Journal of a Fool


Junior member
Well, I have been trading mostly long term for some time now.
But that has been really boring, Although much of my networth is still in assets with a long term view like property, gold bullions etc, I decided that I should get myself involved in short term trading. My reason for trying to start a journal is not to teach anything, infact this is the last journal you should be looking to learn anything from. It is more to keep me sane as I involve myself in the world of day trading.

Ofcourse I will be playing with a very small budget when I start off since most of what I would be doing will almost border upon betting. I also decided to start with real money, demo trading was good to keep my attention for 2 days and as long as real pounds are not at stake, i dont get the same fun.

Assets: Anything that moves but mainly US small caps, Gold and Oil spot (highly levered bets) and Major FX pairs.

Strategy: Scalping, tech analysis trading using patterns on with 10 min -4 hour time frame. US Stocks would mostly be on momentum, earnings announcement, volume abnormality.

I have not yet set a target % that I intend to make but a 10 % weekly would be good start. I am in the process of funding a separate sub account in Interactive Broker with $5000 which will be mostly to trade US Small caps. and $1000 with FXOpen ECN account for FX. Commodities I would be doing over some other accounts I already have.

this is first time I am getting involved with such short term trading and once my accounts are ready, i will be posting my trades live and my thoughts behind them. 2010.. I am all ready for ya.
Gift for a Fool

2010.. I am all ready for ya.

I am aware that I am fighting a pointless rearguard action however I have chosen to give up some time on Christmas day in the spirit of charity. It will not take much time to say this, and it may help the thread starter and others.

I have just seen this. I will tell you the truth. I may be the only one who will. I cannot do more.

If you wish to engage in gambling then you should expect to lose money. You are quite welcome to gamble for leisure on the ponies, at the bookies, on the National Lottery, or in the financial markets to the extent you are able to meet your obligations. If this is your objective then please be honest with yourself about it.

However, I can see that you actually do wish to profit from these activities. You have no legitimate expectation of profit. You state that you are new to this, and your other posts ask basic questions about which broker to use etc. You are a beginner. This is not an offensive comment, but a statement of fact. As a beginner you do not have the knowledge, skills, and experience to profit in what is ultimately a ruthlessly competitive business. None of us were born knowing, and we all had to begin at the beginning. There is nothing wrong with this. What is wrong is approaching the market with a flippant and disrespectful attitude, expecting to profit at the rate of 10% per week without any serious commitment, impatience, greed, etc. This is not the way a professional would conduct herself, and it alienates you from the very people who could help you.

I suggest that some humility is in order. I also suggest that frivolously gambling in the markets in the way you propose shows a lack of gratitude for your wealth. It is not my place to pass judgement on this, just some food for thought. It does not bode well that you look to others for answers to the basic questions rather than taking responsibility yourself. Equally you show signs of recklessness and impatience. Do not ignore the wisdom of those who have gone before you. This post is a caution to all beginners.

You are immediately at a disadvantage as you do not have the correct knowledge of how the market works. You have not developed the skill of accurately forecasting future prices in very fast, very liquid markets. You do not know when to enter and exit trades, how much risk to take, where to exit when you are wrong, etc. Additionally, you will be subject to emotional issues when risking your capital, even in small amounts. Without the correct foundation you will not have the ability to handle your emotions and behave correctly. In short you will not succeed if you choose this route. If you wish to succeed, the market demands more. Much more.

I will tell you a little more about this website, and other similar boards. Here there are around 150,000 members. Of this amount, around five are truly expert traders. Three have been banned. One removed his posts when it was demonstrated that the membership were an unworthy rabble. An additional dozen or so have a high level of understanding of the markets. These members do not contribute for reasons which will become obvious when the content of this post is fully understood.

Of the remainder, almost none have any true understanding of the markets. Almost none are consistently profitable. There are perhaps a few dozen members at most who actually make their living from trading. It is possible to make a consistent profit in a specialised niche without a complete understanding of the markets as a whole. It is possible to make consistent profit with a purely “mechanical” system in some conditions, but this is not the same as true market knowledge. People are generally gullible with low levels of awareness and unable to distinguish the truly successful from the imposters. There are many reasons for this, however that does not belong here and is obvious to one who puts her attention on the subject.

