9/11 short sellers

whats your problem ADB ?
My problem with bull-sh1t conspiracy "truth-seekers" is that that's exactly what they are not.

It took me 5 minutes to find the answer to your question, see footnote 130 on page 499
of the official report here.

As I can't c&p a pdf, it's nicely summerised here . . .

"So, to repeat, were Osama and his accomplices involved in insider trading? Part of the answer is tucked away in a footnote on page 499 of the 9/11 Commission Report. The commissioners, basing their findings upon exhaustive research of millions of transactions by the Securities and Exchange Commission, note that "some unusual trading did in fact occur, but each such trade proved to have an innocuous explanation." Moreover, "the trading had no connection with 9/11." So what happened? "A single U.S.-based institutional investor with no conceivable ties to al Qaeda purchased 95 percent of the UAL puts on September 6." This same institution, as part of a complex trading strategy, also purchased 115,000 shares of AMR on September 10. But what about the spike in AMR puts trading on September 10? It turns out that a "U.S.-based options trading newsletter, faxed to its subscribers on Sunday, September 9...recommended these trades." Readers jumped in headfirst come Monday morning, only to strike it tragically lucky the next day. "

I assume (as you post on a trading board) that you appreciate the implications of a "buy stock, buy puts" stratagy?

Serious question price777999 . . .
Exactly what research did YOU personally do before posting the OP ?
No Im Not Drunk and Prison Planet is Important as an "Unfiltered" alternate news source to report on the truth that you do not generally see or hear about and the progression of the US into a socialist system via the New World Order that most are ignorant of. This was conveniently announced by George W Bush Snr on September 11 1991; as seen on youtube (Rc7i0wCFf8g) This is simple FACT. It seems quite ironic that the actual catalyst to propel the globe into a Terror driven NWO occurred exactly 10 years later to the day. But that may have been purely by chance.

The probability escalates exponentially when 3 burning steel framed/cored buildings collapse to the earth due to fire..the first ever in history, and worse still 3 on the same day. Some weak kerosene driven fires that were almost out amazingly melted asbestos coated steel which physics states is not possible. They then crash to the ground at freefall speed in their own footprint, about as fast as standard demolitions. WTC7 fell later and was forecast by TV a half hour before it happened as seen on youtube (ejjySUVOGKA) when the BBC Reports Live that WTC7 has fallen, yet it still stands. If only I could pick direction of the market that easy...

Within less than half an hour the TV experts get wind of a name "Bin Laden?". As stated in my first post Dick Cheney stated they have NEVER accused Bin Laden or AlQuaeda. From this FACT I can deduce that Bin Laden and AlQuaeda were not necessarily responsible for 911. So who was..Not Saddam..with his "confirmed" wmd's. So this is FACT. Innocent until proven guilty. There is more terror imprinted on your mind from the repetition device that is TV, better known as brainwashing.

This is only 1/1000th of the jigsaw puzzle that is 911. Anyways this is not a place to talk 911, although that was a significant part of the forum question.

My purpose on these forums is to find a free CFD data service so I can make better trade decisions through implementation of advanced analytics. I was hoping a veteran member like yourself may be able to help me out...
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I reckon there is a correlation between belief in esoteric TA and belief in esoteric conspriacy garbage.

its all a bit to convenient for governments to label people that ask questions they dont like as crazy conspiracy theorists init ?
I dont think there is a New World Order anyway. I think bad decisions snowball and various evil people or organisations make the most of a situation/opportunity that presents itself. Its all bullshizer anyway. None of us could do anything if there was this huge conspiracy and we all know we just want to take a piece of the action of their most powerful weapon... Capitalism and the market. Hence, us all being on this trading website.
I'm astonished that no-one has suggested the "9/11 short sellers" were obviously the pilots of the aircraft...............
I dont think there is a New World Order anyway. I think bad decisions snowball and various evil people or organisations make the most of a situation/opportunity that presents itself. Its all bullshizer anyway. None of us could do anything if there was this huge conspiracy and we all know we just want to take a piece of the action of their most powerful weapon... Capitalism and the market. Hence, us all being on this trading website.

yes thats a good point .

who would have gone short if they were tipped of about 9/11 probably all of us ?
If we were all somehow transported back to september 9th knowing nothing of the upcoming event but retaining what we know about the markets I bet most of us would now be retired. 9/11 was free money for anyone who knew anything about trading.
Without wishing to tip my hand on this one (LOL) – all of you who ‘really believe’ there was more to 9/11 than the official version suggests may want to do your research in this area. Enjoy.

Global Consciousness Project. With specific regard to the data 06:00-10:00 ET September 11/2001.

It’s Whales.
Without wishing to tip my hand on this one (LOL) – all of you who ‘really believe’ there was more to 9/11 than the official version suggests may want to do your research in this area. Enjoy.

Global Consciousness Project. With specific regard to the data 06:00-10:00 ET September 11/2001.

It’s Whales.

funny , i dont belive there was a conspriacy , i belive Al Q did 9/11 ...
I'm astonished that no-one has suggested the "9/11 short sellers" were obviously the pilots of the aircraft...............

Thats like suggesting the shoe-bomber should have shorted Brantano. :cheesy:

Hold on a minute! Brantano. Sounds strangely similar to Guantan(am)o.
Was he secretly trying to tell us about this Cuban base?!
Did he wear a size 11 shoe?

good luck for US open, Mr Charts.
totally unrelated, but are you finding greater volatility on your trading? FX is a dream.
one was size 9 the one containing the bomb was size 11. The fact he left the house wearing legs must have been a metaphor for the wtc twin towers.

How could we have been so stupid?