Advertising or trading threads?

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Advertising or trading threads? Which is which?
They seem to be mixed in with general trading threads?

As a moderator informed us on another thread, mention of respective businesses should be kept to a minimum., how is it that threads are openly advertising fee paying chat rooms and various other things?

Why the change in standards yet at the same time appearing not to have changed at all?
I got an email which was "Partner Offer Email" are 'partners' allowed different standards to others on the boards?
A subject only raised the other day and one which needs addressing I feel.

rols said:
Furthermore, I too feel my hackles rise when the veneer of an ostensibly public forum begins to tarnish with the dry rot of thinly disguised commercial interests.
This has been blatant for some time now. One member has been raising the point alot but gets slated for 'causing trouble'! The main objective of T2W has changed dramatically and its why hardly anyone visits these days.
Would be more appropriate for those with commercial interests to post in a clearly labelled discussion board. I would also like to see something in the info under their nick to say that they have been approved to sell to other TTW members.
Bigbusiness said:
Would be more appropriate for those with commercial interests to post in a clearly labelled discussion board. I would also like to see something in the info under their nick to say that they have been approved to sell to other TTW members.
Agree BB. The current arrangement smacks of double standards and is already degrading the kudos of this forum as one where standards were rigerously upheld. The point has been made by many respected members now and i have seen no feedback from Sharky or the mods to justify their position, which does not inspire confidence.
I've posted links to sites I thought would be of interest to other traders and T2W members in the past, usually related to trading, sometimes not directly so. In fact I just started a thread in the energy forum.

I'm certainly not advertising for anything and have no commercial interests in anything other than the markets - I hope I've not caused offence through my posts.
peto said:
Agree BB. The current arrangement smacks of double standards and is already degrading the kudos of this forum as one where standards were rigerously upheld. The point has been made by many respected members now and i have seen no feedback from Sharky or the mods to justify their position, which does not inspire confidence.

This is under very active consideration right now. Should be something clarifying the position very soon.

good trading

This site is a commercial entity. The prime objective of any commercial entity is to stay alive and in business. They have the absolute right to do whatever they choose to do if they feel it furthers their goals in that endeavour. If that means not necessarily sticking rigidly to their published site guidelines, that is their call. If it means banning members that cause a fuss, righteously or not, that is also their call. If that means allowing some members apparent advertising privileges over others, also their call. They can, and should be expected, to do exactly as they please without censure or the need to explain themselves to the membership. That is what being the boss is all about.

Double standards is only an issue for those who feel they are on the wrong end of the deal. You are always going to be on the wrong end of the deal if you feel continuing to spend time on issues such as this are worth your time.

We have a valuable resource at out disposal which is provided free of charge for us to make of it what we will. Hopefully a profit. Allow them to continue to run this service by making a profit themselves.

Those that have a worked a deal with the administration of this site for rights to plug their services and products should be applauded for their business acumen. You can be sure they are not spending any time worrying about what those less commercially aware think of them or the site owners.
Arbitrageur said:
I've posted links to sites I thought would be of interest to other traders and T2W members in the past, usually related to trading, sometimes not directly so. In fact I just started a thread in the energy forum.

I'm certainly not advertising for anything and have no commercial interests in anything other than the markets - I hope I've not caused offence through my posts.

I dont think its your posts mate that may raise an eyebrow, probably trading ones that are hosted with commercial services offered by the thread starters... nothing wrong as I see it as im sure some will and are benefitting from improved knowledge maybe just a symbol needs to be visible or threads started by members with commercial sponsoring intent behind them to post in a "Commercial Thread" section or something.
Sites have to make money from advertising, that is fine, there is no problem with that. But it is the double standards that isn't so good imo, if we see someone post how do we know that it is not just leading up to an advert? We don't until they say so.......(unless of course T2W have given them special privileges without telling us!)..... but when they do, then that is when the thread should be moved to a commercial forum and not left amongst the others which are for traders helping other traders for free. You will not get away from some posters abusing the system, but if the double standard is allowed to persist IMO it will detract from the site
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Arbitrageur said:
I've posted links to sites I thought would be of interest to other traders and T2W members in the past, usually related to trading, sometimes not directly so. In fact I just started a thread in the energy forum.