New members – aspiring traders – are not told any of this. Other members have been appointed as “forum guides” or “trading advisors” or “moderators”. None of these people are consistently successful, proficient, self employed full time traders. However, these titles have a suggestion of authority – and those who do not know better will believe that these forum titles qualify the holder to give advice. These titles are not awarded according to some measured, objective, criteria signifying competence in trading. Due to these factors it is almost impossible for the naive aspirant to distinguish between those with something of value to contribute and other beginners.

I will give you an example. At one time this board had a charity spreadbetting account. After much ado, the collective membership lost half the account and the project was quietly shelved. None of the contributors were proficient enough to make correct profitable trades for charity. The few who could chose not to due to the way they had been treated in the past, or because they were banned, or both.

Beginners who recognise they are beginners are perfectly okay. Beginners who believe that they are advanced and in a position to dispense advice to other beginners are nothing short of dangerous. If you continue with this thread you will be inundated with fruitless suggestions to use indicators, change “timeframe”, vary your bet size, trade (or not trade) at different times of the day, subscribe to services, attend seminars, pay for mentoring, choose different (supposedly “easier”) markets, and other nonsenses.

Nearly everyone here has an agenda, an opinion, and an ego. There are the good natured people who genuinely wish to help (but may cause harm through well intentioned but incorrect advice), there are salesmen, there are arrogant small minded people with ego issues, there are those who intentionally disrupt, and there are the owners and staff who have an interest in all this continuing as is.

This website is not about “traders helping traders”. Instead it is a vehicle to enrich the owner, staff, and advertisers at the expense of the membership. The site makes its money from adverts. The adverts are placed by entities who provide “services” to members. With the exception of bona fide brokers who deal with clients on an execution only basis, all of these “services” involve profiting at the expense of the members. The bucket shop brokers and spread betting bookies make money when members lose on their trades, and by offering worse prices than the real market. The vendors offer a service to people who will pay more than it is worth through ignorance. Paid mentoring is a scam as the mentors do not know, and the correct teaching is so valuable that it would not be sold by those who do know.

If all of this is done honestly I see no problem. The market involves the proficient being enriched at the expense of the derelict. I also have no entitlement to a soapbox here. The site owner is not required to publish my views. I am not making unfounded accusations or suggesting anything improper – simply explaining that there is an entire industry devoted to separating aspiring traders from their money, and that this site makes its revenue from advertising provided by such an industry. As a result the owner has no incentive to improve the quality of the membership here, only to increase the quantity of membership to generate more page impressions. This is business.

What is generally missing from the daily discourse here is a genuine desire to learn and improve, humility, respect, and manners. Instead we have greed, impatience, arrogance, rudeness and disrespect.

In the past, expert traders who wished to help others attempted to share the results of their years of experience, diligent work, and creative insights with the membership in order to help those who truly aspired. The collective conduct of the membership was disgustingly uncivil, and the website owner and his staff did not deal with this. As a result nothing of value is shared here. The members who behaved badly got exactly what they deserved.

There is no merit in herd behaviour. There is no virtue in seeking comfort in shared ignorance with others. If you are able to critically examine what this website is and is not, and assess for yourself the merits of engaging in discourse with the membership here, you will have learned something valuable indeed which will assist you in your journey to become a trader. These are the people who lose. To be successful you must learn why they lose and how to take their money. The market always needs cannon fodder. Understand yourself, and understand the sheep.

In trading, almost all of the time, the outcomes are decided in advance. Therefore the outcome of almost any trade can be known in advance almost all the time. The truly expert traders can predict where price will go next, repeatedly. Without this ability you are guessing and gambling. This ability takes years to develop. It cannot be learned by everyone.

