Duncan Robertson - Chief Wizard

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I believe he was involved in a big bust up with Martin Cole a while ago. Allegedly he went to martin for help then nicked all his advertising slogans and even the trading name is so similar. A friend did his course but has now ceased trading due to lack of funds, I would suggest you continue to tread very carefully before parting with a substantial amount of cash.

Regards Phil
Phil, I have no intention of parting with any cash for any trading system or tuition with mr. R. However, I am interested in this character and what he's up to these days.

Thanks for the link to Martin Cole.
Quite a bit about Chief Wizard and a "student" of his, referred to as Rober Duncan in Financial Risk Taking by Mike Elvin
Also here
Albert Labos is referred to as an"established trainer" . There is a reference to him here The Tools - Trading Resources - Larry Levy Tapes (post 7)

This was the only other reference I could find.

12h45 à 13h45 Invité d'honneur
Le secret des volumes
Intervenant : Albert Labos
Analyste professionnel

Cheef Wizard and Duncan Robertson

TheBramble said:
Anyone had any dealings with the above?
Hi Bramble

I think you may be interested in this link. I bought Elvin's book and found his web site.


See lower part ofpage. Apparently Robert Duncan was a student of Chief Wizard who stole CW's original swindle from one of the big Sunday papers. A freelance journalist had set up the confidence trick with CW and others knowing full well that CW was a fruitcake. But they all made piles of money. Robert Duncan could not make money with CWs techniques (since they were total rubbish anyways) but copied CWs original story in the Independent, Sunday telegraph or Sunday Times(elvin doesnt say which) word for word. . The link takes you to the exposure of Duncan Robertson by an investigative journalist. Id still like to know who CW is.I bet Robertson and CW contibute to this web site!!!

Curiouser and curiouser

Isadora said:
Hi Bramble

I think you may be interested in this link. I bought Elvin's book and found his web site.



The Elvin website is a strange place. It is full of out-dated advertising (for courses that took place in the past) areas "under construction", and scraps of information about Aunt Flossie's favourite technical indicators. Most mysteriously, it seems to offer training in the old Tom Williams software VSA (strangely like the Chief Wizard reported on and criticised in the first chapter of Elvin's book - see pdf on this site). By comparison, the Robertson website is slick, glossy and apparently reasonable; it is by far the best written and produced of all these marketing fly-traps.

All of which goes to show you should never draw any conclusions from the look of a marketing website. Curious how these guru sites all include a wide selection of newspaper coverage of the activities of trading gurus, including knocking copy on competitors, where available.

Incidentally, a Google search on Mike Elvin throws up a Dr Mike Elvin who is a clinical psychologist, but does not list trading as one of his interests, yet there is nothing on "Dr Mike Elvin" the trader other than the book published by Wiley.
She is in the room now, she normally does not come in uninvited, but on this occasion as she picked up the phone to answer a call from a well wisher on the occasion of the thread having hit 100,000 views and rising, she requested me to delete it on the basis that I have made my point and there is no need to rub it in any further, and to let the audience be the judge of what is right and what is wrong. That is all. Cheers.
This Albert Labos bloke - the way I read the Tom Etherington article, is that he is an horolgist, and that the course, £5,000, had scam-like qualities.

Now, you are saying that Socrates is Labos ???!!!

I am being quite dunce-like, but whats going -on ??

Has Socrates identified himself as Labos ?
Yes - he identified himself as Labos and then removed that statement from his post.
aka Chief Wizard for 'business' purposes (allegedly.....!)

hey! - all this is distracting me from what the US markets are doing.........!!

over to duffer TP.........
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This is surreal !!

Has the WHOLE thread been some kind of joke ?
What was the point ?
Was it prove how easily people could be lead into following a charismatic writer ?
Was it designed to soften people into buying an expensive course ?
Was the Socrates alter-ego directly connected to Labos, or separate identities with different agendas ?
Was all this higher-self TP stuff real, or a put on ?
Does the shennanigans of the Labos identity invalidate the Socrates ideas ?
Is this one great big con ? If so, to what purpose ?

Would all of this make more sense after a bottle of chilled Piper-Heidseck ?

Please someone, explain this to me ?
jimvt said:
I can't believe this!
Is this what is called denial?


If SOCRATES is Albert Is Duncan what are you saying.

Everything he says is incorrect ,or some of what he says is incorrect, or he is not to be trusted, or what

I don't know much about what he is supposed to have done or not done and I am not here to defend him he can do that himself.

What are you proposing should be done ?


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