That quote; "The markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent..."

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Black Swan

That quote; "The markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent..."

Airline share prices? Pfftt...BA is only down cicra four percent. Then you've got the holiday operators, surely it'll take more than Louise and Jamie Redknapp, telling us what a chavtastic time they've had (without their kids) in Ibiza for two weeks to keep Thomas Cook et all from getting splattered? Well TCG, down circa 4%, but they won't get rescued with a bailout. BTW no offence to the Redknapps, give me them than the Beckhams anyday...😆

No doubt this mess will represent a buying opportunity for long term investors...🙄 Amazing that the *damage* OBL caused to the airline industry and general faith in commerce caused a collapse on the markets, but this strangulation of commerce is so far only a blip on the radar...perhaps given it's such a Euro centric issue it isn't a concern..yet..

Gotta love our politicians, already talking up a bail out for the airlines. Very handy that, given so many were already on respirator 😉. Unlike their poor customers, who are sytematically being knocked back for insurance claims, airlines are insured for such events. Heh, that's what, for example, AIG and Lloyds of London are for..couldn't have them affected now could we? Far better to stiff the bill on the taxpayer, after all what's another £100bl invoice onto the public when you're gonna stiff them with the £1 trillion bill (after the election) to rescue the banks? Comical when you think that the last time this volcano erupted was in 1821, the effects lasting five years. The eruption has accelerated over the past 24hrs in terms of the general *stuff* being spewed out, yet the arrogance of man, well Willie Walsh of BA in particular, believes we can overcome, he thinks it'll be ok to fly into a 5hit storm for the forseeable..

Back to the original point, will markets ever correct *healthily* in the short or medium term given the intelligence that moves the markets knows that, whatever the event, the G7 - G20 will always rescue the system by socialising the losses to protect private profits for the few? Do we need to change that famous phrase above to as Shadow Ninja beautifully puts it; "The markets will stay solvent longer than you stay irrational"? Or should it be changed to "The markets will stay solvent so long as the market movers know that politicians will always socialise the losses?"
Re: That quote; "The markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent..."

This all comes back to fiat money. Stocks are bought with fiat money, so if more is produced, stocks will continue to go higher.

I don't trade stocks myself but I'm not convinced as a "neutral" they are too high. I think if you trade them and want to be short, then after a few months of watching them go up day after day, you will conclude they are "overbought".

Our memories of 2008/2009 are still fresh in our minds and deep down we all know that another correction is around the corner, right? Well, maybe not. The crash of 1987 proved to be one of the best buying opportunities for a long time, and the market fell 25 pct in one day.

Ultimately, the Fed will keep rates low for an "extended period" to help banks make money (steep yield curve, ripping customers) as their remit is to preserve the profitability of the banking system. Furthermore, with unemployment so high and inflation somewhere in the distance, additional money can always be created to help us weather any future shocks .. from this angle, the stockmarkets look like a medium term buy.