Those who have earned this ability get it right nearly all the time. Days without losing trades. Months without down days. Specialisation in a chosen instrument and the ability to deal size when conditions are correct. These experts can recognise other experts, the proficient, and the amateurs by their conduct. I have never spoken with any of the five traders I mentioned earlier, but I know they are all true experts by what and how they post. Newbies cannot be expected to have this level of awareness, and are apt to be misdirected.

In summary:
- You do not know how to day trade successfully
- If you risk capital when you do not know you are gambling and will lose
- Your losses will go to the disciplined, ruthless, skilled, professional traders
- While the correct knowledge is a prerequisite, trading is a skill and the ability must be earned through personal effort – it cannot be transferred
- The correct knowledge can be discovered – this requires isolation and independent thought
- Those who know how to trade will not take you in hand and show you everything
- The masses who do not know how to trade will offer incorrect advice
- I will be attacked for this post by those who cannot trade

I only said it would be the truth, not that it would be pleasant. Please take the time to evaluate this and be honest with yourself. It may save you a very unpleasant journey, emotionally and financially. Do not seek excitement that you cannot ultimately afford. The good news is that the market is available to all who aspire – this provides the profits for the successful and the opportunity to succeed to all.

I sincerely hope that you all have beneficial realisations after reading this. Don’t be a fool. Don’t be a sucker. Merry Christmas.
Re: Gift for a Fool

I am aware that I am fighting a pointless rearguard action however I have chosen to give up some time on Christmas day in the spirit of charity. It will not take much time to say this, and it may help the thread starter and others.

I have just seen this. I will tell you the truth. I may be the only one who will. I cannot do more.

If you wish to engage in gambling then you should expect to lose money. You are quite welcome to gamble for leisure on the ponies, at the bookies, on the National Lottery, or in the financial markets to the extent you are able to meet your obligations. If this is your objective then please be honest with yourself about it.


I suggest that some humility is in order. I also suggest that frivolously gambling in the markets in the way you propose shows a lack of gratitude for your wealth. It is not my place to pass judgement on this, just some food for thought. It does not bode well that you look to others for answers to the basic questions rather than taking responsibility yourself.


I sincerely hope that you all have beneficial realisations after reading this. Don’t be a fool. Don’t be a sucker. Merry Christmas.

Thanks a lot for that long post. I didnot expect to see any replies on my thread but your post is well appreaciated and your comments taken on board. I think I may have come across in a way I didnot wish to. I am humble with the fact that my knowledge of the markets is very less when it comes to day trading... i cant even figure out most tech analysis patterns. that is why I did state my methods may border upon gambling. But having been investing for a long time now especially in the volatile emerging markets has given me a different feel for the markets. I have read threads here and learnt a lot, but I just realised the more I read the more I know but unless i get down in the gutter and get my hands dirty, all this knowledge is pointless. So I also know I will make mistakes, hopefully learn from them and at the end of the tunnel, keep my shirt and emerge as a good trader. My questions about brokers was not because I am aimless, just that I never dealt in FX before and FX markets are much diff to rest being a otc one so I just wanted to start with someone who was not ripping me off... I am ok with a smart trader at the other end making money off me.. that is fair game but not a sleazy broker cheating me off my funds.. coz you can beat a good trader at his game, not a sleazy brutus broker who acts like your friend and rips you off.

Merry Christmas to you as well... i thought just to let you know how much your comments are appreciated.. i should take some time off my christmas dinner to reply back to you...
Hi john_almighty,
Welcome to T2W.
ccclarette658's comments about trading and the markets are relevant, interesting and worth noting. However, when it comes to 'agendas' and who has them, one has to question the motives of a member with a mere 22 posts who devotes a significant chunk of Christmas day to trashing the site! I have reported the post to the moderators for making wild and false allegations about the the site, its members and staff. The comments are so wide of the mark and fanciful that one has to assume it's some sort of joke, albeit in poor taste and distinctly lacking in Christmas spirit.