I'm certainly not advertising for anything and have no commercial interests in anything other than the markets - I hope I've not caused offence through my posts.
Indeed not! I was referring to threads with the endlessly repeating pattern: " Look how clever i am to have traded xyz stock today, it's easy if you know what I know and/or buy my magic toolkit'. Losing trades are rarely if ever mentioned. The message is implicit that we too will find it easy if we sign up for their paid tuition courses or software.

The courses may be excellent value and the software the bee knees (I don't know), but it is very clear that the principal purpose of the threads are to draw in the punters, little other useful purpose seems to result from them. It seems to me that this purpose should be 'flagged' in some way as BB suggested, so that newer members read them with the same 'filters' engaged that they use when reading an advertisement.

I have always felt that one of the primary justifications for the existence of this site, and my participation in it, is that it helps new entrants to the profession, and helps them steer a path through the shark infested waters. If the owner of the site chooses to deliberately muddy those waters then the site has considerably less appeal for me.

This is under very active consideration right now. Should be something clarifying the position very soon.

good trading

thanks for your response, look forward to the outcome.

The Forex section has a seperate section for just this purpose and if anything slightly along these lines appears, it is moved there. It seems that is what should be avaiable in every section.
Danger Field said:
This site is a commercial entity. The prime objective of any commercial entity is to stay alive and in business. They have the absolute right to do whatever they choose to do if they feel it furthers their goals in that endeavour. If that means not necessarily sticking rigidly to their published site guidelines, that is their call. If it means banning members that cause a fuss, righteously or not, that is also their call. If that means allowing some members apparent advertising privileges over others, also their call. They can, and should be expected, to do exactly as they please without censure or the need to explain themselves to the membership. That is what being the boss is all about.

Double standards is only an issue for those who feel they are on the wrong end of the deal. You are always going to be on the wrong end of the deal if you feel continuing to spend time on issues such as this are worth your time.

We have a valuable resource at out disposal which is provided free of charge for us to make of it what we will. Hopefully a profit. Allow them to continue to run this service by making a profit themselves.

Those that have a worked a deal with the administration of this site for rights to plug their services and products should be applauded for their business acumen. You can be sure they are not spending any time worrying about what those less commercially aware think of them or the site owners.

Well in that case let's stop all this pretence and get some subscriptions going. Friends reunited and shootingpeople and many others have done fine after being up front about their intentions. It's the 'one rule for one' and secret handshakes which I think are the issue here.

Your unbridled loyalty is admirable however for some this laissez faire approach may result in the forum losing its best feature - the goodwill of the many expert traders who so far have been willing to give their time and advice for free.
Come on chaps, lighten up! The playing out of some of these “professional” jealousies has all the hallmarks of a spectator sport and is arguably one of the best – certainly it’s one of the most amusing – features of this site! It’s just that some parties are more upfront about it than the others, who I guess I have failed to make the transition a commercial success of whatever it is they think they’re doing for whatever reason.

Just my two pennyworth of comment! 🙂



Danger Field said:
This site is a commercial entity. The prime objective of any commercial entity is to stay alive and in business. They have the absolute right to do whatever they choose to do if they feel it furthers their goals in that endeavour. If that means not necessarily sticking rigidly to their published site guidelines, that is their call. If it means banning members that cause a fuss, righteously or not, that is also their call. If that means allowing some members apparent advertising privileges over others, also their call. They can, and should be expected, to do exactly as they please without censure or the need to explain themselves to the membership. That is what being the boss is all about.
They can behave like that if they want. But that will result (is resulting) in a fundamental change in the character of this site and the consequential loss of many good contributers, to the site's ultimate detriment.

Double standards is only an issue for those who feel they are on the wrong end of the deal. You are always going to be on the wrong end of the deal if you feel continuing to spend time on issues such as this are worth your time.
Why? T2W is a great site and I have spent a lot of time here. I would like to see it to maintain the same high standards.

We have a valuable resource at out disposal which is provided free of charge for us to make of it what we will. Hopefully a profit. Allow them to continue to run this service by making a profit themselves.
Few businessmen build successful long term businesses by conspicuously behaving in the unethical manner you suggest in your first paragraph

Those that have a worked a deal with the administration of this site for rights to plug their services and products should be applauded for their business acumen. You can be sure they are not spending any time worrying about what those less commercially aware think of them or the site owners
No doubt, but that was not the point.

