The Internet Link/Info Police are around again


😡 You got to wonder who flags messages on these sites...someone posts groundbreaking info and the post gets binned..was up front about the fact I do work as a commision agent for a company but the info is valid and groundbreaking without doubt...thats the reason I got involved and wanted to tell the people about it.

How is any trader supposed to find info on the latest gadgets etc for trading if you can't view the links to make up your own mind...simple as that why are people not given the chance to decide to look or not look?
😡 You got to wonder who flags messages on these sites...someone posts groundbreaking info and the post gets binned..was up front about the fact I do work as a commision agent for a company but the info is valid and groundbreaking without doubt...thats the reason I got involved and wanted to tell the people about it.

How is any trader supposed to find info on the latest gadgets etc for trading if you can't view the links to make up your own mind...simple as that why are people not given the chance to decide to look or not look?

Because the vast majority of people doing so are thieves intent on ripping off new traders. We're not stupid, it's been seen 1000 times before.
Actually PBolyes - I think it's more because T2W has paying advertisers.

If they let people advertise for free, what would be the point of paying.

Anyway - businesses have a marketing budget and getting out information about the product is a marketing activity. Marketing isn't free...
I believe you can pay for advertising.
😡I signed up as an agent for the software company I do not own it...i trade for a living and after losing money too much I started to use it.
I decided I wanted to tell people about's a game changer pure and simple. I don't think there is anything wrong with becoming an agent for what is out of this world software as's about making money isn't it ???
Trade To Win ......... flag and nobble anything that threatens the staus quo thats more like it ........... so basically as long as everyone on this site talks and give out signals that sometimes work and don't work talk about stoneage indicators etc that do not work...... Trade To Win and muppets who have the millions to shut people up can control the info.

Yup !!! Don't see the point of the forum if you can't get relevant info on things....funny how Program Trading/ HFTS now control 80% of the daily market
but you'll find very little info on the 3 pieces of software out there that help you game this situation. I said 3 !!! I am only signed up with one in particular . You can't even find info on the internet easily on the other two either why.....cos of the reasons I mentioned.

Muppets with agendas flagging messages etc 😡 Trade To Lose more like 😡 How many people are actually making a full time living from trading ???
😡 You got to wonder who flags messages on these sites...someone posts groundbreaking info and the post gets binned..was up front about the fact I do work as a commision agent for a company but the info is valid and groundbreaking without doubt...thats the reason I got involved and wanted to tell the people about it.

How is any trader supposed to find info on the latest gadgets etc for trading if you can't view the links to make up your own mind...simple as that why are people not given the chance to decide to look or not look?

seems fair enough to me,youve declared yourself as a vendor
Mods can you explain?
😡I signed up as an agent for the software company I do not own it...i trade for a living and after losing money too much I started to use it.
I decided I wanted to tell people about's a game changer pure and simple. I don't think there is anything wrong with becoming an agent for what is out of this world software as's about making money isn't it ???
Trade To Win ......... flag and nobble anything that threatens the staus quo thats more like it ........... so basically as long as everyone on this site talks and give out signals that sometimes work and don't work talk about stoneage indicators etc that do not work...... Trade To Win and muppets who have the millions to shut people up can control the info.

Yup !!! Don't see the point of the forum if you can't get relevant info on things....funny how Program Trading/ HFTS now control 80% of the daily market
but you'll find very little info on the 3 pieces of software out there that help you game this situation. I said 3 !!! I am only signed up with one in particular . You can't even find info on the internet easily on the other two either why.....cos of the reasons I mentioned.

Muppets with agendas flagging messages etc 😡 Trade To Lose more like 😡 How many people are actually making a full time living from trading ???

go on then,prove you are. you have the usual challenge we offer to vendors,25 trades will give us an idea of what you are about. So far none have ever completed the challenge. show us what agame changer it is.Good luck
i thought the rules of the site were clear? no ads on the boards.

actually this is priceless. a vendor complains his ad campain gets cut short! 😆 :clap:
go on then,prove you are. you have the usual challenge we offer to vendors,25 trades will give us an idea of what you are about. So far none have ever completed the challenge. show us what agame changer it is.Good luck

Hi thanks LordFlasheart, firstly to everyone I am only signed up as a commision agent for the sofware i am not the owner ....If people want direct access to the vendoe themselves with no commision code tec I'd be happy to provide it.

Secondly the vendor gives a two week free trial...which is more than generous and enough time for anyone to have a look and decide for themselves .

Thirldly I can't I believe start posting signals for buys and sells using the software companies info without getting in trouble now can I???

How about you PM me LordFlasheart I'll tell you who the software vendor is....sign up for their trial and run it and prepare to be shocked....or just check out their website in general.

