20 /30 profitable Dow Dax weekly 100 ticks profit

Loss for week is -90 + -10 = -100

Just got +20 = -80 for week


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Hi Lee

net loss so far = -90 for week
Since then lost 123 on longs and made 113 on shorts = -10

Loss for week is -90 + -10 = -100

This is expected , with my method , because my method is long biased .A down trend has broken out.

Long positions are traded double the size of the short , money wise I lose more in losing weeks .Just quiet because , nothing to sing about , concentrating on the trading.

The other problem has been using weekly options , the risk is 60 on weekly , whereas on daily it is it is maximum 30 , now using 2 weekly options increases losses by 60 ticks , otherwise the method is robust.

Loss for week is -90 + -10 = -100

With my method , if price drops 800 ticks , I only lose 12 to 60 per trade , but I can gain 15 to 100 when I win.

Great stuff and well done for being transparent and honest. I wouldn't question anyone else that wishes to hide but you seem to be very upfront and open with your trades.......... however.....

I have noticed some huge trade disparity between your current open trades and ones from 2 days ago. These seem to have disappeared somewhere and 'replaced' with 'better priced' orders ????

I see you are not shy in posting screenshots of your closed trades (Same as me) so I wondered for reasons of clarity and to comfort my concerns, you would post a screenshot of your closed trades over the last 3 days history. This would of course reveal where these trades have gone to. If I asked anyone else, I would expect them to tell me to take a running jump but as you are transparent and honest about your trades and also post screenshots of closed and open trades, then surely this would not be an issue for you to do - unless of course you were harbouring losses.

So just to summarise as I like to keep things simple:

  • Huge discrepancy noticed in open trades
  • Missing 2 days of data
  • Current open prices of trades do not match those of before (aggregated positions or not)
  • Suspected huge losses written down but undeclared

To rebut this you would simply need to screenshot an open statement of the last 3 days history.


Lee Shepherd
Loss for week is -90 + -10 = -100

Just got +20 = -80 for week

Got another +20 (profit 100 /2 = 50 , cost of option is 31 = so ++19)

- -60 for week now

see open trades now and closed positions

This is how you can learn something clearly about this journal method.


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Great stuff and well done for being transparent and honest. I wouldn't question anyone else that wishes to hide but you seem to be very upfront and open with your trades.......... however.....

I have noticed some huge trade disparity between your current open trades and ones from 2 days ago. These seem to have disappeared somewhere and 'replaced' with 'better priced' orders ????

I see you are not shy in posting screenshots of your closed trades (Same as me) so I wondered for reasons of clarity and to comfort my concerns, you would post a screenshot of your closed trades over the last 3 days history. This would of course reveal where these trades have gone to. If I asked anyone else, I would expect them to tell me to take a running jump but as you are transparent and honest about your trades and also post screenshots of closed and open trades, then surely this would not be an issue for you to do - unless of course you were harbouring losses.

So just to summarise as I like to keep things simple:

  • Huge discrepancy noticed in open trades
  • Missing 2 days of data
  • Current open prices of trades do not match those of before (aggregated positions or not)
  • Suspected huge losses written down but undeclared

To rebut this you would simply need to screenshot an open statement of the last 3 days history.


Lee Shepherd

Hi Lee

It is pointless because there is nothing to gain from looking at the transactions reports .I do many other trades and methods , so it will confuse the reader , than offer any benefit.As an example I took a loss of 300 ticks , but there will be several profits related to it via put options , these will amount to 200 ticks , so net loss will be 100 ticks which I have used in my weekly calculations.

Sometimes I use advanced methods , these are in the transactions trades , these trades are not related to this journal method.Do you want to look at non related transaction and apply conclusions ?

Sometimes I change the trades and remove the profit part of a hedge/option , too complicated to explain this here to noobs.

Best thing is to look at advance postings.You can look at trades posted in advance , then check the results , using the method.This will benefit you .
Hi Lee

It is pointless because there is nothing to gain from looking at the transactions reports .I do many other trades and methods , so it will confuse the reader , than offer any benefit.As an example I took a loss of 300 ticks , but there will be several profits related to it via put options , these will amount to 200 ticks , so net loss will be 100 ticks which I have used in my weekly calculations.

Sometimes I use advanced methods , these are in the transactions trades , these trades are not related to this journal method.Do you want to look at non related transaction and apply conclusions ?

Sometimes I change the trades and remove the profit part of a hedge/option , too complicated to explain this here to noobs.

Best thing is to look at advance postings.You can look at trades posted in advance , then check the results , using the method.This will benefit you .

Caught out again, fl. :whistling
Hi Lee

It is pointless because there is nothing to gain from looking at the transactions reports .I do many other trades and methods , so it will confuse the reader , than offer any benefit.As an example I took a loss of 300 ticks , but there will be several profits related to it via put options , these will amount to 200 ticks , so net loss will be 100 ticks which I have used in my weekly calculations.

Sometimes I use advanced methods , these are in the transactions trades , these trades are not related to this journal method.Do you want to look at non related transaction and apply conclusions ?

Sometimes I change the trades and remove the profit part of a hedge/option , too complicated to explain this here to noobs.

Best thing is to look at advance postings.You can look at trades posted in advance , then check the results , using the method.This will benefit you .

Hi Foroom,

I expected this kind of post. In other words denial and a cover up of huge losses and write downs. Sorry mate but my respect for you has gone through the floor and in simple terms....I'm calling you out.

Until those losses you claim 'not to be there' are shown or you prove me wrong - which you seem unwilling to do, then I shall state for everyone on here to steer clear of your methods and your 'trading'. You are dangerous and need to be monitored and are clearly cherry picking the winning trades with a small selection of losses to 'normalise' your account. However, your trades would strongly indicate losses in the thousands. My estimate is a loss of between £1.6 and £2.8k over those 3 days.

