A reality call...


Does anyone here know George or Warren personally, if so, can I have their number please.

I know a guy that wrote a book on Warren Buffet & how he trades.

The title is "Buffett Beyond Value: Why Warren Buffett Looks to Growth and Management When Investing"

I've had beers with the guy. The book is actually very good - one of the few that really taps into what Warren does.

You want to guess whether the author trades or not?

tell you what...

give me a penguin with tourettes.

every time it says 'fooking fish', I'll take a trade.

now - if I'm profitable, there will probably be a coupla hundred guys trying to buy the penguin off me.

I'm a discretionary trader, so whenever the penguin swears, I'll just go with where I think the market is heading, based on how I understand market structure. This is the skill. The penguin is a gimmick. A bit like your MA.

Still, I'm game. Let's take - the 9MA on the EUR/USD, 5 min chart. Shall we have a friendly wager on it?

Just one other condition - you need to follow rules stated on this forum somewhere, or elsewhere on the internet. After all, everything you need to trade is on the internet, this shouldn't be too hard.

What shall we say? You make $$$$ and I buy you a Kindle? You lose and you buy me a kindle?

As for live room - why not just live posts? I don't want to join a trading room...

Sure. You also have not answered the points about why you are on he net trawling for business if you think there is nothing on here worth it and yet sell you software, so might I suggest you also show us how good your software is
Sure. You also have not answered the points about why you are on he net trawling for business if you think there is nothing on here worth it and yet sell you software, so might I suggest you also show us how good your software is

A fascinating dilemma...I can hear the suspense music playing....

Does the vendor post something worthwhile on the internet...a world first in the history of the internet and trading...


Does the vendor maintain that everything about trading on the internet is BS....
Sure. You also have not answered the points about why you are on he net trawling for business if you think there is nothing on here worth it and yet sell you software, so might I suggest you also show us how good your software is

LOL @ Trawling for business. Like I say, if you want to have that discussion - start a thread on it. You are more than welcome to try the software if you want to see how good it is.

For now, we are discussing something very specific. You have made a claim that all you need is on the internet and then backed off when asked for some pointers. The OP claims there's nothing of real value in the public domain and you disagree.

Forget me for a minute, why not point out all this good stuff to the newer people here? Wouldn't it be nice for once for someone to show them where the good stuff is, if indeed the good stuff exists in the public domain?

Your attempts to attack me are a poor diversion tactic. Shall we just agree that you don't know where all this good stuff is on the internet and it was just an off the cuff remark? Or shall we fall back on "don't want to reveal my edge"?
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Hey ToastMan.. you sell your software over the net, you give eight lessons on the net and my goodness..................Joel Parker gives a half hour webinar, guess where, ....... oh it on the net! Heh, heh
Learning charting on the net is impossible but gee wizz...I can become quite proficient in your DOM ladders if I um......study it on the net.
Heh, Heh, Oh dear....................😗whistling

Oh! Anybody got questions? Heh,heh, the answers are on the um,,, heh heh.....the net [email protected]
............ tree surgeons, .......... all learn their trade through forum posts...
Beautiful.....................Fell straight into my hands. I'd say you know sweet bugger all about this industry.
The finest lopper I ever had the privilege to work with, is totally untrained, never been to arborist school and never trained under another lopper.
A carpenter by trade but in his early twenties roped a chainsaw to his belt and climbed a tree and lopped it. Within five years he was the best in the business.
When I hear other loppers talk about him they sniff "He's untrained, he's dangerous, he's this or he's that" or some other crap. And my answer to them, that's why you're earning $300 a day and he's earning $800 and finished by 3.30.
A "mentor" can be as every bit helpful as they can be damaging.
LOL @ Trawling for business. Like I say, if you want to have that discussion - start a thread on it. You are more than welcome to try the software if you want to see how good it is.

For now, we are discussing something very specific. You have made a claim that all you need is on the internet and then backed off when asked for some pointers. The OP claims there's nothing of real value in the public domain and you disagree.

Forget me for a minute, why not point out all this good stuff to the newer people here? Wouldn't it be nice for once for someone to show them where the good stuff is, if indeed the good stuff exists in the public domain?

Your attempts to attack me are a poor diversion tactic. Shall we just agree that you don't know where all this good stuff is on the internet and it was just an off the cuff remark? Or shall we fall back on "don't want to reveal my edge"?

er no. shall we say that there is nothing of value on the internet, and that must clearly involve the products you sell. Or is there good stuff on the internet like the products you peddle,please answer.🙂 I think youve lost that argument.

As for me showing my edge,feel free to join the live call thread and see how we trade there.You can also see our set ups and learn from our errors, or are you saying that is C%%p as well? please answer🙂
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Hey ToastMan.. you sell your software over the net, you give eight lessons on the net and my goodness..................Joel Parker gives a half hour webinar, guess where, ....... oh it on the net! Heh, heh
Learning charting on the net is impossible but gee wizz...I can become quite proficient in your DOM ladders if I um......study it on the net.
Heh, Heh, Oh dear....................😗whistling

Oh! Anybody got questions? Heh,heh, the answers are on the um,,, heh heh.....the net [email protected]

Well - if you studied harder, you'd see those free lessons for what they are...
...a taster to what you are letting yourself in for if you take up order book analysis/tape reading - you know, the stuff they teach in prop shops.

