45% income tax? wtf come agen?

You got in to college?! 😱

cors i got into to college. lol
u old fellas betar come n check out what college is dese days...cos the way u talk its not the same institution where ur teachers whould whip ur ass n kane u for lil stuff
" Bayby Ps " protection...wtf if 40% couldn't save that lil fella than i duno about 45%. That lil kids got my respect deep. I feel for him.
But i would rather contribute directly to agencies that can protect Baby Ps.

I was about to get into a 'serious' discussion with you on this topic. But thankfully I stopped myself just in time.

cors i got into to college. lol
u old fellas betar come n check out what college is dese days...cos the way u talk its not the same institution where ur teachers whould whip ur ass n kane u for lil stuff

What would happen if all T2W members put you onto their ignore list due to your ridiculous & ghastly butchering of the English language?
Where would you get attention from then?
You need us. So refrain from being abusive or insulting, if you could.
Nice one guv'nor!
cors i got into to college. lol
u old fellas betar come n check out what college is dese days...cos the way u talk its not the same institution where ur teachers whould whip ur ass n kane u for lil stuff

So its still a place for lazy kids to avoid working for a living then?
What would happen if all T2W members put you onto their ignore list due to your ridiculous & ghastly butchering of the English language?
Where would you get attention from then?
You need us. So refrain from being abusive or insulting, if you could.
Nice one guv'nor!

lol sh*t joookes hahaha u make it sound asif its gona hurt me...

yea actuli i would be heaaart broken. my world would end. everytime i go n chill wiv my mates i wont be the same agen. when i go out on da lash on the nights clubin....i wont be able to have fun....because deep inside the back of ma mind...i know the T2W members are ignoring me....ohh the pain....i might aswell cancel my holiday in the summer wiv my mates 2 magaluf and malia...cos the love of my life has left me...😢😍
lol sh*t joookes hahaha u make it sound asif its gona hurt me...

yea actuli i would be heaaart broken. my world would end. everytime i go n chill wiv my mates i wont be the same agen. when i go out on da lash on the nights clubin....i wont be able to have fun....because deep inside the back of ma mind...i know the T2W members are ignoring me....ohh the pain....i might aswell cancel my holiday in the summer wiv my mates 2 magaluf and malia...cos the love of my life has left me...😢😍

If you include too many cliches and make it too obvious, people might just realise you are making all this up!
yoyo look all now
im gona go out now this is funny lol

im gna bounce so u keep talking
try to get this thread back to the 45% tax thin

im gna breeze later
yoyo look all now
im gona go out now this is funny lol

im gna bounce so u keep talking
try to get this thread back to the 45% tax thin

im gna breeze later

shbsw wrwr ewpojt wreg

knwf fwwrejleetg wlkjnwerl wpirejg

wkirntg wlnrnrpog libgbkwkng kjbnkwbnr

nllwr lknlwer wllnwrtg

:clap: :clap: :cheesy:

I find your variegated language somewhat distracting and it has detracted fellow members from contributing to the disputation. The subject matter of this thread has now moved from the topic of your initial post which was a grievance at the government's proposed increase on earnings levy, to postulate over your identity and sagacity.

Perhaps if you were more veracious in your use of English the attendees of this website would be more congenial, innit.
He's probably a rich kid who went to Eton and talks like Sebastian Flyte when he goes home to meet "Mater". His only outlet for the made-up street talk is forums like this one.

"Daddy"'s accountants will probably be able to take care of his tax position for him, when he comes into his trust, unfortunately.
A tax on success - interesting tactic to revive the economy - I think not.

I doubt it will actually bring in much money - most people who work hard enough and/or are smart enough to earn 150k + will find pefectly legal ways of limiting the impact
Make sure you use your full ISA allowance, £7,200 for a full "stocks and shares" ISA (if you can find something decent to invest in!).

The VAT cut is welcome (anyone know exactly when it comes into effect? As usual, the news reports are annoyingly vague). However, this is one tax I object to more than income tax. So be aware of exactly how much VAT you are paying, i.e. what is VAT-able, and what isn't. I like Waitrose because they make it clear on their till receipts which items attract VAT and which don't, and summarise the VAT at the bottom. (Why don't all shops do this?).

Most things are predictable, but occasionally I get a surprise, e.g. pure fruit juice is VAT-able. I'd expect Coke to be, but fruit juice? Isn't that supposed to be healthy and all? (I don't actually think so, but that's an argument for another day). As far as I remember all fresh food is VAT-free. I know ready-cooked and warm stuff is VAT-able. I am not sure about things like frozen ready-meals. (I try never to buy heavily-processed foods, but again, that's another issue entirely).

For my supermarket shopping, I take pride in walking out having paid as little VAT as possible, preferably none 🙂

(I notice that Darling has upped the duty on tobacco, alcohol and petrol to counteract the VAT reduction, so the price is supposed to remain the same).

He's also put up NI, which is another tax I resent, since it's a kind of "back-door" income tax. I wish they'd be honest and put it on income-tax proper.

Makes me even more glad to be a spread-better.
Now, if I can just become a profitable one...

yes bruv nice 1 'montmorency'

dats the kind of posts we need.

unlike fuking 'wasp' whos spent the past 6 hours, n about 80% of my threads space talkin bout the fukin dictionary, tea n crummpets, and then finanally afta alot of bitchhin decides

''labour wont spend my 45p very well so tax deductions blah baha''

u shuda jus said that one liner

hey wasp its a monday night 2day watford is a ill place to be on a monday night. go to da destiny club, i rekon all tha gash will be on u if you talk like Winston Churchill is still partyin it up in downin street - n bring a dictionary wid u, those tgings come well in handy when ur on tha gallys
yes bruv nice 1 'montmorency'

dats the kind of posts we need.

unlike fuking 'wasp' whos spent the past 6 hours, n about 80% of my threads space talkin bout the fukin dictionary, tea n crummpets, and then finanally afta alot of bitchhin decides

''labour wont spend my 45p very well so tax deductions blah baha''

u shuda jus said that one liner

hey wasp its a monday night 2day watford is a ill place to be on a monday night. go to da destiny club, i rekon all tha gash will be on u if you talk like Winston Churchill is still partyin it up in downin street - n bring a dictionary wid u, those tgings come well in handy when ur on tha gallys

I doubt Watford is an ill place to be on any night.