
Yes, there have been some good trades if you stick to All metrics green & acc.
I have played with the short sigs but found them to be no so good.
Other recent successes: SMDS up 5% but a long term thing, entered 8 July and sold yesterday. That is a very long time for me!
I almost agree with the point of letting the trade run longer. In June 16 stocks opened and closed (more were entered but carried to July) of those 16 10 rose after the close, 6 significantly. PLR for example was completely wrong to sell!
The remaining 6 continued to fall, 4 significantly.

I have therefore amended my selling strategy so that I trail the 2click stop to break even then slacken it to rule of eights. PM me if you want more info on this technique.
I have been quiet for almost a month but it seems to be paying off as I am up well over 6% in August in very light trading.
Not to scientific but worth a second thought.

My biggest gains (once in profit stoploss) are when i don't watch the stock, set my levels and go away and forget about it.

Bingo, have a quick check not stessed about trying to find the optimum point and it's usually much higher than I would have cut out anyway. Not a method I can patent but info which i feel could be used as a compelling argument to have more days off!! Wife not entirely convinced yet.......

but seriously those have consistantly been the highest take profits. set your I'm happy with level and let it run, you might be suprised.

Is this similar to rule of 8s?
spread master said:
Have just spoken to 2click and they have the last version this year out in about a month which will finally have the integrated short signals and US momentum scanner? 3months late.

Mentioned the bad press on here and gave a different version obviously.

Georgio they said you have been refunded and you didn't install the program ?

I'm still quite happy with it all and am still well up on the cost? my expectations are to make 10x the cost. I think the trick is to run profits longer (not a natrual)RRS -6.32 (post 19)and EZJ 230 (post44)something myself and euro_d were in and I certainly cut to early EZJ again @ around 250 couple of weeks ago (All green) out at 277 now 300.

The biggest problem is the lack of shorting signals for when I want to go against the system. The buy signals are fine but not if you want to short but hopefully this will be sorted.

I did install the program and wasted 3 weeks using it - I think they must be talking about someone else. I would like to see how you guys do over the coming months - I hope your experience of this is better than mine.
Always found them to be very polite and helpful. A help desk that anwers the phone is always a bonus. It is a bit a cow but if i found if i treat it gently it works well.Not bad value for money really....i parted with my money for goldline and this represents good value.
cheekiemonkie said:
Always found them to be very polite and helpful. A help desk that anwers the phone is always a bonus. It is a bit a cow but if i found if i treat it gently it works well.Not bad value for money really....i parted with my money for goldline and this represents good value.
Good to hear that you are satisfied. I am neutral but anyway, I have paid my money so I have to stick with it!

Results for me this month which is short due to hols etc are that I am in positive to the tune of 18 points on closed trades with several still running.

I have changed my strategy a little and I now look in Omnitrader, Sharescope or latterly Tradestation to see that the detailed charts look like before I enter. Seems a lot better.
End of month update

Not so good, but remember that I have not been too active due to hols, golf and general laziness!

10 trades entered 1 still running, status flat.

Of the 9 I closed 3 too early, my fault entirely.

Net result is that I made a very poor 6 points.
HOWEVER, if I had traded professionally, i.e., not closed early then I would be positive to the tune of about 50 points.
In the case of my errors I trailed the 2click suggested stop all the way. WRONG. I should trail the stop to break even and then slacken it and let the trade run.
Of those that I did close I am satisfied with the strategy.

Well, as I said before, I have paid my money and passed my refund date by a long way so I will stick with them, I have to!
Am I satisfied with the program?
Well, yes and no but let the results speak, ignore my errors and yes, it works well!

The "signal review" option for shorts and longs seems to have died and no explanation from 2Click!
they really do have shorting signals now!! Go to www.analyst-online.com and you can see it. The site reviews 2click and other stuff and the reports are really spot on so far. 160 pts from the dow in 2 days and 20 pts FTSE day trade yesterday. Quite long winded and includes stuff i don't follow (yet) like bonds and gilts. There's a free trial I think its brilliant let me know what you reckon.
Hi Spreadmaster
I dont understand.
I tried to sign up on the site and nothing happens.

Also, have you got the new super dooper upgrade to 2click? I have not! Was promised for today.

Where do you get these profit figures from because I am using 2click and am acheiving nothing like that sucess!

Their online review has shown nothing for weeks and that is where the shorts were supposed to be shown.
haven't got the upgrade, i think they're testing it. can't help on registering but it worked with me( and a couple of collegues). Not an easy site to navigate but once registered go to top bar- OAR.

