Anyone can learn?

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So why aren't people learning and doing it?

Hyperthetical bit....

Minimum wage couple, bought a house 10 years ago, some equity in it. Both in jobs that suck.

You can see where i'm going with this, right?

Now apparently according to some, trading can be easily learned, you don't have to be born with special talents, you can be from any gene pool and still make it in this business.

Minimum wage workers poo poo all over the 'anyone can trade' theory with one foul and humungous dump.:cheesy:
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So why aren't people learning and doing it?

Hyperthetical bit....

Minimum wage couple, bought a house 10 years ago, some equity in it. Both in jobs that suck.

You can see where i'm going with this, right?

Now apparently according to some, trading can be easily learned, you don't have to be born with special talents, you can be from any gene pool and still make it in this business.

Minimum wage workers sh*t all over the 'anyone can trade' theory with one foul and humungous dump.:cheesy:


bit general

Many would not even think it an option I would guess, and would not even be interested given the work involved to overcome perhaps a poor education or failing at that early age in education in the first place.

Are you saying no one comes from minimum wage background and trades in profit then considers trading full time.

Are you saying just because someone earns more or have a job that some perceive as requiring for want of better word, more brains. They must have better genes and be the only traders from a none financial background that stand any chance.

What are you saying :?:
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O" ye and perhaps they can work out its very risky on their own and would involve a hell of a lot of time and commitment that they just cannot give or do not want to give

Perhaps they think its just not worth it because they are happy and getting by

Perhaps they think its a pointless activity and something special people do
Perhaps they think its no so special and those people have their own head up their asssssssss hole and are wasting their time

Simple really

right are we off to the pub to have some FUN 🙂

bit general

Many would not even think it an option I would guess, and would not even be interested given the work involved to overcome perhaps a poor education or failing at that early age in education in the first place.

Are you saying no one comes from minimum wage background and trades in profit then considers trading full time.

Are you saying just because someone earns more or have a job that some perceive as requiring for want of better word, more brains. They must have better genes and be the only traders from a none financial background that stand any chance.

What are you saying :?:

I'm using minimum wage or low paid people as an example, there is a lot of them, why is this? Surely they are all very talented traders really.
How would they no

I'm using minimum wage or low paid people as an example, there is a lot of them, why is this? Surely they are all very talented traders really.


How would they no if they never considered it an option
So PC society today, no one is to blame, we are all talented, so on and so on. And yet the benefits system is busting at the seams with people trying to get on it? So much for, 'anyone can trade'.

Sunday mornings, eh!
Anyone can trade. Though clearly the statistics will show that not many will become good at it. But then that's true of anything. Loads of people play football and they certainly can do, but only a very small fraction become professionals. Loads of people start new business. Again, most fail.

The question I can't help asking is why trading is put in some seperate category from other activities. It's really no different. You can make numerous comparissons.
So PC society today, no one is to blame, we are all talented, so on and so on. And yet the benefits system is busting at the seams with people trying to get on it? So much for, 'anyone can trade'.

Sunday mornings, eh!

Hi Paul

lol , lads footy kick off an hour 🙂

arrrrrrrrr your picking at the edges here

I am just saying most would not consider it an option and perhaps just do not consider it that high a priority in life.

I am assuming you can trade in consistant profit :?:

I am sure if you really applied yourself you could teach another whatever there background to trade in the money with lets say a 5K account if they were willing and keen to learn.

If you think you can not after giving it some thought then what does that say about trading as a whole and your method.
Hi Paul

lol , lads footy kick off an hour 🙂

arrrrrrrrr your picking at the edges here

I am just saying most would not consider it an option and perhaps just do not consider it that high a priority in life.

I am assuming you can trade in consistant profit :?:

I am sure if you really applied yourself you could teach another whatever there background to trade in the money with lets say a 5K account if they were willing and keen to learn.

If you think you can not after giving it some thought then what does that say about trading as a whole and your method.

Sod teaching bud! Look at you and i on this thread, headbanging stuff for both of us.
I will give it you but only by a short head

It takes a natural attribute for trading to consider it.😉

Go on then I concede Paul

Above post is short and sweet and is correct imho I was trying to avoid it 🙂

Those that do DO those that can"t teach 🙂


I think you're over-simplifying the question as to why your minimum wage couple don't trade.

Why don't they trade? Little if any, spare cash; lack of security/uncertainty - their minmum wage at least ensures survival; long learning curve (realistically I reckon on 1-2 years) - how is this to financed, ie what pays the bills in the interim? However, these questions also apply to those of a middle-class background.

I think it's sad that this, or any other, country cannot tap into unrealised potential be they those on a minmum wage, unemployed, prison population (ever noticed how US con's seem particularly intelligent and articulate?). I remeber hearing an account of steel worker from many years ago who left school at 14 years old, no qualifications who taught himself Sanskrit and was eventually translating into English. And became and recognised expert.

However, I don't accept the current thinking that everyone has potential or talent, contrary to the mis-placed practise of lowering standards to enable more to go to university, for example. The solution is a better education system from the start.

Sad, but there you go.


No demand in Stockport; Aramaic is sought after, especially in B&Q and Aldi. I'm up the creek in Stockport as there is no call for Linear B.


I think you're over-simplifying the question as to why your minimum wage couple don't trade.

