A fundamental shift in your worldview?

Windy, sounds like you could usefully consider a fundamental shift in your broker - to one you do like the sound of, or better yet perhaps, an execution-only setup. Other humans often just get in the way....
JumpOff said:
Ahem... ,
For me, the times of greatest learning were precipitated by events beyond my control - events that caused me to 'look anew'. Jo

hmmm perhaps most ?people will usually try to force external events , people,situations,information and engage initially in trying to reposition them so that they work towards adjusting the unusual new information,encounter,experience ,person etc in order to slot it in to their own set of conditioned beliefs to assume control or make sense of the situation or to feel comfortable.

"Humans will try to force the external world (physical and non) to change to fit in with their own condition beliefs before they subject themselves to any possible review of their own beliefs"

how long people take to look at themselves I assume is probably linked to the level of emotional impact relating to whatever experience they are exposed to at the time. It may be too painful to even contemplate at looking within, fear of their own emotions maybe. Defence mechanisms (conditioned) will be at work until you perhaps are comfortable and not afraid to be open to your very own core, thats one way to adavance . (tough maybe ,but you are you what is there to be afraid of?)

Mark Douglas (disciplined trader) highlights and uses the term "Forced Awareness"

The external world and the emotional pain of the exposure is too great for you to defend against emotional/psychologically the external is forcing your internal to stop you dead in your tracks. Painful maybe, but then admitting that you recognise you need to examine yourself is the first and often the most difficult step to take on the road to recovery,progress and evolution of self.

Im aware that in Zen meditation that to sit and let what ever it is in your mind flow into conscious ,warts and all, In order to not supress deep rooted negative/positive charged exposure of life experience, bring to your consciuos ,label it, put it in a box and send it off. In order for you to always come back to living in the NOW. Life is after all just one big moment?

Better then to perhaps to be in a state of mind which is calm, grounded essentially at peace with itself ,conflicts are dealt with in meditation you are able then to fully appreciate the bueaty of life, its simplicity which surrounds your every moment .

Other humans however will be trying to manipulate your time, beliefs as they struggle to even simply live day to day.. but again it comes back to people not wanting to look within.

Wasnt it JC himself who said "The Kingdom Of Heaven Lies Within"?

Find peace within yourself , you will then find yourself and not wish harm to any other.

All brothers under the same sun
Fine words indeed fellow traders.Did I also mention toxic parents? It's rapidly becoming a many bladed sword!