1929 Stock Market Crash Documentary Video


Junior member
Hi There.

I have found this video and some of you may find it interesting as i have if you like stock market history.

Here it is:


It is a 1929 stock market crash video documentary when Jesse Livermore (speculator) was around - who was in remisences of a stock operator. It also has some of his decendants speaking.

(However it is not a documentary on Jesse Livermore).

Its not just speaking as such but has pictures and videos from that time (black and white) as well as some of the 1929 music.

There are some similarities to the 2007 crash (i.e credit). And to end with a quote:
"There is nothing new on wall street"

I thought it was interesting, maby you will find it interesting also. 🙂

ADDED: Also a timeline starting 1653 to present (2011):

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Hi There.

I have found this video and some of you may find it interesting as i have if you like stock market history.

Here it is:


It is a 1929 stock market crash video documentary when Jesse Livermore (speculator) was around - who was in remisences of a stock operator. It also has some of his decendants speaking.

(However it is not a documentary on Jesse Livermore).

Its not just speaking as such but has pictures and videos from that time (black and white) as well as some of the 1929 music.

There are some similarities to the 2007 crash (i.e credit). And to end with a quote:
"There is nothing new on wall street"

I thought it was interesting, maby you will find it interesting also. 🙂

ADDED: Also a timeline starting 1653 to present (2011):


Brilliant documentary, one of my favourites. 👍