Dows Crash 2016

dows going to hit 15,000 you all ready?

Add it to the list...

1st Mar 2016
Stock-market crash of 2016: The countdown begins

2nd Jan 2015.
Ten warning signs of a market crash in 2015

July 1st 2014.
These 23 Charts Prove That Stocks Are Heading For A Devastating Crash

Monday, 3 Mar 2014
Get ready for the Dow at 6,000 by 2016: Pro

Why the 17,000 Dow is bound to crash | New York Post

1 Mar 2013
Why the Next Stock Market Crash Will Happen Any Day Now
Read more: 5 Charts Reveal Why Next Market Collapse Is Days Away
Important: Can you afford to Retire?

😴 😴 😴 😴 😴
Are you bored yet?

Ahhh but wait - "Its different this time" 😆 😆 😆
Dow 15,000 hardly a crash.
15% correction and offers a great buying opportunity.
Got to be looking for a sniff at 20,000 next year.
Some even calling for 30,000 by the end of the decade.


  • aobtd.png
    34.3 KB · Views: 552
Well your 850 points underwater since you posted on May 24th so I hope you've got deep pockets.

im down £47k mate not really that fussed tbh as keep adding on the upside less than 1% of my go figure oh and yes ill trail this bad bay to 22k if I have to
im down £47k mate not really that fussed tbh as keep adding on the upside less than 1% of my go figure oh and yes ill trail this bad bay to 22k if I have to

Does you last post not just underscore that you don't have much of a plan and are pretty crap at trading..........:-0
im down £47k mate not really that fussed tbh as keep adding on the upside less than 1% of my go figure oh and yes ill trail this bad bay to 22k if I have to

Firstly you haven't even bothered to say why you think its going to go down! So its probably one of those "I think its too high it must go down soon" type of calls (correct me if I'm wrong).
Secondly from your post when dow was 17,500 to 22k is 4,500 points, and your expecting it to go to 15,000! Your willing to risk 4,500 to make 2,500 :whistling.

Way to go!


  • thisguy.jpg
    92.1 KB · Views: 525
Those overnight charges from the SB must be killing your position.

Phone rings :


  • margin call.jpg
    margin call.jpg
    109.5 KB · Views: 425
Gone a bit quiet on here..... maybe he has had "the call"

Oh and by the way I have had a margin call before due to bad trading and poor discipline...and I filled up, rinse and repeat. If you ever get one just take the will be less painful longer felt like a blessed relief after my positions were finally closed by the broker and I could move on and learn my lesson.
lol guys guys guys

I really don't spend much time on here its a forum, im out making real money lamo....yep overnight charges are a fraction of what ill make, and nah im not worried, its due a correction so its all good. anyway chaps im off to harrods now with my mrs ill catch you later