Why don't they trade? Little if any, spare cash; lack of security/uncertainty - their minmum wage at least ensures survival; long learning curve (realistically I reckon on 1-2 years) - how is this to financed, ie what pays the bills in the interim? However, these questions also apply to those of a middle-class background.

decent gene pool, some education to "open" the mind, lack of desperation, inability to be able to select time for study, alcoholism and drugs, not being in the "right" place at the right time and a multitude of other reasons, both real and imagined, prevent most of the "lower" classes (implied is lack of education, lack of intelligence, lack of motivation, depression, poverty and inadaquate nutrition and yes, a load of other things also !)from working their way up, although once their children grab some education, the upward mobility tends to begin !

I think it's sad that this, or any other, country cannot tap into unrealised potential be they those on a minmum wage, unemployed, prison population (ever noticed how US con's seem particularly intelligent and articulate?). I remeber hearing an account of steel worker from many years ago who left school at 14 years old, no qualifications who taught himself Sanskrit and was eventually translating into English. And became and recognised expert.

many are examples counter to what we might believe of the "lower classes" or other races and more often than not, we get slapped in the gace with the truth --- i personally think that theres an awful lot of "baggage" carried by those in those socio/economic groups and some can overcome the weight and most cant, but on down the road, as said, their children improve.

I personally failed high school, getting my diploma a year later --- tried college and failed miserably. went thru a number of auto repair jobs, was married BUT HAD NO CHILDREN, and at the age of 30, i tried college again, which proved to be a very great experience that offered me inroads into the motion picture business where, being older than most college grads, i appeared to have more experience than i really did, was hired and did good work, and became known for my photography of woman ! after MANY years of that, a second marriage WITH children, the house, two cars and all the etceteras, i rfetired young and decided to start trading, which over a period of many years developed into a rather decent income, surpassing even the unusually high income of people in the film business !

my mother was a waitress and my father was a building superintendent !

However, I don't accept the current thinking that everyone has potential or talent, contrary to the mis-placed practise of lowering standards to enable more to go to university, for example. The solution is a better education system from the start.

unfortunately, not all of us are gifted and some are not even average --- society goes thru changes and while I must state that i consider the communist system of education horrid in one way, it DID product the greatest artists and athletes not to forget chess players and spies that the world has ever seen ----- I hate the lack of freedom, but if one wants to produce an excellent "product", they sure know how to do it !

Sad, but there you go.


enjoy the peculiar nature of humanity


“decent gene pool...”, etc.

I’ll ignore the reference to genes but you seem to be implying the working class (or blue collar in the States) are all scum for lacking what you perceive to be essential characteristics for success or improvement. I would say the reason for the lack of foresight is a pre-occupation and continuous and increasing struggle to make ends meet.

Interesting point re the communist system. However, I think they were very selective in their candidates, ie their education produced and perpetuated elitism.


“decent gene pool...”, etc.

I’ll ignore the reference to genes but you seem to be implying the working class (or blue collar in the States) are all scum for lacking what you perceive to be essential characteristics for success or improvement. I would say the reason for the lack of foresight is a pre-occupation and continuous and increasing struggle to make ends meet.

Interesting point re the communist system. However, I think they were very selective in their candidates, ie their education produced and perpetuated elitism.


ah no -- you miss the point entirely

did i not say that i was a failure at both high school and college, that my parents were "working class stiffs" ---- in no way does this point to lack of ability in that particular socio--economic class but rather the opposite.

you simply cannot eliminate "gene pool" from the equation, because it is a very necessary part of the whole matter, but here im talking about essentially not being a "mongolian idiot" (thats a rather old expression, is it not ?) but of normal intelligence with no serious emotional or psychological impediments.

I put myself forward to show that it was completely possible, not to show that i was gifted at birth and simply waited many years for technology to allow me to trade so easily !

trading is really not a hard job at all -- its hard for those who dont know how to play the game as newbs, but given time, which creates experience, like any other job it just gets easier and easier IF YOU ARE SO INCLINED AND WISH IT TO BE SO !

what degree of success one grows to is based on ALL factors that i mentioned and prob a whole lot i didnt, if only to add brevity to the postings, but in all professions there are those at the top 10 and those at the bottom 10 percent, and a whole lot of reasons that are far beyond my abilities or reasoning or experience to fully illustrate or ruminate on !

i will also agree with you that "circumstances" prevent people from just hoping onto trading, spending the time to learn and then becoming successful.

part of what i was trying to say was that i was married early on BUT THERE WERE NO CHILDREN and when we parted 10 years later, there was no "baggage" -- she got the nikon camera and i got the XKE and that was that.

now free as a bird, i went back to college for 4 years, did amazingly considering my prior educational success and entered into what was both an extremely high paying profession, which also was NOT a 9-5 routine and which then allowed me to pursue my interest in trading with time not ever available to wage slaves. It was so easy and so good that if i were a protestant, i would have to say that i was one of the "elect", but i carry no religion on my back, although i do carry a slight belief in predestination (which may have something to do with this conversation, but im CERTAINLY not going there !)

indeed, a blue collar family, with bills and children and inflation chewing at their ankles has little time to spend at a computer all day, but the ones who REALLY WANT IT will find a way, and they prove it daily !

but its a fun discussion anyway

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Well I am new to all this myself, and honestly would have no idea where to start, as in which company to trade through, the minimum required to start trading and of course what to trade, currencies, stocks etc? For me it is a mine field. Also what sites to look at to learn the basics, or even what books to read.

I made the mistake of going with an external company into one of those UK Growth trusts and would have earned more in a bank account. The company were just happy to take the money and do nothing for 5 or 6 years.