Capital Spreads fraudulently changed the prices of trade executed 2 weeks ago!!!!!!!!

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Junior member
Over the past 2 weeks i had placed a couple of trades on Capital Spreads and which were executed. I even closed some of the positions and took some cash out. However this week i realized my account credit balance of £5k was reduced to negative balance. Without warning or advice from Capital Spreads. When I called Capital Spreads, i was told that all the trades executed in the past 2 weeks were being reversed because their trading system had "MISPRICED" the products, therefore my account profit of about £3k was reversed. When I raised the complain in writing they said they will reply in any event within 8 weeks from the receipt of your complaint. In the meantime my account has been made red (in debit) and I can’t trade for 8 weeks!!

These positions were genuine trades done over 2-3 weeks and when I made a profit, they withdrew the deals. I find this unfair and cheating to investors/ traders. This is real cheating. Imagine if I bought a car 2 weeks ago and sold it after. And the original seller comes back to me and say, by the way the price I sold you the car was incorrect, you now owe me more money. This is in essence what Capital spreads is doing. If any business operated this way, then for deal executed deal is not a guaranteed deal with this company. They can look at this anyway they wish but when the deal has gone through in the books the deal is done. One can do not back off on deals you do not like. If I backed out on all the deals I lost on over the years I would be £20,000's pounds better off. I cannot believe a big company like Capital Spreads would do such an ungentlemanly trick over a mistake on their side. I was expecting that there would be some explanation apart from we will get back you in 8 weeks time!!. They did not apologise or admit to be at fault.

These were Equity Indices. I bought one SMI September future index at 6120 and the SMI spot index was 6300. After 2 weeks Capital Spreads say the price of the SMI September future index was mispriced by their system at 6120. It should have been more close to spot at 6300.
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Over the past 2 weeks i had placed a couple of trades on Capital Spreads and which were executed. I even closed some of the positions and took some cash out. However this week i realized my account credit balance of £5k was reduced to negative balance. Without warning or advice from Capital Spreads. When I called Capital Spreads, i was told that all the trades executed in the past 2 weeks were being reversed because their trading system had "MISPRICED" the products, therefore my account profit of about £3k was reversed. When I raised the complain in writing they said they will reply in any event within 8 weeks from the receipt of your complaint. In the meantime my account has been made red (in debit) and I can’t trade for 8 weeks!!

These positions were genuine trades done over 2-3 weeks and when I made a profit, they withdrew the deals. I find this unfair and cheating to investors/ traders. This is real cheating. Imagine if I bought a car 2 weeks ago and sold it after. And the original seller comes back to me and say, by the way the price I sold you the car was incorrect, you now owe me more money. This is in essence what Capital spreads is doing. If any business operated this way, then for deal executed deal is not a guaranteed deal with this company. They can look at this anyway they wish but when the deal has gone through in the books the deal is done. One can do not back off on deals you do not like. If I backed out on all the deals I lost on over the years I would be £20,000's pounds better off. I cannot believe a big company like Capital Spreads would do such an ungentlemanly trick over a mistake on their side. I was expecting that there would be some explanation apart from we will get back you in 8 weeks time!!. They did not apologise or admit to be at fault.

How far off were the prices ? - were they within the days range or well off ? - i think this happens from time to time and they are within their rights to correct it.. if the prices were within the days trading range you probably have a case.. if you were buying EUR/USD at 1.1 then you must have known that something was wrong!
Over the past 2 weeks i had placed a couple of trades on Capital Spreads and which were executed. I even closed some of the positions and took some cash out. However this week i realized my account credit balance of £5k was reduced to negative balance. Without warning or advice from Capital Spreads. When I called Capital Spreads, i was told that all the trades executed in the past 2 weeks were being reversed because their trading system had "MISPRICED" the products, therefore my account profit of about £3k was reversed. When I raised the complain in writing they said they will reply in any event within 8 weeks from the receipt of your complaint. In the meantime my account has been made red (in debit) and I can’t trade for 8 weeks!!

