Thank you Racer for the links, it refreshed my understanding of the FTSE.
This is to all:
Putting all other factors and news aside, just a plain, simple ordinary day, what makes the FTSE move, what turns her pretty little head: Demand. Basically, more people buying a share in a company then selling it. And if that's the sole case, with no other factor involved, what makes people, and I mean Joe Blogs as well as Fund Managers, buy the share: Potential profit.
So, do the madding crowd think there is profit to be made by buying this coming Monday, this week, this month? To be honest, I believe yes. Do your own homework. So it's my understanding that the FTSE will rise this week.
'How much,' is the £ per point question.
And yes, the month a head looks a little shaky when you take into account ALL the factors, but this week should see an UP.
'I believe I'm right in what I say, otherwise I would'nt say it. Conviction of thought to those who listen is like being the hangman when your right and a noose when your wrong.' -HePo