Great Depression 2 - Short trade of a Lifetime - preps start now


Established member
ETA for start of Short is January 2012 - but the precise entry will be timed here.

Note that the Oct/Nov 2007 Short was an excellent one, ditto for the May 2011 Short. But the Short coming up after the current wave 2 rally completes is the 3rd of 3rd wave - the fastest return on investment.

So start your preparations now.

Pick Qs or a large cap of your choice or EurUsd short then wait for trigger
announcement from me, then hold for years or my signal for the bend in the trend to close the Short and retire with a handsome nest egg, 20% of which will be in cash, the rest invested LONG in Stocks, Gold and a currency of choice.

Stay tuned for the currency of choice - a clear winner will emerge as we approach the bottom of the GREAT DEPRESSION 2 in 2014- 2016. It will not be the US Dollar.

But for now, for the SHORT OF THE MILLENNIUM, the US Dollar Long i.e. EurUsd Short is the way to go for the bulk of one's Capital.


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ETA for start of Short is January 2012 - but the precise entry will be timed here.

See chart 1 (Dow Jones daily)

Wave B down down down well underway. When this completes, Wave C up up up will complete the sequence. But the top should hold firm and not be exceeded.

Then starts the 2km wave lambda tsunami that will take Jones down down down. Then there will be no further question as to the Great Depression 2 being underway and outclassing GD 1 in breadth and majesty.

Long-term trend surfers are reminded again to be ready.
Be alert for the upcoming Dow Jones rally that I've called Wave C and pay particular attention to the following during the course of the Dow Jones rally ....

HERD optimism will kick in strongly and CNBC will announce the Bull is back and most will buy this new Bull and enter LONG. Very few if any will notice that the Bull is rising on fumes (low volume). Astute observers will note that the volume of the March 2009 rally into the 2011 top was also on much lighter volume than the preceding decline in 2008. This information is the footprint of BEAR.

What does this mean?

That the entire rally from March 2009 into the 2011 top is a BEAR rally.

The dominant trend is therefore DOWN.

The end of Wave C up will be timed right here.
The end of Wave C up will be timed right here.

DEFCON 4 (of 5) alert for THREAD SHORT is on. Do NOT pull the SHORT trigger just yet - I believe the rally has good odds of going to the 78.6% Fib shown. The steep uptrendline shown will be adjusted soon.


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Post replies to others are being deleted, let's see if I can at least talk to myself?
The only problem with this plan is that the firm holding your funds will go "MF Global" on you, and you will loose everything, even if you are wining in the trade itself.
Yes, it is an occupational hazard - well above average chance of not getting paid. That is why I'm careful what I pick to Short and more importantly WHERE I run the SHORT.
DEFCON 4 alert is on as stated earlier. We are on the same Dow Jones 30-min. chart as shown earlier. Chart is updated. Trendline remains as-is until I see the low of wave 4 - then the line will slide right under and give us yet another SHORT signal entry (on later trendline break). Wave numbering shows my thinking clearly - when wave 5 ends, that will be the SHORT initiation, sublime if it hits 78.6% as expected and stated earlier.


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Now were talking, i'm surprised this has been ignored as i've been predicting a drop after the current dead cat bounce... i can't believe it reovered so fast, i predict big falls and soon
See my previous post re: trendline sliding under wave 4 low on Dow Jones 30-min. Done. Additionally there is a parallel channel, quite common with waves 2 and 4 on any timeframe. So now we have an additional trendline under which a SHIORTY would be instantly triggered. So far so good.

Now we wait for Murphy for as sure as day follows night he will jinx me. 🙂


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I do not know what you guys are on about. The market have found the bottom here. The correction is complete on weekly charts. Yes there can be some retracement but that would not break any major support lines now.

Stock market is going up in the next couple of weeks and months.
Technical Evidence = Dow Jones long-term Uptrend (monthly)

(note: chart is NOT updated in MS yet due to software problems)

(1) Uptrendline broken

(2a) Ominous TOPPING PHENOMENON (Head & Shoulders)

(2b) The H&S pattern, to have high odds of manifesting must show relative drying up of volume as the right shoulder is carved out .... shows this in spades

(3a) Fibo grid from low of Great Depression 1 (1932 low) to October 2007 top shows clearly that the very recent rally on the smaller timeframes like daily, 30-min. etc., occurred off of the 23.6% Fib support.

