marsman's Project X


Active member
Ok, to begin with, here the same intro I had posted in the Intro-Section:

marsman's market adventure continues here... 🙂

Hi folks,
today I've been banned at ET because I critisized the mod there (named Magna). I think my critique was justified.

Ok, nevermind. I'll continue documenting my project here.

My project and goal is to make at least 30% per month. Ok, this seems to be very high for some folks, but for me it is easily achievable, and I already proved it (using a very realistic realtime paper account at IB) by making even much more than that figure.

Since last Friday I'm continuing the same trading method by now trading a live-account initially funded with 10k.
I'll post here at T2W screenshots of the development of that live-account.

See you in the new home-site of my journal here at T2W under the Journals board.
The Title of my journal will be "marsman's Project X"


Ok, dear reader, you are already here, welcome and enjoy. Active participation is welcome, but please be aware that I can't answer deep-going or lengthy questions as I'm a trader with little time for this journal.

People interessted in the old contents of my journal can find the archives at the old site, which has, as said above, banned me today:

My username there is the same like here, ie. "marsman". I made many contributions there.

I hope that many ET users will switch to T2W.

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As said in the previous posting, live trading started last Friday.
Attached is the development of the live account till yesterday's EOD.
Believe it or not, but we made about 60% in just a week 😀
And let me tell you this: it was definitely not luck, it was strategy.


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And here's the very current status of the account:


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Btw, I'm doing this trading project together with a friend.
We use IB as the broker and their TWS as the trading platform.
We mainly trade weekly equity options with a timeframe of 1 to 3 weeks.
And: we are located in Euroland, trading at US markets US equity options.
Btw, I'm 100% sure that the said Magna is a corrupt person. He takes bribes by some veterans (so called "established members") who don't accept any new user (me) who is better than themselves...
Today they flooded my journal with spam, and when I complained to the mod, he accuses me that I made 9 reports to him (because he was sleeping or closing both eyes instead of being on duty).
AND: that spammer still is user there and continues posting normal posts. Unbelievable! I did nothing, and got banned, and a spammer is welcome there.
The truth is: it seems that it all was orchestrated, planned, to get exactly that outcome... As said corrupt...
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And here's my complaint to the site owner Baron about the said unjust mod at ET.
Unfortunately there was no answer, so then I assume he backed the banning decision...


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Btw, in my initial posting I unfortunately made a silly typo, sorry: "live-account" should of course be "live-trading"... :cheesy:
Our account was 10k at inception, now after a week it's about 16k.
IB makes the reports available only the next day. So on Saturday I'll able to post the report (NAV time series etc.)
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Currently IB servers seem to be down or in maintenance mode, Web-Login works, but no account numbers get shown, everywhere just "N/A".
And Login via TWS is not possible at the moment, tried several times.

The System Status page initially said that there was a scheduled maintenance right now, but within 5 seconds the page automatically refreshed and now says always that the status is green for all systems.
But this can't be true because of the above problems...

Really funny...

- Web account data now gets shown
- TWS login now works too again, BUT: expired options have still not been processed! In previous weeks they normally were processed at about 21:40 US ET on Fridays...

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Generating a report says "Your statement is not ready at this time for the account(s) and date(s) selected."

I assume it has to do with the above said not yet processed expired options...
Expired options get processed by the OCC.

Ok, have to wait some more hours till the options get processed...

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Are you able to give any information regarding your system?
Of course I am, but it depends on the purpose. Why do you ask?
Ah, wait... No, no, this system is not for sale!

But as was written in the initial posting, you can read in the archives, there I wrote about my method, spread over many postings. Of course regarded the uncapable mod at ET hasn't deleted them... :cheesy:

The heart of mystem is a realtime/neartime market scanner that I wrote. It analyses all of the weekly options (about 500 underlyings, but in the 3rd week of the month there are about 4000 underlyings, ie. the monthlys).
It's for trading equity options. Currently only US markets.

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Well, the reason I ask is in order to learn something that I could use to possibly enhance my own trading. I don't need anybody else's system even if its free, but there's always the possibility to improve.
Well, the reason I ask is in order to learn something that I could use to possibly enhance my own trading. I don't need anybody else's system even if its free, but there's always the possibility to improve.

Sorry, I'm new here. Just a question: are details of your own system available online?
Sorry, I'm new here. Just a question: are details of your own system available online?

All the strategies I've used are online here somewhere. I don't think they would interest you as I trade off the daily charts using pre-set orders to open long and short, and to close on stops or profit targets. My systems are childishly simple, I'm trend-following and avoid using any off-chart indicators: on-chart I just use a couple of MAs to confirm long and short-term trends.

I see only one reason to be on T2W, and that's to learn - to learn either to become profitable or to learn to be more profitable. (I assume traders who are making as much money as they need and think they deserve don't spend much time on forums, they probably have better things to do!). The way to learn is by trading information about systems - you tell a bit about yours, I tell a bit about mine - we both gain.

I suppose another reason would be to sell something, either a system or training etc., but I'm not in that market.
Generating a report says "Your statement is not ready at this time for the account(s) and date(s) selected."

I assume it has to do with the above said not yet processed expired options...
Expired options get processed by the OCC.

Ok, have to wait some more hours till the options get processed...


Generating the report is still not possible as of now; still getting the same above message... 🙁

But luckily, at least the said expired options have been processed.
To achieve our goal of making bigger profits (absolutely seen) much faster, we are in need of more trading funds (>=100k).

For this I consider buying a vendor account to be able to seek possible investors here.
I asked the support and also a staff member here for details and costs.

I've also contacted my broker IB whether it would be possible to find possible investors at their MarketPlace.

Any further help and experiences are very welcome. TIA.
Ok, finally the IB report is now available: 76% profit in just 6 trading days :clap:


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