Sept 08
Of course, each phase of my understanding needs a new post. I have also missed the optionetics course I did in 2004 which promised much but still left me scratching my head because all options strategies I learnt still left me needing to decide if the markets would go up, down or stay still.
I read through Carters book. A few weeks ago I opened a Futures account with Tradestation, not with the intention of trading - just with the intention of getting the platform fees down. I purchased the ESL course & I learnt how to program ESL.
Then I started going through Johns book again and some things hit me. First of all, that most of the entry & exits in the book do not work. This is a good thing in my opinion, had they worked, I would have failed to come to the conclusion that it is likely that nothing will work forever. Also, I now understand that I need to find something that works for me and i need to understand WHY it works. If not, when it stops working, I'll be like a lost little sheep.
Also - that maybe I can't expect the system to do everything for me. Programming Tradestation is VERY useful - just the other day, I started to look at the impact of pre-market volumes on the Dow, I was quickly able to write a script to fo this. I don't think I'll personally worry too much about automating my trading, although once I have a feel for what kind of market we are in - I may leave some automated trades on that suit that type of market. I think some aspect of trading has to be discretionary. I can't program 'that chart look sweet' and I started programming computers at 13...
So here I am...
- Carter has taught me a lot about the workings of the futures markets for a bargain price. Not so much on Forex, but that was also very useful
- I am still looking at Carters strategies to understand more about why they had worked & why they don't work at the moment. I don't hope to fix them but I do think there's more to learn here.
- I do believe that his chapters on assessing the markets direction based on TRIN, TICK, put/call ratios etc. are very good and I am looking at these daily to get a feel for them
- Also his chapter on monthly/weekly/daily/hourly analysis appears to be good way of getting a feel for the markets and is worthy of investigation.
So - I feel I have a lot to go on in studying and I feel under no pressure to start trading BUT I am a little concerned that I may be looking in too much depth at certain things.
For now, I will stick with index futures for my analysis - things on my list to do now are :
- Continued study of various strategies from the viewpoint of why they'd work
- Look into Forex in more detail
- Look into key economic dates & data that sway the markets to see if these need to be part of my trading plan.
- Continued watching of pre-market action & the market open on the DOW - just watching the Ticks as well as TRIN, TIKI, TICK & put/call raios to see if they really are useful for me
Comments are more than welcome.
I am sure that my current 'surefire' conclusions will be replaced with new ones within a month.