I was pure rookie thinking everyone here seemed like Mr or Mrs good guy/gal, nothing to indicate a problem, in fact the opposite, glowing tributes and back slapping, the lot! For a long time I wouldn't come near T2W again, thought it was full of charlatans. I know better now, there are some good folks here!
Go to the other end of this issue. What is the objective for this site, get it absolutely clear and defined. Then it will be easier to see which action is in-line with the objective and which isn't. Oh, and by the way, look at it from the rookie's angle if you can, they need the most help and guidance, not steered towards the snakeoil vendors. Don't forget my real experience either. I've heard positive comments made about one of these people who I know not to be a good coach/teacher, certainly not in my view (and I've been a teacher in another field, doesn't mean I'm any good either btw). I'm sure other ex-rookies have views but are too embarrassed to have a say.
Bit for the rookies. For any rookie reading this, do not assume that because someone has a high profile here that you will be getting value for money, I made that mistake! One or two days so-called training will in no way prepare you to survive in the market, in any market! Read every book you can, take time to find those gems in here who are genuinely willing to help at no cost and stay close to them, their objective is clearly to help you, not at all to take your money!
Sorry it seems bitter and heavy, especially since I've made so few posts, I promise I'm not normally like this but the subject brought back bad memories of my early exposure to T2W. Possibly this post doesn't belong here in its entirety, maybe I should be struck up, lol. Anyway only good intentions are meant.