45% income tax? wtf come agen?

Dear AlphaDawg,

Thank you for your kind words, but I am afraid the posting admiration cannot be mutual - I am with Wasp, and others in favour of the English language as she is traditionally written.

Your original posting was fair enough, in content at least, despite the disagreeable metaphors and lamentable quality of English. But you did not live up to your "early promise".

One can get away with being rude and disagreeable to people when one has a track-record of achievement, e.g. Sir Alan Sugar, or Gordon Ramsay (I like Sugar, as it happens; can't stand Ramsay, but he is an achiever). When one has no proven record, it's safer to be a bit more respectful, especially when among those who probably know a bit more about life than you do. This respect extends to respect for the English language. I've seen people whose first language wasn't English post perfectly respectable sentences with apologies for them. If your first language is English (which I presume that it is) then you are showing yourself up, compared to people who try a lot harder than you do to be properly understood. If you can't learn this, you will not learn anything.

hahahaha u guys crack me up so much.

you sound like my grandad. look here bruv,i duno what 'promise' ur talkin bout,
...aannd....im lost for words lol lol

i gues capital punishment is what i deserve.

all u fukin guys are so seriuos up in here its like a dead grave or something.

neways jokes. i aint 60 yrs old. you guys are trippin lol

hahahaha u guys crack me up so much.

you sound like my grandad. look here bruv,i duno what 'promise' ur talkin bout,
...aannd....im lost for words lol lol

i gues capital punishment is what i deserve.

all u fukin guys are so seriuos up in here its like a dead grave or something.

neways jokes. i aint 60 yrs old. you guys are trippin lol


come on... get a bit of consistency.... talk properly or talk like a twat, no half hearted efforts. So many missed opportunities... I'm disappointed.
wasp i dont talk n use words to turn u on or please u lol

Well you don't do it to post in depth, and useful trading related ideas, tips or questions so that only leaves attention! 😎

Anyway, I'm bored, finished what I was stuck to the desk doing, and now I shall leave you in peace to be a tit, all by yourself... 😴
aparenly the chancellor is intending to raise the top rate of income tax to 45% after next election.

WTF ... i might as well lay down naked myself, blind fold myself, open my front door, dim the lights down, play some sweet music, and invite Darling to come n butt rape me, and while thats all on offer i might aswell then drive him back home afta dat to save him money, not to mention stop off on the services to buy him a cheese burger.

i rekon we shud all do something....take to the streets or something. 45% should be considered a crime.

n i dont even wana mention that there were times in the 70's when some top rate tax was near 80% wtfffffff i wud jus commit suicide man. Id rather get robbed n burgled by the '''reall'' criminal on ground

this makes me sik
holla at me if this makes u sik aswell

holla bruv i is well *****d init dis is some well sic sh1t or sumfink dat gov dude is chattin sh1t bruvs you get me