Below also BTW is a little piece about market timings (not what the software company is based on but simply research I did over two or three years on program trading etc ) Theres no links on this MODS and also there is no mentio of any software companies
have a read and compare to recent charts of the S&P 500 to see do I know what I am talking about or not?'s amazing how many people don't even know this basic information....even using these times to spot moves without any software a trader will make money !!!

How to Use the Market to Set Your Watch
Why TheTime of Day Affects Market Movements

The key factors that account for the changes in price in the broader markets are:

Changes in Supply & Demand due to High Frequency Trading (HFT) and Algorithmic Trading.
Key Support & Resistance levels
Standard Price lunge lengths

HFT’s/Algo’s/Program Trading control over 70% of all the trades on the CME’s GLOBEX S&P 500 e-Mini.

S&pEmini each and every day. Did you ever see the market going in one direction only to suddenly reverse and go the other way? Then perhaps just as you think it’s changed direction it goes back to it’s original trend ?

In conjunction with hft monitoring software.........knowing the key times that program trades are likely to happen can help keep you on the right side of a trade . These “Key reversal Times or Market Timings” as we call them tend to happen almost always at the same times.
Some days you could set your watch by them as they happen bang on time !!!
The Eminis tends to have 2-3 main swings or trends during the course of a trading day. The moves tend to last 1 to 1.5 .hours but the many smaller reversals driven by Program Buying/Selling happen up to 9 times in any given day.

You might be asking why do Hfts/Algos cause these reversals? Why because they can!!!! Part of the reason Hfts/Algos do what they do is they trigger peoples stops thus excluding many trades from the market whilst they turn around and send the market the way they want to…remember that the 70% of trades the big Algos/banks etc placed by the big systems are trying to take the money of the traders who don’t have access to HFTs/Algos so they want to get their hands on the honest 30% so to speak.

Okay so what exactly is Market Timing? As we have stated the Eminis have several times during the day where reversals can and do happen.
These might be a temporary or partial reversal or even a complete reversal or indeed the reversal time can often have Hft’s pushing the market to continue in it’s original direction.
Not every reversal time happens every day especially with the same pattern but the ones that do tend to happen around the same times over and over again.
***Most of the reversal times happen on the half hour and hourly for example, 10am 10.30am and also 11am, 1.30pbut from time to time they can come early or late so caution is urged at these times. On the hourly reversals they can come10 minutes early or 10 minutes late so the 11am reversal may happen at 10.50 or 11.10 and the half hour reversals can often come 5 minutes early or late so for the 10.30 you would watch for 10.25 and 10.35 as well just in case they are early or late .
Please Read below for the most common reversal times
First here is The Globex Overnight Session

(1)# 2am gmt
(9 pm Est)
Medium Hong Kong market opens and the market tends to make a decent move (Tokyo is open since 7pm EST but doesn't make a huge difference until it closes at 2am for lunch just as Hong Kong opens so they often take advantage of the close.
(Syndey Australia is open at this point as is Singapore but usually theres no decent move until Hong Kong opens.)

(2)### 3.30 am (1030pm EST )
High !!! Indian Stock market opens this country has become huge as
regards trading the markets and at times it makes very decent moves.Tokyo is now reopening after lunch as well so the market usually makes a move.
(3) # between 5am and 6am .(12pmEST)
Low There is sometimes bounces as different exchanges some smaller close or open but it's not a vital one usually
(4) ##### 7am (2am EST) Importance
High !!! Eurex opens this almost acts like the premarket does in the States as orders for currencies etc are suddenly thrust into the market and usually it gives significant moves.Algos are most definitely very active from here on out. The Eminis can move quite a bit at times here

(5) ############# 8am
( 3am EST)
Very High!!! !!!

High !!! Very important time when FTSE and UK markets open
usually makes significant moves Algos quite often kick in at 9am too (4am EST) and drive a continuation or a turnaround 9.30am gmt sometimes small reversals **** Quite often the trend continues up until 8amEST ImportanceVery High!!!

Times When New York and UK Sessions Are Open At Same Time
US Market Most Likely Reversal times Day Session
US Market Most Likely Turnaround times / Hfts/Algos pushing the market

