10k to 20k in 1 month.

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NO WAY ! The trade was triggered and you were stopped out within 90 seconds with a 15 point loss. There was no way that you could have entered this trade and the got out again for no loss UNLESS YOU NEVER TOOK THE TRADE.

Who`d you trade with buddy?
Gold is near my target now - Should have kept the trade!

Check out todays high on IG Index! .... 1776.45
If only trading where so easy :LOL:

Do you trade using random entry, hare? (i though it was you but may be someone else)
I might start a journal at some point to see how I do using random entry for a giggle. It's only money, afterall...
Does anyone see any benefit of me writing on this thread?

yes, T2W needs content (regardless of quality), and the thread is generating traffic so I'm sure they see a benefit.

Those in search of lulz are finding it by the bucket load

The clueless in search of a trading method are watching with baited breath for details to be revealed

sound like a win-win situation to me, it would seam that everyone benefits

But I suppose you really should ask yourself are you benefitting from doing this ? presumably you are or you wouldnt do it :LOL:
yes, T2W needs content (regardless of quality), and the thread is generating traffic so I'm sure they see a benefit.

Those in search of lulz are finding it by the bucket load

The clueless in search of a trading method are watching with baited breath for details to be revealed

sound like a win-win situation to me, it would seam that everyone benefits

But I suppose you really should ask yourself are you benefitting from doing this ? presumably you are or you wouldnt do it :LOL:

Ok thanks for your feedback. IS anyone else benefiting from this in any other way?
So far I see very little point of anybody writing on any thread as there appears to be a nothing but a bunch of focking w@nk splatts running around this place acting like a group of focking 3 year olds. Over and out! krrrrrrrrrrrch
So far I see very little point of anybody writing on any thread as there appears to be a nothing but a bunch of focking w@nk splatts running around this place acting like a group of focking 3 year olds. Over and out! krrrrrrrrrrrch

Thanks. Anyone else have an opinion on this thread/forum?
i m following with interest and the so called mystical "lulz" that some speak of...but on a serious note, i follow only with interest atm, and would benefit if and when the method or reasons certain trades were placed and exit points identified becomes clear....
yes I am benefiting from it.

Thanks. Anyone can give their opinion as they see fit... All I ask is that its in a constructive way otherwise there is too much noise on here... If you dont believe that my gold trade just then, didn't miss my stop then you can deduct £-150.00 from my overall forum pot If it makes you happy... Its not going to slow me down having a loss like that....

Anyone is welcome to give negative feedback or positive... But at this stage I honestly dont expect ANYONE to see any TRUE benefits just yet as i have not disclosed any strategy/theories, exit/entry r:r , money management etc....

Im creating an interest by what seems to be a mixture of people who like this/hate this/love this for laughs/ intrigued or have no idea.... This is a forum... supposed to be a community where we help each other... i`ve never proclaimed im the trading guru and a prophecy... but then again i`ve never proclaimed any strategy, so how can you judge?

I AM NOT SELLING ANYTHING I AM NOT A VENDOR, PROMOTING ANYTHING OR DOING ANY HARM..... this is a free forum and i can start a thread talking about the weather if I wanted...

If everyone is looking to learn how to trade you shouldnt be reading this as you`ll be wasting your time (at least for now...) And anyone who is trading real money use your own analysis.

I welcome anyone else feedback if you see any benefit in this.

yes, T2W needs content (regardless of quality), and the thread is generating traffic so I'm sure they see a benefit.:

If thats how you feel, then thanks for your feedback.
ftse 5 minute. Alternatively it can be a reversal .... But i think it`ll be moving lower. This is how I trade a triangle setup.... very simple. I use crude oil/audusd and other indices as confluence.

I am not trading this... im keen on EURUSD and Dollar Index though! Charts coming in a minute.


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    FTSE 5M.png
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Im short on eur @ 14403.7 - stop @ 14419.7
Target: 14372.5

That was a little late - sorry! I move my stop to b/e on EVERY trade when im +10 (except gold when im +15)
This is how i traded EUR/USD... very simple....

And yes i have a b/e stop on it now...

Update: the reason why i b/e on every trade after +10 is because sometimes the triangle can break the other way and i`ve found it to be very effective... as a while ago i would let profits run to losses... and there is nothing worse than that!


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    US Dollar Index - 5m.png
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    eurusd 5 min.png
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