Mayfly said:
The playing out of some of these “professional” jealousies has all the hallmarks of a spectator sport and is arguably one of the best – certainly it’s one of the most amusing – features of this site!
Thats true!! 😆 😆 Have to look for a format that keeps that going!
mr.marcus said:
"This site is a commercial entity. The prime objective of any commercial entity is to stay alive and in business. They have the absolute right to do whatever they choose to do if they feel it furthers their goals in that endeavour. If that means not necessarily sticking rigidly to their published site guidelines, that is their call. If it means banning members that cause a fuss, righteously or not, that is also their call. If that means allowing some members apparent advertising privileges over others, also their call. They can, and should be expected, to do exactly as they please without censure or the need to explain themselves to the membership. That is what being the boss is all about.

Double standards is only an issue for those who feel they are on the wrong end of the deal. You are always going to be on the wrong end of the deal if you feel continuing to spend time on issues such as this are worth your time.

We have a valuable resource at out disposal which is provided free of charge for us to make of it what we will. Hopefully a profit. Allow them to continue to run this service by making a profit themselves.

Those that have a worked a deal with the administration of this site for rights to plug their services and products should be applauded for their business acumen. You can be sure they are not spending any time worrying about what those less commercially aware think of them or the site owners."

...totally irrelevant.....the discussion has been goin on for years now over the transparency and consistency of one wants charity.....t2w is a capital one ever disputed that ....

mr.marcus said:
...i take it everyone else has just been mailed the opportunity to buy BATs system.....oh transparent...... this board has turned into e-bay....people touting for business for rooms,seminars and systems......anthony robbins where are you...and how do i buy the 6sec ab ive had a lot of mails on this topic from others saying this is immensely annoying....specifically the games which go on .....leading to the highly predictable sales i have no problem with selling anything....anyone can buy and sell what they desire .... a bit of self responsibility doesn't go a miss...the main ingredient hindering progress in any walk of life.....specially in why not stop the games and just have a forum for coaches offering services and vendors selling usual the simple has been made complex...leaving behind the scenes speculation and conspiracy theories abound as to the true nature of the relationships between sellers/coaches and forum owners...speculation that needn't arise if transparency was there from the im off to watch price-drop teeth are looking not their pearly selfs after all the vindys..

mark j

Au contraire!
peto said:
I think Mr Marcus was quoting Danger Field, and disagreeing with him? I read it wrong the first time too!

I would be happy to give Mr. Marcus a free lesson on copying and pasting quotes cos there's nothing worse than some numpty misrepresenting one's good intentions.

If this is the case and I take it we are batting for the same side (no not that kind of batting) then my unreserved apologies to Mark. :cheesy:

Where's that Bramble when you need him??
The post explosion on this thread is quite phenomenal. It is a possible function of the real interest levels of large proportion of the regular readers and posters on these boards. Soap. It is potentially indicative too of the relative experience levels. Why do you not consider putting your energies and time to posts on trading rather than about that which is none of your business?

OK, so trade2win is going commercial in a back-door way. Fuzzy. Deliberately unfocused. Unclear interpretations. Moderators seem to have as wide a spectrum of concern and issues as many members. Nobody is clear as to what is allowed by who or where any longer. Only those pulling the strings and willingly having their strings pulled know the gaff. Deal with it. It is called 'Transition'. It is a very British way to do it. Full of pain and needless suffering. In the U.S. we would simply say "this guy is going to drive more traffic to our site or give us a percentage of his revenues accrued from punters hauled from this site or whatever". Actually, we would not say that. Would not need to be said. It would be a given.

Trade2win is moving from the nice little British free site you once knew into the 21st century and getting real. Do yourself a favour and get real along with them.

Stop moaning. Leave the coaches and vendors alone. You clearly know who most of them are.

Come on. There are markets to trade and deals to be made. Leave the site to the owners to market any way they want. That is what they do for a living - not trading. If it all gets too much for you - jump ship. There are enough sites out there that will be happy to take the disheartened, the disgruntled and the plain unhappy with trade2win.
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