As well as being the site's Content Manager, I am also the Forum Guide for this forum. If you're interested in finding out the actual role of a FG (as opposed to what ccclarette658 and other detractors would have you believe), then please go to this thread which explains what we're really all about. Additionally, I am here to help in any way I can. Good luck with your journal and your trading in 2010!
Hi john_almighty,
Welcome to T2W.
ccclarette658's comments about trading and the markets are relevant, interesting and worth noting. However, when it comes to 'agendas' and who has them, one has to question the motives of a member with a mere 22 posts who devotes a significant chunk of Christmas day to trashing the site! I have reported the post to the moderators for making wild and false allegations about the the site, its members and staff. The comments are so wide of the mark and fanciful that one has to assume it's some sort of joke, albeit in poor taste and distinctly lacking in Christmas spirit.

As well as being the site's Content Manager, I am also the Forum Guide for this forum. If you're interested in finding out the actual role of a FG (as opposed to what ccclarette658 and other detractors would have you believe), then please go to this thread which explains what we're really all about. Additionally, I am here to help in any way I can. Good luck with your journal and your trading in 2010!

Hi Tim and A Happy and Prosperous New Year.

The downside of your job is that you have to read all that stuff. I couldn't tell you what was in it!
I am afraid that ccclarette658 post is nothing but the rantings of a loser
sour grapes and all that.

There are a lot more winners than the so called 10% .T2w is a great site to meet, learn have the occasional rant or argument all done the best spirit.

There are so many posters, who spend a lot of time on the site, they must be making an income somehow or have some means of generating one in order to spend their time here.
There are several threads by great posters like Mr Charts, BBmac the forex thread.
T2w is a site for winners to frequent and exchange ideas and opinions not for losers.
ccclarette58's post contains more truth than assumptions/guesses.Where did he get all the statistics on profitable/non profitable traders?

Everybody expresses their opinions ,sometimes biased and based on their own agenda.I do not agree with his post entirely, but I also don't agree with everybody else entirely.
Opinions are always biased towards your own personal experience .
If you are a loser you will have a negative opinion
if you are successful you will have a positive opinion

I have been trading 10 odd years and do not have a bad word to say about any of the big spreadbetting firms like ig, cmc, capital spreads.(maybe my wins are not big enough🙂)

Don't know about the white partnerships or smaller newer ones.
Basically if you are diligent study the market and learn what to do, you can make a living from trading.
Re: Gift for a Fool

Of this amount, around five are truly expert traders. Three have been banned. One removed his posts when it was demonstrated that the membership were an unworthy rabble. An additional dozen or so have a high level of understanding of the markets. These members do not contribute for reasons which will become obvious when the content of this post is fully understood.


Of the remainder, almost none have any true understanding of the markets. Almost none are consistently profitable. There are perhaps a few dozen members at most who actually make their living from trading.

Possibly true.

It is possible to make a consistent profit in a specialised niche without a complete understanding of the markets as a whole.

It is not possible to consistently make profit,no matter how experienced or skilled a trader is.

It is possible to make consistent profit with a purely “mechanical” system in some conditions, but this is not the same as true market knowledge.

Only one person has such methods,most others will fail in dynamic markets

People are generally gullible with low levels of awareness and unable to distinguish the truly successful from the imposters.


New members – aspiring traders – are not told any of this. Other members have been appointed as “forum guides” or “trading advisors” or “moderators”. None of these people are consistently successful, proficient, self employed full time traders. However, these titles have a suggestion of authority – and those who do not know better will believe that these forum titles qualify the holder to give advice. These titles are not awarded according to some measured, objective, criteria signifying competence in trading. Due to these factors it is almost impossible for the naive aspirant to distinguish between those with something of value to contribute and other beginners.

I do not follow anybody else except my own judgement.

. Beginners who believe that they are advanced and in a position to dispense advice to other beginners are nothing short of dangerous. If you continue with this thread you will be inundated with fruitless suggestions to use indicators, change “timeframe”, vary your bet size, trade (or not trade) at different times of the day, subscribe to services, attend seminars, pay for mentoring, choose different (supposedly “easier”) markets, and other nonsenses.

There are other threads for such advice

Nearly everyone here has an agenda, an opinion, and an ego. There are the good natured people who genuinely wish to help (but may cause harm through well intentioned but incorrect advice), there are salesmen, there are arrogant small minded people with ego issues, there are those who intentionally disrupt, and there are the owners and staff who have an interest in all this continuing as is.