This does a lot to prevent people from buying the software without understanding what they are letting themselves in for. Which is a considerable amount of work.

If you want someone to teach you this - you go to Joel Parker or John Grady (no BS Day Trading). Neither of whom will be teaching you stuff that's on this or other forums.

You can take what either teach you and apply it with or without the software I sell.

Still - perhaps I need to edit my website. Seems I didn't quite make it idiot proof.
er no. shall we say that there is nothing of value on the internet, and that must clearly involve the products you sell. Or is there good stuff on the internet like the products you peddle,please answer.🙂 I think youve lost that argument.

As for me showing my edge,feel free to join the live call thread and see how we trade there.You can also see our set ups and learn from our errors, or are you saying that is C%%p as well? please answer🙂

No - we said you won't learn to trade off the internet. That is the OPs claim & I agree with it.

You have comprehension issues, is all. Or rather, you want to change the argument into something else.

Like I said - I am not saying you can't trade. I am saying you are coming out with some nonsense. Like the "give me any system and I'll show you it working" offer, which you seem to have retracted.

The reason you could make any system work would be because you would apply discretion to it. The system would be a hindrance, not a help. It is the diecretion you apply that is the skill and that is not to be found on these forums.
If it was, you'd have pointed it out by now.
No - we said you won't learn to trade off the internet. That is the OPs claim & I agree with it.
OP said.... "wannabe traders are encouraged to believe that you can achieve all your trading dreams in isolation, and from the comfort of your home using free information from the internet"
Sure he could use the free information, then apply it as he wishes and as he should in order to become a proficient trader just as a trader could take your stuff from the net and become a good trader.
This griefer and multi nic, tony1979 said "i can testify from personal experience, that you need a mentor, or someone in a similar capacity." which of course is garbage because you would have to find a "mentor" that had exactly the same psycological make up as the newbie trader. Who mentors the mentor, so that both you and your mentor don't fall into the same poopoo that even the best fall into.
Just because that poor sod needs to sucks a mentors breasts it doesn't mean others do.
...a taster to what you are letting yourself in for if you take up order book analysis/tape reading - you know, the stuff they teach in prop shops.
And they don't teach charts?
If you want someone to teach you this - you go to Joel Parker or John Grady (no BS Day Trading). Neither of whom will be teaching you stuff that's on this or other forums.
Fantastic! So they will coach me by the internet through all of this by the OP
"....... but trust me when i say this, you need to know people who've proved themselves year after year to be consistently profitable through changing eras of political regimes, economic bubbles and busts, wars and social unrest. In case you didn't realise, those individuals who've prospered through these times (20 years+) are very few in numbers."
The OP is a griefer and a banned multi nic.
Just to clear something up...I didn't say there's nothing of value for free on the internet, in fact there's lots, and the right sources are a great starting point, but it will only get you so far. However, I did say you need to know someone personally who has already excelled in the field you wish to excel at. Hope this clarifies my position on the issue.
This is a serious question... What information could someone who has excelled in this field give me that I would be unable to find or work out for myself through hard work and dedication etc? How would knowing someone personally move me from never being able to make money to becoming consistent?
"someone personally who has already excelled in the field"

Did most of these people have mentors?
This is a serious question... What information could someone who has excelled in this field give me that I would be unable to find or work out for myself through hard work and dedication etc? How would knowing someone personally move me from never being able to make money to becoming consistent?

I dont think you can underestimate the impact of a decent mentor.

Most people who are relying on forums, have more chance of finding unicorn dung, than stumbling across someone who is genuinly able to help them. Lets face it, the role of forums is to ensure they dont make it.

If you are in a situation where you are losing money, and every other muppet who hangs out in the same trading room / forum / website is losing money too, and every single vendor turns out to be fraudulant, or clueless, or just lucky for a while, then it kind of gets discouraging. It can get so bad, you start to believe its not possible to trade profitably for prolonged periods. I can certainly remember having those kinds of thoughts 10 years or so ago.

But all that changes at the point that you find someone who can demonstrate that it is actually possible. It only takes one black swan to disprove the rule all swans are white.

I'm not actually sure that I would have stuck with doing what needed to be done, without having the proof that it was maybe possible. The problem is, when you start looking, there's not that much proof out there, a lot of these guys are a product of survivorship bias (and I'm aware I might be too, but at least I understand how I'll manage and deal with it if thats the case)
So it was purely the psychological impact that having a mentor had? There were no methods or information that helped you push past that barrier?
This is a serious question... What information could someone who has excelled in this field give me that I would be unable to find or work out for myself through hard work and dedication etc? How would knowing someone personally move me from never being able to make money to becoming consistent?

To answer your question---a lot of saved time, probably.

It does does not mean to say that that person can be trusted but, if you could find the right one, he would save you a lot of time.

Most of the dedicated students who follow this business and who are known on this site, have been trying new ideas for years and they are, still, looking.