(3b) The 23.6% Fibo support in (3b) nicely coincides with conventional TA's axis of support that is defined/tested again and again since 1999, then 2000, then again in 2004, 2005 and again in 2010 and finally again in October 2011.

(4) If/when this support fails THAT will be the time when PRICE will drop like a stone and therefore in line with the underlying concept of this thread deliver the maximum rate of gain for SHORTIES.


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Fundamental evidence of the ROGUE WAVE aborning ........

as the massive locomotive slows down to be able to take the TURN the tracks and the ground show signs of rupture NOW already but the main quakes will come later .....

and these ruptures though supposed to be minor are in fact quite large already ....

and the ruptures are .....

(1) America's ATM machine, namely HOUSING

(2) The real unemployment rate of 22%

one can look at other ruptures and there are others but these 2 trump others so thoroughly as to make them seem inconsequential.


What Is the Real Unemployment Rate?

Shadow Government Statistics : Home Page
Fundamental evidence of the ROGUE WAVE aborning ........

as the massive locomotive slows down to be able to take the TURN the tracks and the ground show signs of rupture NOW already but the main quakes will come later .....

and these ruptures though supposed to be minor are in fact quite large already ....

and the ruptures are .....

(1) America's ATM machine, namely HOUSING

(2) The real unemployment rate of 22%

one can look at other ruptures and there are others but these 2 trump others so thoroughly as to make them seem inconsequential.


What Is the Real Unemployment Rate?

Shadow Government Statistics : Home Page

I am wondering if you have ever made any money in the markets. I do however appreciate your belief. A man is alive because of his beliefs. It is important to have a belief system.

Coming to the markets. Unless the world is absorbed by some kind of zombie invasion, the market would always be a bull. It will ALWAYS recover. Every one needs food. Every one needs a job. Every one wants to live happy. This phenomenon creates ideas which create businesses which create jobs.

Yes many ideas fail but then they are replaced by new ones. Unless there is a massive natural or man made disaster where at least half of the productive world dies, there would always be need for products and services.

The world is a permanent long term bull. Yes short term recessions would come but then eventually would be wiped out by new demand.

It is not in the human nature to remain negative all the time. The debt system might fail yes i agree but that would not fail the markets.
I am wondering if you have ever made any money in the markets. I do however appreciate your belief. A man is alive because of his beliefs. It is important to have a belief system.

Coming to the markets. Unless the world is absorbed by some kind of zombie invasion, the market would always be a bull. It will ALWAYS recover. Every one needs food. Every one needs a job. Every one wants to live happy. This phenomenon creates ideas which create businesses which create jobs.

Yes many ideas fail but then they are replaced by new ones. Unless there is a massive natural or man made disaster where at least half of the productive world dies, there would always be need for products and services.

The world is a permanent long term bull. Yes short term recessions would come but then eventually would be wiped out by new demand.

It is not in the human nature to remain negative all the time. The debt system might fail yes i agree but that would not fail the markets.

You're easy - so much hocus-pocus .... let's take just one, you said >>> The world is a permanent long term bull <<<

see the first ever lower low and lower high (still holding) on the Dow Jones monthly? That blows a wide hole in your PERMANENT but you are too glib to notice something of such import.
You're easy - so much hocus-pocus .... let's take just one, you said >>> The world is a permanent long term bull <<<

see the first ever lower low and lower high (still holding) on the Dow Jones monthly? That blows a wide hole in your PERMANENT but you are too glib to notice something of such import.

I can answer you on that but I will keep my mouth shut and let you figure out the flaw of your lower low. It took me 3 years with 10 hours daily to figure this out on my own and I am not going to post the answer to let you know the trick.

The point is that the market is going to go up.

You can call me the "biggest LOSER in the world and a LOW life" right here in this thread IF the great depression trade of yours works out the way you have predicted.

You can take your time but one thing I can promise you that we can go sideways or with serious corrections back to the summer of 2010 but would never enter a long term depression state. If any thing we lack liquidity. The current money supply in the world is not enough to accommodate the growth needs of the world.

The world is not just USA but USA is a pretty dominant part of the world's economics.

If you have a deep study of fundamentals apart from predicting movement of stars, you would need to learn that economics work on supply and demand of products and services.

People are born and then they die and then they are replaced by others. That is the way the world has reached this point.

Am anxiously waiting for your win. Good Luck.
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In my post above I said it could test the lows of 2010 but I highly doubt it would. According to my analysis it would not.

Anyways good luck nevertheless.
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