WOT happened next?


Legendary member
something to argue about... trading related :eek:

What happened next......?


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support failed at blue horiz-line.
retested later on and rejected, reconfirming it is now Res.
Price looks like its going up, so I say it reaches the Res point, and is rejected, and then a weaker move up, failing to reach Res, and then falls to fill the gap.


  • wasp-wot01.jpg
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Break out, pull back and later moves on to take out highs.maybe.



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I agree with Trendie.
Price does not get any higher, forms head and shoulder pattern and fills gap.

In the alternative ... BoJ announces rate cut to zero, Japanese women rush and sell yen, buy sterling, dollars, euros and francs ... price takes off, higher high and gap fills six weeks later :)
Break out, pull back and later moves on to take out highs.maybe.


Given there is a gap opening, overall trend is up - the break out is likely to continue in the direction of the main trend to the upside.

I concur with Skelly's chart direction.
This is a much, much better idea for future brain teasers. A) because it's trading-related and B) because that means I can't give an opinion ;)
Price *rose to test the supply at the next SBR pivot zone. Slightly above the blue line marked by trendie.

After that, I ain't a clue!

*nice volume coming in on the last few up bars.
support failed at blue horiz-line.
retested later on and rejected, reconfirming it is now Res.
Price looks like its going up, so I say it reaches the Res point, and is rejected, and then a weaker move up, failing to reach Res, and then falls to fill the gap.

I agree with trendie.
After all there is a nice set of "cat ears" there too. All time best short signal.


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In all seriousness I think this is a superb idea; it gives people like myself a unique insight into how you guys think.

More please Sir Wasp

all credit must go to Barjon and no more yet! post your views....
To be honest, I can't really say with an conviction which way i think it is going to go.

The Head and shoulders seems to have failed, and we are trading off the support of the neckline - moreover, we broke out from a descending TL, so we might expect to see a pullback onto some previouse resistance level befor going off to tech the highs....


We also have a Gap down, and what was once a series of Higher Highs and Higher Lows has now turned into Lower Lows and Lower Highs.. it could be that we have just finished making a Higher low, and so Higher Highs are what we should be looking out for.

Anyway - my answer to "WOT happened next" is "I waited to see".

EDIT: If I look at Trendies and Skellys charts, both outcomes seem perfectly feasible to me, for sure.
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If you were retarded you would have seen it right off!
You know that whole

Texas is nice in
in the spring

This is my analysis. If its not attached im a d*ckhead.........:D


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Whats in my mind atm is one of the invisible members down there called Mark, and is he typing??! I won't rep anyone to say thanks for participating... don't want people thinking those repped are correct or something..