Addendum2:Why do so few succeed?


Veteren member
Finlayson said:
Soc.....I agreed with you :rolleyes:

but most people quit before in most things in life. too difficult.

gladiators & traders :D...... sounds good but i think your cup is full

best offence intended , keep smiling

I know exactly what it is I am talking about here.

You do not, you are trying to take comfort in wooly thinking, and in the world of excuses etc.,

There is no room for that kind of behaviour in a real arena of Gladiatorial Combat, whether in absolute reality or in virtual reality. The markets are exactly that arena, whether you like it or not.

Therefore, again, Survival of the Fittest.
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yep I guess you do..........after all if you didnt you wouldnt be where you are today ;)
Amazing how these threads deteriorate so rapidly.

Bertie, stop trying to beat people into submission. Go watch a gladiator movie.
dbphoenix said:
Amazing how these threads deteriorate so rapidly.

Bertie, stop trying to beat people into submission. Go watch a gladiator movie.
They don't want to face realities do they ? They just want to argue and argue.

But you have to agree it is a zero sum game, survival of the fittest, all else is nonsense.
They don't want to face realities do they ? They just want to argue and argue.

But you have to agree it is a zero sum game, survival of the fittest, all else is nonsense.

No, they just don't to face your "reality".

The fittest needn't be the one with the biggest tool.
dbphoenix said:
No, they just don't to face your "reality".

The fittest needn't be the one with the biggest tool.
No, but with the best brains to do the job of thinking with.:LOL:
Just bye the bye - the original Socrates was reputed never to wear a shirt or shoes even in the coldest winters.
In Greece it gets mighty cold in winter.
Was he fit or balmy ?
dbphoenix said:
Actually, the ones with the millions and the equipment and the blah blah can blow up just as easily as the trader who's at his kitchen table in his pajamas.

Many people view trading as a war and the markets as a battlefield. If you like. But the "small" trader can make a very nice living simply by perceiving the flow and entering it, then exiting it at some usually predetermined point, like Nemo with the East Australian Current. (This approach is also far easier on the nerves.) In this scenario, "fittest" is, in part, he who is the most sensitive to what traders are doing, regardless of the "weapons" they are using.

Of course, if you want "everything", then you probably have issues that will interfere with your reaching your goal.
Yes, very well and succinctly put, DB. Approved.
Moving forward

East Australian Current


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Actually, a more appropriate frame would show them hanging onto Crush's shell. Crush knows how to "chill" and "go with the flow".
And so far we have only touched on three preliminary requirements only.....

They are Merit , Ability and Conduct.

Before you get too carried away with what looks to become some sort of acronym for a needlepoint sampler, give at least a passing thought to keeping it simple. This is just a message board, after all.
barjon said:

I guess this was your sideways crack at another thread. People will struggle to find it now 'cos my fickle finger's been at work :devilish:


I don't think it's a jailable offence yet to give'm the finger LOL
Pat494 said:
I don't think it's a jailable offence yet to give'm the finger LOL
No, perhaps not, but the idea you propose in your post above number 68 is utterly pointless.
If you are interested in Creative Thought the book to read is PO : BEYOND YES AND NO.
I wonder if all these modern artists that create "art" out of faeces might also have read "Po"...

creative thought inscribed in Poo, inspired by Po, pushing the boundaries of Yes and No.

Chicken Curry said:
Why do so few succeed ?......................

1. Because most people are not particularly intelligent. Merit
2. Because most people are lazy. Merit + Conduct
3. Because most people have a lousy attitude towards hard work. Ability
4. Because most people are not prepared to spend 3 to 5 years working hard at it. Merit + Ability
5. Because most people think it is an easy way to earn a fast buck. Conduct
6. Because most people are not prepared to drag themselves off the floor and start again after a particularly bad reversal. Merit + Conduct
7. Because most people gamble and do not play the probability game correctly. Conduct
8. Because most people do not know how to or even want to conquer their fears. Merit + Conduct
9. Because most people are insatiably greedy. Conduct
10. Because most people really do not have a clue. Ability