20 /30 profitable Dow Dax weekly 100 ticks profit

Traders and mistakes

I made three mistakes , these cost me 60 ticks this week.

The first was taking on an extra long position , that lost -20.

The other two mistakes are here



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Nope, those losses I'm on about are still not there.

You must be thinking ffs by now. Who the f**k is this Lee Shepherd c**t.

Anyway mate, I'll leave you alone now. You've given plenty of statements, although not any showing the losses both you and I know exist. So, I'll make my own statement below - in the meantime, let me know if you wish to show your true hand and we can be friends again.



Foroom is harbouring losses on his account and showing edited statements only. Viewer beware. Should be titled as entertainment purposes only until factual evidence is shown.


Don't waste your valuable time , but here it is .

I show you a simple method , post it for free , you guys question it .There are other methods included in this report and it is quite time consuming to print and post them.

There I pointed you to profitable method , because I am a forum lluzers , yet you want to see the map of all the gold mines in the world , when you can't catch that one gold mine.


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open trades and two non method trades here , the long on dow and short 2 calls

and evidence of closed trade +17


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Hi Foroom,

Thank you for posting. However, you know this is not what I'm after and you know there is data missing. The estimation of the covered up loss is between £1.6 and 2.8k. You have not shown this here and are still harbouring these losses.

Maybe post up your P/L as you have done on many occasions. That way it cuts through all the pulled orders and amendments to trades you've made. I wouldn't normally ask that of people but as you have done this on many occasions, would not feel uncomfortable in doing so....unless of course something was on there that made you feel uncomfortable.

Remember, unlike me, you are using a nickname so are already far less transparent than me. I also show my whole platform (just like Brewskie) as I have nothing to hide.

Don't be ashamed of the losses mate, we're all friends here. And those that want to take the p1ss know what they can do. We've all got battle scars.




I think you done everyone who has had even the slightest inclination to listen to fl a real service by exposing his covering up of losses. It's not the first time he's been exposed but it is certainly the most thorough.

Despite all his subsequent bluster and diversion he cannot explain away what you have said. I think you have been extremely generous in not castigating him for his dishonesty. In my view he is extremely dangerous to anybody who remains unaware of the background on here and I believe that he should not be allowed to peddle his fantasies.