These positions were genuine trades done over 2-3 weeks and when I made a profit, they withdrew the deals. I find this unfair and cheating to investors/ traders. This is real cheating. Imagine if I bought a car 2 weeks ago and sold it after. And the original seller comes back to me and say, by the way the price I sold you the car was incorrect, you now owe me more money. This is in essence what Capital spreads is doing. If any business operated this way, then for deal executed deal is not a guaranteed deal with this company. They can look at this anyway they wish but when the deal has gone through in the books the deal is done. One can do not back off on deals you do not like. If I backed out on all the deals I lost on over the years I would be £20,000's pounds better off. I cannot believe a big company like Capital Spreads would do such an ungentlemanly trick over a mistake on their side. I was expecting that there would be some explanation apart from we will get back you in 8 weeks time!!. They did not apologise or admit to be at fault.

What was it you were trading? I am guessing it was some obscure fx pair or equities. If this was widespread you wouldnt be the only one posting.

I guess if they reversed all trades your balance will be neutral - what you have withdrawn. Or did they only reverse your winning trades?
These were Equity Indices. I bought one SMI September future index at 6120 and the SMI spot index was 6300. After 2 weeks Capital Spreads say the price of the SMI September future index was mispriced by their system at 6120. It should have been more close to spot at 6300.
1/2 of the story is missing here and I doubt we will get to find out what it is since that doesn't seem to be the intent of the original post.

post the bloody tickets



paddypowertrader is pleased to confirm that the following trade was successfully executed:

Account : xxxxx
Ticket : 12174811
Asset Type : Spread Betting
Market Name : Swiss SMI September
Stake :1
Action : Sell
Price : 6408
Market Expiry : 16/9/2011 08:00:00
Trade Executed : 8/4/2011 09:08:03

The above trade has closed/part closed the following positions:

This position was closed :

Trade No : xxxxx
Asset Type : Spread Betting
Market Name : Swiss SMI September
Created : 8/4/2011 07:00:10
Amount : 1.00
Action : Buy
Price : 6150
P/L : 258.00 (GBP)

Total Profit/Loss : 258.00 (GBP)

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u said earlier : "a profit of about 3K was reversed "
That's only one trade, and I'm not sure you want to be showing us your account number, shhhh... you can't be too careful.
ok you traded off nonsense prices.

So it seems your entire edge was trading off nonsense prices. The deficit is what would have happened had you been left to trade honestly.

So unlike most of the delusional people around here you have seen the reality of how poor a trader you are. You should be thankful to CS for pointing this out to you. However, I wouldn't pay the bloody deficit to them either as it's ambiguous enough I can't ever see them taking it to court. But that's easy for me to say not being your side of a potential lawsuit...
All this 'manifest error' stuff is just an excuse. If they quote the wrong price and accept your trade, it's their fault and the bet should stand. Why should clients be responsible for their mistakes?


paddypowertrader is pleased to confirm that the following trade was successfully executed:

Account : xxxxx
Ticket : 12174811
Asset Type : Spread Betting
Market Name : Swiss SMI September
Stake :1
Action : Sell
Price : 6408
Market Expiry : 16/9/2011 08:00:00
Trade Executed : 8/4/2011 09:08:03

The above trade has closed/part closed the following positions:

This position was closed :

Trade No : xxxxx
Asset Type : Spread Betting
Market Name : Swiss SMI September
Created : 8/4/2011 07:00:10
Amount : 1.00
Action : Buy
Price : 6150
P/L : 258.00 (GBP)

Total Profit/Loss : 258.00 (GBP)


bit confused here. the bottom trade is the closing trade and is done 2 hours earlier. Not being funny, but i doubt the price moved 258 ticks in 2 hours. Now i understand why paddypower is shutting down its spreadbetting. Anyway, this is not the point.

You dealt at an offmarket price, what do you expect? That price is completely wrong. If you get away with it then great if not then theres nothing you can do. This happens all the time. Seen etx price the ftse 2000 ticks lower by accident. One of the guys did a fiver on it and was up £10k in ten seconds. It got taken off straight away. You should have taken all your money out and just refused to pay them back, but you have no clue about the markets obviously.
So it seems your entire edge was trading off nonsense prices. The deficit is what would have happened had you been left to trade honestly.
As far as I am concern spreadbetting company made mistake, trader took advantage. That's all. Why call these trades dishonest??
If spread betting firms are allowed to make a mistake and then reverse the error, why can't we. I made a "manifest error" I went long when I should have gone short.
If spread betting firms are allowed to make a mistake and then reverse the error, why can't we. I made a "manifest error" I went long when I should have gone short.

If you can prove that you dont understand spreadbetting well enough, you could call up and say that, and they could be obliged to reverse the trade. I'm not joking. Good luck trying though.
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