As a new trader just ignore everything else and carry on increasing your knowledge from reading various posts.You will gain by doing so.

This website is not about “traders helping traders”. Instead it is a vehicle to enrich the owner, staff, and advertisers at the expense of the membership. The site makes its money from adverts. The adverts are placed by entities who provide “services” to members.

Rubbish.Advertisers buy advertising from their own pockets.Many lose money if campaign is not successful.

With the exception of bona fide brokers who deal with clients on an execution only basis, all of these “services” involve profiting at the expense of the members. The bucket shop brokers and spread betting bookies make money when members lose on their trades, and by offering worse prices than the real market. The vendors offer a service to people who will pay more than it is worth through ignorance. Paid mentoring is a scam as the mentors do not know, and the correct teaching is so valuable that it would not be sold by those who do know.

They make their money , I make more money than them.Traders do not have to use these outfits and this site is liberal on content against bucketshops.

If all of this is done honestly I see no problem. The market involves the proficient being enriched at the expense of the derelict. I am not making unfounded accusations or suggesting anything improper – simply explaining that there is an entire industry devoted to separating aspiring traders from their money.

The sex industry and whorehouses also the same .i.e empty your pockets, or wall street join forces to steal from your pensions

. As a result the owner has no incentive to improve the quality of the membership here, only to increase the quantity of membership to generate more page impressions. This is business.

Business is Business.There is no wrong doing or illegal here

In the past, expert traders who wished to help others attempted to share the results of their years of experience, diligent work, and creative insights with the membership in order to help those who truly aspired. The collective conduct of the membership was disgustingly uncivil, and the website owner and his staff did not deal with this. As a result nothing of value is shared here. The members who behaved badly got exactly what they deserved.

What expert trader ?Every novice thinks they are an expert AND QUALIFIED TO GIVE ADVICE AND OPINIONS.What do you expect other members to do?

If you are able to critically examine what this website is and is not, and assess for yourself the merits of engaging in discourse with the membership here, you will have learned something valuable indeed which will assist you in your journey to become a trader. These are the people who lose. To be successful you must learn why they lose and how to take their money. The market always needs cannon fodder. Understand yourself, and understand the sheep.

There are markets where traders take money from the business world.It is a non controlled market, where other traders do not have to lose for others to make money.Try foreign exchange.

In trading, almost all of the time, the outcomes are decided in advance. Therefore the outcome of almost any trade can be known in advance almost all the time. The truly expert traders can predict where price will go next, repeatedly. Without this ability you are guessing and gambling. This ability takes years to develop. It cannot be learned by everyone.

What a load of tosh.Expert traders have no timing gifts because markets are dynamic and often unpredictable and have their own minds.I remember an expert buying gold at 450 on 800 bet,yet he sold out at a stop of 375.

Those who have earned this ability get it right nearly all the time. Days without losing trades. Months without down days. Specialisation in a chosen instrument and the ability to deal size when conditions are correct. These experts can recognise other experts, the proficient, and the amateurs by their conduct.

Give us a break .These are your opinions and are not true.

I sincerely hope that you all have beneficial realisations after reading this. Don’t be a fool. Don’t be a sucker. Merry Christmas.[/QUOTE]

Today is boxing day!
Whatever the guy said in his post, it was too long. If he wrote nothing positive, then he must be a very bitter person.
guys if you look at the public profile of ccclarette658 you will see that he is a she 😍😀:cheesy:
I recommended the post because it has great quality and content, and it's thoroughly coherent (no contradictions). It's also true that the number one priority to this forum - like to all other financial forums (including is visitors and sponsors, as it should be. And it didn't say it in a disrespectful way. It did not say that this forum tries to make its readers unprofitable. The one part I found surprising was that it states that on the whole forum there's only about 20 people who trade for a living, but I wouldn't know the likelihood of that since I am unprofitable myself. Also, by how she writes, I would bet she's profitable.