(1) 8am EST
High Usually moves the market a bit as of course premarket orders are
showing up etc as I am sure you know and there are moves to reverse and test the overnight levels sometimes as well.
(2) 8.30am
High The market can sometimes reverse here up until 9.30am based on both the market orders being filled
(2) 9.30am
High Market jumps as you know to close the gap between night time
session and day session Prems/fair value levels . This quite often lasts for only 3 to 4 minutes before a bounce 9.33/9.34 am EST ....... 9.40am EST bounces a lot as well as 9.50
until 10 am which can turn the initial trend on it's head temporarily.
(3) 10 am EST
High 10 am est until 10.30 am usually before another bounce / continuation driven by hfts at 1030
(4) 10.30 EST *Importance Very High ** (4) 10.30 another bounce / continuation driven by Hfts this can be a very important one as some traders may have already started profit taking from what they made earlier so the market may continue in this direction only until these traders have bought or sold to cash out their positions…so it helps to be careful here as the direction at 10.30 might reverse at next reversal quite often .
The UK markets are closing as well at 11am EST so it’s one of the most important ones of the day.
(5) 11 am EST
High (4) #### At 11 am is another common time for the market to be driven by algos/hfts and is usually one that often defines the trend up into lunchtime.
It’s important to also note that a high percentage of the time after this initial move the market slows without much volatility until after lunch 1- 1.30 pm

(5)12.30 pm EST
Low It is only sometimes when the Algos/Hfts kick in here quite often if I think most of the afternoon reversals are a bit scatteryi.e unreliable so I'll just say this for now .Lunch times can sometimes move a bit but not always sometimes very flat. A 12.30 pm reversal often may happen when previous reversals either were very small or didn’t happen
(6) 1.00 pm EST as well as 1.30 pm EST
High The market has moved many times up to and beyond 1pm only to reverse sometimes very very significantly driven in most part by Algos/Hfts at 1.30pm
***Please note 1.30 pm EST is the key time here….it’s safer to avoid the 1pm reversal as it’s often a head fake i.e. a false reversal

(7) 2.30 pm
Low The market can sometimes stall and reverse slightly here but quite often will continue the trend from 1.30pm…but again caution is urged here
(8) 3pm
Medium Bond markets are closing now so traders from these areas will often enter the market which can cause some sudden moves

Remember that the Algos/Hft’s Almost Totally Dominate The Last 1.15 minutes from 3 o clock so expect a lot of bouncing !!!
(9) 3.30 pm
High Again this end of day is driven by Hfts/Algos almost on their own as you know so it is very similar to the 9.30 am to 10 am session in the way it can bounce around a lot

(10) 4.00 pm
High Although this is a reversal that does not always happen it’s a dangerous one in the sense that it can bounce/reverse at 3.50pm / 4pm or 4.10pm often losing or gaining 2 to 3 points in a very short time as people either take profits or buy/sell to cover some losses…***caution is urged if you are still in the market here !!!

Think of the reversal times as waypoints for navigation. Lets say a 10 o clock reversal doesn’t happen or is very slight then it’s a continuation of the trend but you would then also be careful at the next waypoint which would be the reversal time at 10.30 am if the trend continues and continued then you would of course be careful at the 11am reversal time.

Remember these are a guide to help you not panic sometimes and other times give you
Confidence that you are indeed on the right side of the market, a reversal might only be temporary or it might be a complete reversal or continuation no matter what being armed with the knowledge that these market timings are likely to happen at these times can help you greatly.

*** Start reviewing the previous days action at the end of the day especially on
15min 30minute and 60 minute charts and you will see how significant these key Market Timings times can be in conjunction with hft monitoring software software..........knowing the key times that program trades are likely to happen can help keep you on the right side of a trade Sometimes the absence of reversals or very very slight ones can indicate two
things....a very strong trend in the same direction or a very significant trend change could happen at a later key time....... this will make more sense to you the more you
watch the market and the times the reversals happen.

*** When the reversals happen they usually move the market between 2 and 4 points. Small moves of only .50 cent to 1 cent often suggest that the market will not reverse very strongly and will continue it’s trend at least until the next key reversal Time
*** A lot of it might not make sense until you watch the market and
the key timeframes for a few days/weeks but the more you pay attention the more important you will see they are.
*** Also remember program trades/ Hfts/Algos pretty much totally control the
market in the last hour........................ as well as the first 1.5 hours..........
by the way I am the author of that piece under my real name not my screen name which is documented elsewhere and I hope you guys spread it around freely as helpful information but and yes before anyone says it for free. I do hold the copyright and it's free to distribute for free but not to charge for .

Thats not being a hyprocite or anything i wish all the great software out there was free but in the case of the stuff i was signed up with a few guys have basically spent every penny they had trying to bring it to they have to charge something for it
...I would like to see them succeed in that and as i said before am happy to forget about any commision or just as easy if they got millions of signups make some money.

It's about making money but not at the expense of standing on someones head either ....... it not costing me anything but time to be sitting here trying to get the word out...although I should be trading right now.

