T2W Upgrade Feedback Thread - Please post comments here


Please post comments, bugs and any other issues here relating to the new upgrade. I did try to merge the existing threads and in doing this they have both disappeared which I apologise for and may also be a bug as well.

Please post comments, bugs and any other issues here relating to the new upgrade. I did try to merge the existing threads and in doing this they have both disappeared which I apologise for and may also be a bug as well.


Too many ads. There also seems to be an issue with 'new posts' as I posted at 8.06 this morning but the thread didnt show when I clicked on new posts.
There's a slight problem with page width (using firefox), resulting in a horizontal scroll bar. Not a real problem as the only thing I cant see without scrolling is the ad on the right hand side of the page.
Too many ads. There also seems to be an issue with 'new posts' as I posted at 8.06 this morning but the thread didnt show when I clicked on new posts.

Now this thread doesnt appear in 'new posts' either, seems when you post you dont see the thread when you click on new posts. I had to search to find this one again.

Did I mention there's too many ads? Its like a Vince Stanzione one page website.
Stats for how many new posts and threads is missing
When new posts are viewed they disappear from the listed threads
country flags missing
vendor flags missing (perhaps everyone should get one by default as 99.99% of members are vendors)
Nice appearance, but I had no issues with the old format.

For whatever reason, I was motivated to link to Articles from the Welcome page this am, something I haven't looked at for ages.

Slow to load on the laptop between 8 and 9 but is fine on the work PC now.

New thread I started between 8 and 9 in Resources is not showing as 'New Post'.

Nice that time displayed appears correct.
having to bring screen down to 85% to get things on otherwise adds are pushing posts down page
anything else that wasn't mentioned previously? i now can't be arsed 🙁

I think we definately wanted more ads, one in every post would be perfect.

oh yeah, new trader was complaing about the way he has to log in now, and the fact that the login fields are missing from the top of the page.

People where complaining about the absense of links to the T2W rule book and quick links to other essential content (this is an example of where a sarcasm smiley would come in really useful)

Some people think the design is "gash" (whatever that means, but I think its a critisism rather than praise 😆)

wot a bunch of moaning bstards 😆
The new look in general is just horrible. With the old one the forum stood out by being so much more readable than, for example, FF or ET. Now, things just aren't as appealing or easy on the eye. I know that this is subjective, but I think the old look was far nicer for the reader.

One thing that amazes me - you've had a revamp and you've kept that ridiculous old logo? That thing would have looked dated in the 80s!

These are minor things. However, something that is not minor is the profusion of adverts that has sprung up. People now have adverts actually in their posts - if you need an explanation as to why this is a terrible idea, you are a f*cking moron.

The whole thing is becoming increasingly cheap and tawdry and I am beginning to think that the hare is right. The revamp simply makes things more and more likely to drive experienced people away and attract noobs. Maybe that's what you want as it might be good for revenue but increasingly this is becoming a place that is not only no good for learning, it is actively harmful.

Is this a trading forum or a means for the owners to get paid for bringing gullible idiots together with vendors and other advertisers?
I think we definately wanted more ads, one in every post would be perfect.


T2W definitely needs more ads, more vendors, more noobs and more double-your-money-each-month threads.

It needs fewer experienced posters who actually trade, and fewer serious trading discussions.

Do you think the changes such as putting ads in people's posts are likely to encourage serious people to make serious posts? Or to put it another way, is it any wonder that many people only use this place for lulz and that there are so few regular and active members who post anything of actual value?
Before, I used get on CP by default. Now I can't find the button. All in all, I don't like it much. The blue text makes it look wishy washy. I guess I'll get used to it all, in time.
Did TheBramble give his permission for these changes? :cheesy:

Ah, The Shock of the New.

Makes a nice change imho.
Is this a trading forum or a means for the owners to get paid for bringing gullible idiots together with vendors and other advertisers?

I would have thought that was apparent from the quality and quantity of the 'recommended' brokers and assorted 'T2W Partners'.

Any adverts that appear in my posts are generated by Trade2Win and are not recommendations from me. In fact the adverts are most likely from FX or spreadbet chavs that are going to rip you off given the chance. Do not deal with any of them.
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1. newly posted threads don't appear on the "new posts" button.
2. the white background is painful on the eyes especially if you have a large screen
3. what was wrong with the old system?

It just seems now that the advertising is overwhelming -- presumably its revenue makes it possible to run the companyand provide Mr Sharky with some pocket money! You don't charge a subscription so I don't see how customers can complain about the cost.

I just find it now an unpleasant visual experience. Of course, the cr*p is still the same and so are the good bits! 🙂
I have just seen an advert in another thread for "Forex Trading Signals" from FXCM.


That is true, it is not a lie. I did not make it up, for the simple reason that you could not make this sh1t up.

Just in case you are struggling to believe what you just read, let me reiterate:

This site now carries adverts for "Forex Trading Signals" 🙂lol:😆😆😆) from FXCM in people's posts.

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