Member reputation system faults?


How come some members fall from say 6 light green dots, to say 2 or 3 light green dots?

I have noticed this with a couple of members so far... 😕

I'm not sure they have though 😕 . As it seems to have happened with some respected members.

Perhaps posters who disagree can take points away. Not sure how this works but what happens if you disagree with a member's post?
Perhaps posters who disagree can take points away. Not sure how this works but what happens if you disagree with a member's post?

If you dissapprove of a members post, or they dissapprove with your post, a relative amount of points is deducted.

The more greens squares a member has and the longer they have been a member, the more clout their approval/dissaproval carries.

However, light green squares take twice the number of points to accumulate as dark green squares (200 v's 100) therefore i cant see how these members would one day be on 6 light green squares and the next day they'd be on 2 light green squares. I very much doubt that this change is due to dissapproval comments.
I also noticed another member who has made less than 100 posts but has around 4 light green squares. How is this possible (realistically)? and doesn't this make a bit of a mockery of the M.R.S.?
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I also noticed another member who has made less than 100 posts but has around 4 light green squares. How is this possible (realistically)? and doesn't this make a bit of a mockery of the M.R.S.?

Yes it does. I don't know who you are referring to but they should be banned immediately, and kicked in the gonads if possible.
Yes it does. I don't know who you are referring to but they should be banned immediately, and kicked in the gonads if possible.

well, i agree that some are clearly from spammers, however there are others which are truly genuine.....they have earned their dots, but they also delete many ....seriously, delete many of their posts.
well.....kind of gone, you now have 24 hours to do so, but i meant before the new site was launched.

Yes it does. I don't know who you are referring to but they should be banned immediately, and kicked in the gonads if possible.

😆 😆

I wasn't referring to you, but now you mention it, you are a PRIME EXAMPLE, of someone who has posted little and earned many reputation points just like the other member who shall obviously remain nameless.
Not that i really give much of a damn, but I find it hard to believe that a member can legitimately earn over 1000 reputation points in just 128 posts 😉 - although I am not for one minute suggesting that your posts aren't HIGH QUALITY, or that you are part of a scam, i just find it hard to believe how 128 posts can lead to 1000+ rep. points for any member.
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I could name other very good newish members who have posted only around 100 times, their posts tend to be quality, yet they have hardly any rep. points.
I would suggest this may be due to a trend of a member perhaps needing to establish their credentials B4 people start handing out good post comments willy nilly.
😆 😆

I wasn't referring to you, but now you mention it, you are a PRIME EXAMPLE, of someone who has posted little and earned many reputation points just like the other member who shall obviously remain nameless.
Not that i really give much of a damn, but I find it hard to believe that a member can legitimately earn over 1000 reputation points in just 128 posts 😉 - although I am not for one minute suggesting that your posts aren't HIGH QUALITY, or that you are part of a scam, i just find it hard to believe how 128 posts can lead to 1000+ rep. points for any member.

aye - Spam Man's rep is definitley from quality, not quantity. I love his posts.😆

I also noticed another member who has made less than 100 posts but has around 4 light green squares. How is this possible (realistically)? and doesn't this make a bit of a mockery of the M.R.S.?

😆 Depends on what he wrote. The one you mention may be a pillar of wisdom or he may be attacking someone that the rest of us love to hate.

i just find it hard to believe how 128 posts can lead to 1000+ rep. points for any member.

That doesn't surprise me. In fact I imagine that the entire concept of contributing a mere 128 posts in any timeframe higher than half an hour is a source of utter mystery for you, my prolific friend.

Here is a little exercise you can do at home which may in some way aid you in your quest to become as popular and handsome as I am : Next time a half-formed thought or the germ of a daft idea springs unbidden into your head do not, I repeat, DO NOT!!! start a thread on T2W about it. I know it sounds impossible, but give it a try and let us all know how you get on.
😆 😆

I wasn't referring to you, but now you mention it, you are a PRIME EXAMPLE, of someone who has posted little and earned many reputation points just like the other member who shall obviously remain nameless.
Not that i really give much of a damn, but I find it hard to believe that a member can legitimately earn over 1000 reputation points in just 128 posts 😉 - although I am not for one minute suggesting that your posts aren't HIGH QUALITY, or that you are part of a scam, i just find it hard to believe how 128 posts can lead to 1000+ rep. points for any member.

Spam Man gets my rep on practically every one of those 128 quality times he has posted. I have him to thank for many instances of laughter induced underwear soiling. :cheesy:
How come some members fall from say 6 light green dots, to say 2 or 3 light green dots?

I have noticed this with a couple of members so far... 😕


the new rep system has "dissapprove" as well as "approve" - you may have noticed a small minority of people who have accrued RED dots. Presumably this is becuase a number of other members find their posts objectionable enough to vote them down.

it also works on existing rep - if a number of members dissapprove enough of a post to give it negative rep, then they lose score, and if they lose enough of it then they will lose dots too
I can't say that I've actually noticed any green dots go awol, I even went through the members list, clicking on likely suspects that may have taken a hit and well no I can't see that anyone I clicked look like they're missing any.

I think the member you may be refereing JT has posted many more posts than is currently shown but deleted almost all at one point as jacinto previously pointed out... reps were probably earned for offsite comms as well as the onsite posts. If this member posts I always take a look with interest.

I agree whole-heartedly with blades and Arb on Spam Mans posts, pure class of the highest order, deserving in every point earned... my particular faves, the classic Joe Ross "Hey Spam Man!" post.

The unforgettable insight in the "...after which things took a turn for the strange" post, in the "how to think correctly" thread. I just p!ssed myself reviewing that one again.


I can't say that I've actually noticed any green dots go awol, I even went through the members list, clicking on likely suspects that may have taken a hit and well no I can't see that anyone I clicked look like they're missing any.

I think the member you may be refereing JT has posted many more posts than is currently shown but deleted almost all at one point as jacinto previously pointed out... reps were probably earned for offsite comms as well as the onsite posts. If this member posts I always take a look with interest.

I agree whole-heartedly with blades and Arb on Spam Mans posts, pure class of the highest order, deserving in every point earned... my particular faves, the classic Joe Ross "Hey Spam Man!" post.

The unforgettable insight in the "...after which things took a turn for the strange" post, in the "how to think correctly" thread. I just p!ssed myself reviewing that one again.

OK as a moderator i will stick my neck out here. I do not think that points should be deductible by members. I think this just breeds contempt and anger. If someone has posted a good post (trading or non_trading related) and other members have found it valuable or amusing then they should vote it as such and no-one should be allowed to remove that kudos.

The only exception I make to that is that i shoud fall with site guidelines. If for example a member made racist comments then the mods should have every right to remove any kudos attached and go further. However I would hope that our members are above that kind of behaviour so that the occasion is not tested and does not arise.

I cannot comment specifically on the dissapearance of green dots, becaue I do not know how the sytem should work and whether or not it has been subject to bugs. I await for the techies views on that.

Until this is resolved I would urge members to only award points and to use the usual means of reporting public posts via the report posts icon, or contacting the mods directly for PM abuses.

Let's try to keep these threads positive rather than dwell on the negative and also realise that other members read things in different ways to those we might have intended or not intended. Be aware of other people's sensitivities. Do not try to wind them up. Treat th discussions as an intellectual, rather than a personal. enterprise.