It also costs nothing to help people barring having to put up with a little backlash from some people
😡I signed up as an agent for the software company I do not own it...i trade for a living and after losing money too much I started to use it.
I decided I wanted to tell people about's a game changer pure and simple. I don't think there is anything wrong with becoming an agent for what is out of this world software as's about making money isn't it ???
Trade To Win ......... flag and nobble anything that threatens the staus quo thats more like it ........... so basically as long as everyone on this site talks and give out signals that sometimes work and don't work talk about stoneage indicators etc that do not work...... Trade To Win and muppets who have the millions to shut people up can control the info.

Yup !!! Don't see the point of the forum if you can't get relevant info on things....funny how Program Trading/ HFTS now control 80% of the daily market
but you'll find very little info on the 3 pieces of software out there that help you game this situation. I said 3 !!! I am only signed up with one in particular . You can't even find info on the internet easily on the other two either why.....cos of the reasons I mentioned.

Muppets with agendas flagging messages etc 😡 Trade To Lose more like 😡 How many people are actually making a full time living from trading ???

Do you have any secret Nazi boxes for sale? I hear they're out of this world.
wtf are you calling me some sort of Nazi ???
remember I spoke about muppets?

by the way you can pm me as well if you want to check it out yourself.......or are people reall y so stupid they can't make up their own minds ........whilst I apprciate you may think you have seen it many times before in this case you have not ..... what sort of person goes around calling people with helpful info "thieves" and "nazi" ???
Hi thanks LordFlasheart, firstly to everyone I am only signed up as a commision agent for the sofware i am not the owner

So you weren't just praising the software for the benefit of others who could use it, you also get a commission when members click or buy the product? This answers all your concerns as to why your posts were either edited or removed.

if they use a promo code yes...but please read all the posts i am as happy to just give people the direct link to see for themselves or as I had said I did think it wasn't a bad idea to get a commision if they were getting sales....

Either way it's irrelevant as new information on new software etc that people might get the benefit of simply can't be posted on here can it?

it wouldn't matter if I was giving people $1000 to take free software it would still be flagged and also people with their own agendas, maybe advertisers whoever would not allow again how is it called Trade To Win.....what with stoneage indicators and systems and also only the ones we'll let you have info on.

It's a forum for discussing right ?
let people post direct links then no promo codes nothing...nada....let people see whats out there and what there missing out on

let people decide for themselves and have healthy rather than aggressive discussion sabout the pros and cons of software and the possible benefits or pitfalls of such.

i don't see any fair discussion going on here do you ? Only attacks on myself.
A banker or ex banker slates my message

😆Hey Wacky Pete "I've been trading markets since 1983 when I started working with a commercial bank." thats on your's no wonder .... that just goes to prove my point Banks, advertisers, vested interests do not want fair discussions on here.....You and others want people to not believe the impact program trading is having on markets do you ? 😆😆😆😆😆😆
wtf are you calling me some sort of Nazi ???
remember I spoke about muppets?

by the way you can pm me as well if you want to check it out yourself.......or are people reall y so stupid they can't make up their own minds ........whilst I apprciate you may think you have seen it many times before in this case you have not ..... what sort of person goes around calling people with helpful info "thieves" and "nazi" ???

I'd give up right now. You really are wasting your time with this nonsense.
Well you're not and thats the difference...maybe you are a banker too.....I offered you a link to check it out yourself as welll you didn't want it obviously for your own hidden agenda.

Nonsense thats the point people are putting up with the nonsense and attacks of people like you. "if you're not part of the are part of the problem"
stop cluttering up my thread with your nonsense !

The offer stands to anyone that wants the link for free with no promo codes or commisions or fact I'll give you the links to the two other companies info that I spoke about as well...........
Ignore the muppets and educate yourself.....the only Nazis here are the ones trying to stop the flow of information !!

You and the Ex Banker Wacky Pete are making my point for just want to shut people up and not let the info get past you in case you'd lose money or something...correct ?

Also was very interesting Wacky pete the Ex Banker only joined in the attack when I had put the piece about the banks and program trading on the post !!!
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Re: A banker or ex banker slates my message

😆Hey Wacky Pete "I've been trading markets since 1983 when I started working with a commercial bank." thats on your's no wonder .... that just goes to prove my point Banks, advertisers, vested interests do not want fair discussions on here.....You and others want people to not believe the impact program trading is having on markets do you ? 😆😆😆😆😆😆

You're kidding, right??

FYI - Just to be clear, I only worked for the bank for a few years. It was seized by the gov't for failing to meet minimum capital requirements regarding insured depositor funds. I don't represent any bank or financial institution.

You and the Ex Banker Wacky Pete are making my point for just want to shut people up and not let the info get past you in case you'd lose money or something...correct ?

Also was very interesting Wacky pete the Ex Banker only joined in the attack when I had put the piece about the banks and program trading on the post !!!


Please keep posting!