Yes, there was a controversial part, saying that some forum guides do not make money. Can we say that all forum guides make money and trade for a living (there's a difference)? There's quite a lot of them...

As I said, I've been trading for 12 years and I am not profitable yet... so maybe that is why I don't find it that offensive for clarette to claim that some of the forum guides are "unprofitable".

Also, about "bucket shops", sponsoring this forum. Are they our friends really? Do they want our happiness? I don't think so. I think they just want our money. Also, this is in favor of this forum which hosts many threads talking about problems withdrawing money from the "bucket shops". But it also reveals these "bucket shops" are not your friends. And clarette's post opened my eyes about this.
I recommended the post because it has great quality and content, and it's thoroughly coherent (no contradictions). It's also true that the number one priority to this forum - like to all other financial forums (including is visitors and sponsors, as it should be. And it didn't say it in a disrespectful way. It did not say that this forum tries to make its readers unprofitable. The one part I found surprising was that it states that on the whole forum there's only about 20 people who trade for a living, but I wouldn't know the likelihood of that since I am unprofitable myself. Also, by how she writes, I would bet she's profitable.

Yes, there was a controversial part, saying that some forum guides do not make money. Can we say that all forum guides make money and trade for a living (there's a difference)? There's quite a lot of them...

As I said, I've been trading for 12 years and I am not profitable yet... so maybe that is why I don't find it that offensive for clarette to claim that some of the forum guides are "unprofitable".

Also, about "bucket shops", sponsoring this forum. Are they our friends really? Do they want our happiness? I don't think so. I think they just want our money. Also, this is in favor of this forum which hosts many threads talking about problems withdrawing money from the "bucket shops". But it also reveals these "bucket shops" are not your friends. And clarette's post opened my eyes about this.

Yep, I don't agree with the whole post, but it is still very coherent as you say. I'd like to think it was very unbiased, but I'm not sure where she(?) got the figures about how many traders here are profitable, etc. I pretty much reccommened the post for this statement 🙂:

"If you wish to engage in gambling then you should expect to lose money. You are quite welcome to gamble for leisure on the ponies, at the bookies, on the National Lottery, or in the financial markets to the extent you are able to meet your obligations. If this is your objective then please be honest with yourself about it.

However, I can see that you actually do wish to profit from these activities. You have no legitimate expectation of profit. You state that you are new to this, and your other posts ask basic questions about which broker to use etc. You are a beginner. This is not an offensive comment, but a statement of fact. As a beginner you do not have the knowledge, skills, and experience to profit in what is ultimately a ruthlessly competitive business. None of us were born knowing, and we all had to begin at the beginning. There is nothing wrong with this. What is wrong is approaching the market with a flippant and disrespectful attitude, expecting to profit at the rate of 10% per week without any serious commitment, impatience, greed, etc. This is not the way a professional would conduct herself, and it alienates you from the very people who could help you."
I recommended the post because it has great quality and content, and it's thoroughly coherent (no contradictions). It's also true that the number one priority to this forum - like to all other financial forums (including is visitors and sponsors, as it should be. And it didn't say it in a disrespectful way. It did not say that this forum tries to make its readers unprofitable. The one part I found surprising was that it states that on the whole forum there's only about 20 people who trade for a living, but I wouldn't know the likelihood of that since I am unprofitable myself. Also, by how she writes, I would bet she's profitable.

Yes, there was a controversial part, saying that some forum guides do not make money. Can we say that all forum guides make money and trade for a living (there's a difference)? There's quite a lot of them...

As I said, I've been trading for 12 years and I am not profitable yet... so maybe that is why I don't find it that offensive for clarette to claim that some of the forum guides are "unprofitable".

Also, about "bucket shops", sponsoring this forum. Are they our friends really? Do they want our happiness? I don't think so. I think they just want our money. Also, this is in favor of this forum which hosts many threads talking about problems withdrawing money from the "bucket shops". But it also reveals these "bucket shops" are not your friends. And clarette's post opened my eyes about this.

