9/11 short sellers

That wouldn't benefit anyone but you and the T2W members who I annoy. Also, I don't believe in self sacrifice. Now, if someone assassinated me because I was destined to become the next Hitler I'd say fair enough.
How can you be utilitarian without believing in self sacrifice? One of the following apply:

1. You are not utilitarian, full stop
2. You assign ±infinity utility to certain acts, which is utilitarianism base + an existing ethical system, which is not utilitarianism
3. You believe only in maximising self-utility, in which case you are a hedonist.
How can you be utilitarian without believing in self sacrifice? One of the following apply:

1. You are not utilitarian, full stop
2. You assign ±infinity utility to certain acts, which is utilitarianism base + an existing ethical system, which is not utilitarianism
3. You believe only in maximising self-utility, in which case you are a hedonist.

FFS, arabian, stop trying to raise the tone of this thread...
out of intrest, anyone who made alot of money on 9/11. did you feel you should of donated that money to charity etc due to the way it was made. and did you?