Again, If I am wrong then you will show the history of the missing trades in their entirety for which would include the heavy losses and writing of 'preferred prices' and in return I would apologise and be deeply embarrassed if I'm proved wrong. However this is impossible and you know it.

Thank you for revealing your true colours. It seems many have suspected this for some time and now I understand the flack you have been getting.

Just for the record - showing your trade history is not 'too complicated for noobs' (*taken out of context). I find this very insulting. I am unable to be blinded by your 'methods' and I am not confused about your 'missing trades' and 'hidden losses'. If this meeting was concluded you would be offered a brown box for your desk.


Lee Shepherd
Here are the open trades showing spreads and weekly system trades , these are non related to this journal.See journal method trades.


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There were 134 transactions in last 3 days

As you want to waste your time , making conclusions on non related information , here it is

So people do not get confused:

This is not your true trade history and has and can be edited to suit. Losses or not.

If anyone reading this wishes to see a trade history screenshot then check out Lee Shepherds trading diary - link in my signature below. Foroom, I suggest you take a look too.

@ Foroom:
You know what your trade history is but you are trying unsuccessfully to wriggle out of it. Post it or don't, but don't attempt to baffle. People are not as stupid as you may think.

With respect,

Lee Shepherd
Got another +20 (profit 100 /2 = 50 , cost of option is 31 = so ++19)

- -60 for week now

see open trades now and closed positions

This is how you can learn something clearly about this journal method.

just added another 20 +++

= -40 for week

If it was not for 2 mistakes I made , profit would be +40 , even in a bad week.

The trade was shown in advance in previous posts


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A personal message to Foroom,


Please understand that I do not have an issue with you directly. I'm also sure you are a very nice person deep down. However, I cannot apologise for calling you out as harbouring losses is not good for you nor is it any good for anyone else viewing from the outside.

If someone makes a loss, I do not disrespect them, in fact quite often I will try and help when I can - and of course if the person takes my fancy trading wise. But..... I do lose rapid respect for those that try and cover up, lie to themselves or/and to others in order for personal mental gain or typically known as kudos.

Losses are part and parcel of this game and they are good to show, love and cherish...and even laugh about. I done £8.5k on rough rice at Christmas time and I don't seem to shut up about it. I done a very good chapter on 'How to handle the losses' on my thread. This was warts and all and provides a good insight in to a traders lifestyle and income. (albeit small at times).

If you wish to come clean then provide the history as requested and all is forgiven. I will not even comment with words such as 'told you so' blah blah blah. I'm not here for that.

As my opening post when I came back (after 4 years), was to find decent true traders. You are close and is why I know you are harbouring losses. Its because I have been watching closely. However, one of the flaws (I hope you don't mind me saying), is your comms rate and closeness of puts to calls. I've mentioned this before in another post to you for which you defended and shut down which was disappointing. I would have preferred a more open debate as this is how we all learn. But of course this is your choice. After all, it is your money.


So people do not get confused:

This is not your true trade history and has and can be edited to suit. Losses or not.

If anyone reading this wishes to see a trade history screenshot then check out Lee Shepherds trading diary - link in my signature below. Foroom, I suggest you take a look too.

@ Foroom:
You know what your trade history is but you are trying unsuccessfully to wriggle out of it. Post it or don't, but don't attempt to baffle. People are not as stupid as you may think.

With respect,

Lee Shepherd

If you can't look at today's trades , see the the method trades posted here today in advance , read the first post with the method details ,can't see the method related trades results , then you won't learn anything .

Look at all this morning's images posted here
follow the trades and closed trades , the method related results are pretty good and kosher.You have seen unedited posts in advance with images.


You would have seen 60 ticks profit today , posted trades in advance and seen 60 results NOT IN HINDSIGHT.

I told you I had a problem , I explained to you here


and I think I posted the answer here


The journal trades /methods is great , only problem is the enemy within .
I am getting the impression there is cooking the books going here. This place needs a broker statement verifier.
Hi Lee

Here are this journal related trades activity in 3 colors , the rest is irrelevant to you.

work it out yourself


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Here is amended transaction activity related to this journal trades , mistakes in previous version.


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Hi Lee

Here are this journal related trades activity in 3 colors , the rest is irrelevant to you.

work it out yourself

Hi Foroom,

Thank you for posting. However, you know this is not what I'm after and you know there is data missing. The estimation of the covered up loss is between £1.6 and 2.8k. You have not shown this here and are still harbouring these losses.

Maybe post up your P/L as you have done on many occasions. That way it cuts through all the pulled orders and amendments to trades you've made. I wouldn't normally ask that of people but as you have done this on many occasions, would not feel uncomfortable in doing so....unless of course something was on there that made you feel uncomfortable.

Remember, unlike me, you are using a nickname so are already far less transparent than me. I also show my whole platform (just like Brewskie) as I have nothing to hide.

Don't be ashamed of the losses mate, we're all friends here. And those that want to take the p1ss know what they can do. We've all got battle scars.


Here is amended transaction activity related to this journal trades , mistakes in previous version.

Nope, those losses I'm on about are still not there.

You must be thinking ffs by now. Who the f**k is this Lee Shepherd c**t.

Anyway mate, I'll leave you alone now. You've given plenty of statements, although not any showing the losses both you and I know exist. So, I'll make my own statement below - in the meantime, let me know if you wish to show your true hand and we can be friends again.


Foroom is harbouring losses on his account and showing edited statements only. Viewer beware. Should be titled as entertainment purposes only until factual evidence is shown.
foroom needs to man up and run his losses, he may well win in the end.

The key concept to understand is that if the 99% knew what they were talking about, they would win, no ?