Signal review being replaced by shorting signals when we get them???? I've been told next week sometime

The results from the reviews on the site are similar to what i've been getting and they give a target price as does the newsletter thats been going out. The indices stuff came from analyst-online-bit of Fri feeling today but have been 100% spot on this week (only used it this week)
Hi Spread master, OK, I have now got access. Seems that today they are not broadcasting. Anyway, FSW (the owners of the site) use 2 click and try very hard to promote MAN (a major brokerage house) CFD's and spread bets.

That does not make them bad people as everyone has to make a living! If they perform, fine. Strange that it was my suggestion to 2 click that the best signals come from all metrics green and stock under acc. So why would I want to subscribe? Well, its currently free so I can use them to check my analysis.

Additionally, I would like to see how they perform on the FTSE index as I trade that frequently intraday not using 2click.

All in all an interesting site. By the way, where do you get their previous results from, I cannot find it anywhere on the site? I assume the newsletter.
That and terms and conditions results in a page not found error!

i followed it for the week and thats what i reported. I don't think they have results as it's only been going for a week or so according to the ad. I get the newsletter anyway.

I opened an account with mann they seem fine. I do find that if you do as requested so long as i'm not getting any different charges that my service is better (as u say everybody wants to make a living)

The filters ACC/DIST i noted with you a way back and i think they tell most of thier clients it is a basic check.. I have no problems with subscription if the info's good which based on last week it seems to be on the dow and ftse. Has anyone traded bonds? as he gets that right alot but i have no idea what he's on about but he does say "cover or take your profits" alot, must be good?
I never post.

I never post, just read. I thought that I needed to this time though. Spread Master definitely works for 2Click...Rarely has he posted before, then, all of a sudden he can navigate you around their site, knows when upgrades are coming out comments on trades da de da....
analyst online, 2 click, trend signal for sure they must be all in the same pot? Am I going senile or is trend signal not two way trade and all the other two way related sites? Such as hand held which lasted about 2 months!

I would certainly not rely on analyst as their updates are not regular, they say by 07:30 UK time but rarely are they ontime and often not at all.

If you want to follow 2 click then you need to buy it. It is no secret that I did. In November they got 152 points net from 9 trades which I suppose is not bad. So far this month has not been so good. If you take out the very lucky VMOB which rocketed due to bid talks then they are about break even on 8 trades.

I use 2 click not as the utopia but one of my tools. I am sure there are better but it is relatively cheap (yes and quirky) and it is very annoying that you cannot use other data feeds, they use Yahoo but through their servers, a clever way of locking in clients!

Well thats my take. Probably the best way of judging the system is watch analyst for a few weeks then go from there.

Good trading
my 2click's got an error on it so can't update....seems the phone number has changed from that listed on Yell.....anyone got a new number. Tried email with nil response, clearly customer service not a priority for them !!?? thanks in hope!

jaypea said:
my 2click's got an error on it so can't update....seems the phone number has changed from that listed on Yell.....anyone got a new number. Tried email with nil response, clearly customer service not a priority for them !!?? thanks in hope!

Yesterday it ws down, second time in a week!
Today it updates OK,
The phone number I have is: 01424 717417 but that is from a long time ago, well a few months.

We are promised updates for the last month but nothing!
On the plus side we seem to be getting some superb signals, were you in BKL? Over 60 points in 3 days and still running!

Thanks, sounds like an isolated problem with me then cos mine still won't play..error message to do with 'record is out of range'......that phone number is the one thats unobtainable......have you got an email address for anyone thats likely to reply that I can try?

Well done on BKL, not in that one as I tend to stick with UK market & there have been a couple of nice trades lately.

Hmm, naughty!
Have you tried their website email support?
I have [email protected]
and support@

Have you noticed that they are now part of S-tech of analysist on line fame? They denied that there was any connection!!! See their T's & C's

BTW, my trade below is a UK stock, I too only trade UK top 350. Unfortunately, it was not 2Click.

Sorry for delay in reply...for some reason T2W board kept rejecting posting?!

Got sorted on the day through my contact (bless him) at FSW who gave me their new number.

On the S-tech/Analyst-online topic- I understood that S-Tech developed & manage the Analyst site on behalf of FSW. The main commentator, Anthony Hill is Head Trading Honcho at their Berlin office. I like his indicies analysis which has proved valuable. Its a shame he seems to have dropped the 2click reports which were useful since he often commented on stocks other than those picked by the system!