A £25,000 Lunch


Well-known member
Would you fancy a £25,000 lunch?

Apparently, the jet set do, being prepared to wait 3 years for it.

Of course it is for the super-rich, and an excellent place for socialising: 'It is not uncommon for us to have four or five kings and queens in the room at the same time, together with film stars, politicians, heads of industry and celebrated financiers.' But between such a lunch and a meal at home, I figure I still prefer the latter. 🙄

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Interesting point.

I've often wondered if we have a 'built-in' appreciation of value.

For instance, I'd have no problem spending £25 on lunch.

But if I were 1000 times wealthier than I currently am, would I feel just the same about spending £25,000 on lunch?

I don't think so. Probably to do with where you start out from (socio-economically speaking) and how you spend your formative years. I think we're very unlikely to reappraise our 'value' filters.

I'm sure there are exceptions on both sides of the fence: such as lottery winners who fully embrace and enjoy their new found wealth and born-wealthy types who live comparatively frugal lifestyles.

Wouldn't mind finding out though....
i think the businessmen that attend these lunches are to network and it makes them loads of more dough in the longer run