you can't trade with small amounts, you are under capitalised. I reckon £10k minimum is needed and thats why I have stopped wastingmoney blowing small accounts.
its a pipe dream to think you can take £100 to £10000 as to do so involves too much risk
I respect your opinion. I have read your 10k thread of course.
However, without having read them all and done the stats, from casual reading of T2W, there seem to be as many horror stories of people blowing large accounts as small ones.
I continue to believe that it is possible to trade a small account up into a big one, although I admit that it would be extremely difficult. I am currently trying to do something like this. Not a £100 account, but a lot smaller than a few accounts I have blown in the past. And yes, it is tough going, but then perhaps it ought to be tough.
I wonder who is likely to blow a 10k account first: Someone who slowly worked it up from a few hundred, or someone who started out with 10k from the beginning? I honestly don't know the answer to that question, and of course it must depend on many factors.
What you say about risk is quite correct in once sense, but I wonder if it depends on the person doing it. Provided they go into it fully conscious that they are taking a high risk at first, then maybe it could work. The difficult thing would be for them to realise where and when they need to start reducing the risk.