New Social Group About Market Timing.

Would you be interested in joining a social group about timing the markets?

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Experienced member
I was thinking about starting a new social group about timing the markets.
For the most part I would like to be able to keep all of my pivot forecasts in one place.
Also I would like to be able to have a forum that timing the market would be able to be talked about and kept all together.

From what I can see I will need at least five people to be able to start the social group.

So this is a quick poll to see how many people would be interested in joining.:|:?:
This is a good idea , I have been following your posts.

I don't have a clue why market timing works, but it looks like it does !!
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Strangely enough, recently I've been thinking I ought to learn more about timing - so this is a good call count me in too please -
Does any one know how long it takes for them to get back with you after you send the request for the new social group forum?
Fear not my good sir...
I'm still very interested!
I would really like to be able to put all my forecast threads in one forum.
Talk about good old timing.

Right now I'm just waiting to hear back about the creation of the forum.
Fear not my good sir...
I'm still very interested!
I would really like to be able to put all my forecast threads in one forum.
Talk about good old timing.

Right now I'm just waiting to hear back about the creation of the forum.
Sounds good. Have you got a particular approach,strategy or system in mind?
Which markets, and on what TFs? Just a few things to consider. ATM and for some time I have been using Delta, and I am happy to take part in that. EW also implies timing, so there is a lot of possibilities to explore. My concern is time, it is a limited commodity nowadays, and I am commited to Delta thread. But shall read and post on the thread if I have some contribution to make.
Best wishes,
If every one would do me a favor and use the poll I will have a list of everyone who is interested.
That way I know who to send the invitations out to when the forum gets up and running.
