I'm down, rock bottom.
my wife found out about my losses and has threatened to leave me. I hate myself
well not sure what I would do if she had gambled it away, which is actually what I've done. ...
... most women don't want the fast life, they just want security. trading is inherently risky.
the main issue she has is she keeps thinking of the missing money - "think what we could have bought with that" etc. the resentment may be there for years.
Men seem to like securities/derivatives for the short term.
Women seem to prefer property for the long term.
Men are seen as more prone to gambling. Women are paragons of virtue .... or so they would like us to think.
I invite you to check out a thread at SingingPig, a favourite haunt of property developers and buy-to-letters. There, over the past 8 years, you could find hoardes of enthusiastic "investors", peppered by the odd naysayer. Invariably the naysayers were brave disciples from singingpig's arch enemy HousePriceCrash.co.uk.
Curiously, singingpig's membership was almost exclusively femaile (check out the pink theme). Housepricecrash was and is still dominated by males.
Back to that thread I refered to. You should be able to find it here:
But since it may have been censored away (they simply MUST stay chipper at "the pig"), I also offer a link to HousePriceCrash where the good folk there have preserved the thread's opening post for posterity - and as a source of eternal amusement (
Dear Oh Dear... Annecdotal Over At The Stinky Pig... - House Price Crash forum
Here are some extracts:
"I now find myself waking up each morning sick with fear and with a sinking feeling in my stomach that is difficult to keep at bay. ...
... I am actually sick with fear also that I may soon have to tell my children that I have lost our own house too, that despite all of the hard work and effort that I’ve put into our business that I have now hit a dead-end. ...The thought of telling them I failed when I actively encourage them to dream big dreams for themselves is killing me inside.
The reason for my sickening fear is that when my portfolio starts to come off its fixed rates that I will be facing much higher and possibly unmanageable mortgage costs than I face at the moment. My tenants will be unable to absorb that cost and even if they could many of them are mid-contract."
Yep ADVFNTRADER, this silly person has not lost a measly £10k, they have lost EVERYTHING AND MORE.
Your crime is that you wanted to get rich quick. Hers is that she wanted to spend like the rich, even before she got rich quick. To my mind that his a good few levels lower in the faustian pit of financial profligacy.
Furthermore, you gambled with money you had to lose. She not only gambled with money she could NOT afford to lose, but gambled with other people's money ("investing" 'OPM' as the singingpig crowd loved to call it was once seen as the holy grail of financial logic).
So whilst I have no real practical advice for you on the financial side, I can offer you plenty to help you:
1 ) convince your missus things could be far worse even if she had shacked up with a property investor;
2 ) realise that your sex does not make you a wanton fool;
3 ) put your loss in perspective.
And I personally reckon that's the best anyone on this thread has done. So there.