There is truth in what you write but, reading the OP #1, I cannot, for the life of me, see anything in it to invite such an aggressive letter from clarette. He wrote an introductory post about his intention to start a journal. We can all write truthful, as well as untruthful, things but clarette's post sounded as if she had just burnt the turkey.

It would be naive, in the extreme, to think that any "bucket shops", as you describe them, are in the business for our benefit. The same could be said for brokers, banks or any financial instituttion, so there is not much point in going down that line of argument.

I found clarette's post offensive, myself, not in what she wrote but in the way she wrote it.
Hmm, look at how she ended it: don't be a sucker, merry christmas. I think it was quite friendly, and that's how the OP took it. She put a lot of work into her post, and filled it with sincere opinions and detailed motivations. How can we not praise it, when the usual post consists of half a sentence (often sarcastic) and a smiley?
I agree with Travis. I don't think there was malice in the post.

From the trading/education viewpoint, the post elaborated on a distinction between informed market participants and uninformed market participants and how most retail traders fall into the uninformed bucket, the premise being that informed traders will always wipe the floor with uninformed ones .

I use the term informed in the Larry Harris sense below - someone who can correctly price an instrument in a market at any time and capitalise on deviations from this price caused by uninformed traders.

Setting the expectation that there are few informed traders on this site to learn from was not unreasonable.

Personally I would welcome more posts from Clarette, especially if they are informative in making the transition from uninformed to informed trading.
I agree with Travis. I don't think there was malice in the post.

From the trading/education viewpoint, the post elaborated on a distinction between informed market participants and uninformed market participants and how most retail traders fall into the uninformed bucket, the premise being that informed traders will always wipe the floor with uninformed ones .

I use the term informed in the Larry Harris sense below - someone who can correctly price an instrument in a market at any time and capitalise on deviations from this price caused by uninformed traders.

Setting the expectation that there are few informed traders on this site to learn from was not unreasonable.

Personally I would welcome more posts from Clarette, especially if they are informative in making the transition from uninformed to informed trading.

Interesting paper... the subject seems interesting. I think I'm going to read it:
Three groups of stylized characteristic traders are examined. Winning traders trade for profit. Utilitarian traders trade because their external benefits of trading are greater than their losses. Futile traders expect to profit but for a variety of reasons their expectation are not realized.
I think I may be in category two or three. But then it also would seem from these few lines that those in 2 and 3 might not even know which category they belong to: they might think they're profitable (self-deception, hope to be profitable from today, etc.).

This Harris is also one of these guys, among the other things:

It was written in the early 1990s, before online trading was available to most of us. It gets interesting for me starting on page 20.

Actually there's a paragraph related to what clarette was writing: the fact that market professionals tend to downplay the role of gambling in the financial markets:
I think I am somewhere between a utilitarian and futile trader, because I was a gambler without knowing it. A proof of this is that I never bought a lottery ticket nor went to the casino. I thought I was trading to make money, but the fact is that I lost money for 12 years, so probably I was a gambler. Or maybe just a retarded trader. I'll finish the paper to see if it talks about me.

Ok, maybe I found what I am: a fledgling who never learned to trade. Maybe. Only maybe, because I see many characteristics of the gambler in me.

Ok, maybe I found it: as I suspected, I am a retarded trader. Here's the part that talks about me:

There's one problem with this paper. It creates too many categories and uses them interchangeably. This is evident in the summary. Also, the tables at the end are no good, or rather: they highlight that there's plenty of incoherences with the rows and columns created (groups and their characteristics).

However, I am glad I read it, because it did provide a pretty clear picture of the gambling and non-profitable types, which no one really talks about: traders who consistently lose money like me and yet do not stop trading. I needed this picture to understand better my behaviour.
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I don't think there was malice, but it did seem very bitter, and just a little bit patronising, and with some very sweeping generalisations with nothing to support the position. Nonetheless, there were some what seem to be (and I use that viewpoint advisedly) near-universal truths in it.

It was just the seeming asumption that the rest of the people on T2W are in some way too dense to have worked those things out for themselves that perhaps jars a little?

HNY to all...
