The Little Circle

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The Little Circle!

Last Saturday, I brought my little dog for a walk, early in the morning. It was a lovely bright, fresh, and sunny morning. We took our normal route and ended up in a field which we usually frequent.

As soon as we entered the field, my little dog went about his business, sniffing the ground continually, looking for the scent of rabbits. I spotted many rabbits in the filed and they quickly started to scurry in all directions once they saw we had arrived.

After about 5 minutes in the field, it started to rain, as a black cloud had swept in from the West. As the rain got heavier, I took shelter in the ditch, to keep myself from getting too wet. The heavy rain lasted for about 3 minutes, after which the sun began to shine brightly again.

Suddenly, in the left corner of the field, I saw the rabbits emerging, as they now thought it was all quiet again. Something very strange happened next. I saw six rabbits starting to sit down on their hind legs, forming a Little Circle. This had me puzzled, for I had never seen rabbits sitting this way before, in a group. They continued to bend down towards the centre of the circle, each one in their own time. This continued for several minutes, when suddenly my little dog caught their scent and ran towards them as fast as lightening. They all scurried away to safety, and my little dog sniffed the ground where they had been, madly.

I then ran over to see what he was sniffing. When I reached the spot, I noticed that there were a lot of rabbit droppings inside the Little Circle where the rabbits had been. This made me wonder?

Suddenly, it dawned on me. There was a crop of turnips in the adjacent field, and when I looked in I could see that the rabbits had been nibbling at them.

So, what were the rabbits doing?

I can not say for certain, as I don’t know how rabbits communicate, but it appears that they were examining their droppings.

Now, why would they do this?

Well, one reason may well be, that rabbits know, that, whenever they make a decision to bring something new into their lives, it may well be rubbish, and, as they can not speak or write, to discuss this with other rabbits, for to determine if the new is of any value to them, then the only way that they can see if it is of any value to them, is to examine what comes out of them.

We humans, been the intelligent creatures we are, do not have to resort to this basic natural diagnosis, as we are well able to write down what comes out of our mouths and examine it in great detail, although at times, one would think that we are indeed, no better than our little furry friends!
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Where Is That Gold?

As I left the Little Circle, a tingly feeling suddenly came in my left arm. I smiled with joy, as I knew only too well what this felling meant. The colours emerged slowly as I turned my head around, and after about sixty seconds, there it was, one of the most magnificent I had ever seen.

I stood amazed at this splendorous sight, and for a moment, it made me thing of all the glory of nature, and what little we really know about same. It is no wonder, indeed, that such a sight has magical powers, and it is also no wonder that this sight is of the most beautiful sights that can ever be seen.

It was, of course, The Rainbow.

But, this Rainbow was different, as I began to notice something that I had not seen before. Feeling excited, I ran to all corners of the field, to view The Rainbow from every angle, just in case the light was indeed playing tricks on my eyes, for many say that The Rainbow is nothing but The Bending of Light.

I was amazed, for no matter what angle I viewed The Rainbow from, it made no difference. I could still see that which I had never seen before!

This called for some quick thinking, as I knew only too well, that The Rainbow would not last very long, maybe a few minutes at best.

So, I scurried along the side of the ditch, looking for a Magic Mushroom. I quickly found one, as they are not hard to find when you know where to look, and upon picking it up, I quickly shouted into the Magic Mushroom, the name of my good little friend LouDean, for who better to know all there is to know about The Rainbow, than
a Leprechaun.

“LouDean, LouDean; are you there”, I shouted.

A big yawn suddenly emerged from the Magic Mushroom, and LouDean left out a roar at me:


“LouDean”; I said; “this is very important, for I have just seen The Rainbow, and I have just noticed something that I have never noticed before”.

“AND WHAT MAY THAT BE, CYOF” he said with a little smile in his voice.

I then shouted at LouDean “I think you know only too well what it is, but you been the stubborn little fellow you are, are making me think harder again, This is serious LouDean, so please tell me the answer”.

LouDean the replied;

“Ok CYOF, you are lucky that I am in Siberia, for it is very cold here, and your call has warmed me up, so I will now tell you what the majority fail to see, which you have indeed seen this morning.

The Rainbow has, indeed, a Pot of Gold at the end of it.

But, many years ago, us Leprechauns, worked a little magic to fool people, so that we could always keep the Gold for ourselves.

What we done, was as follows.

As everyone knows, only too well, The Rainbow has two ends, not one. Now, whenever someone sees The Rainbow, their attention is always drawn to the brighter light, so, what we done, is, we made it so that The Rainbow has a very bright end, and a not so very bright end.

Therefore, as all will naturally be attracted to the very bright end, where do you think we have put the Pot of Gold?

This, my good friend, is the reason why the Pot of Gold has never been found by anyone, and you now have the greatest secret known to mankind in your grasp.

Use it wisely; for I also have to tell you this, the majority of people will only ever get one real chance at finding the Pot of Gold, and if they blow it, they may never get that chance again.

Now, I say “may never”, for we are a kind little bunch of people, and if we see that someone is TRUTHFULL in all they say and do, and then they will have endless chances, and will eventually find the Gold, that we guarantee.

But, on the other hand, if a person is NOT TRUTHFULL in all they say and do. Then they will indeed but get only one chance, and what is more, even if they do find the Gold, we may well take it back again, for to be NOT TRUTHFULL is the worst thing that can befall any man, and “it is better that man never be born”, for his life will be full of nothing but contempt and deceit, and all the Gold in the world will be of no use to him what so ever, and that is why we take it back.

I must go now, my good friend, but you can now enjoy the rest of your day, for your have truly discovered the real meaning of wealth, for when one is able to tell the difference between the ends of The Rainbow, then one is well on the path to finding the Pot of Gold.

My good friends, if only ye knew how wrong ye are.

My two stories have everything to do with trading Options, and what is more, they have everything to do with anything.

What you all fail to see, is that, the majority of the time, we are all but Inspired.

I cut short a reply to a new member, Penrithem, and for that I now apologise.

Like the dialogue between SOCRATES and ION, if we were all to be engaged in a truthful conversation with respect to what we know about trading, the majority of us, including your truly, would soon realise that most of what we speak is rubbish, nothing but rubbish emanating from Inspiration by some other person, or group of persons.

In order to gain any true knowledge of a subject under question, all discussions must contain FACTUAL information in relation to the best possible outcome.

You can have FACTUAL information in relation to the subject under discussion, but if the facts in no way lead to good results, then they should not be even discussed.

If we speak of things that we do not know, for certain, work well in delivering consistent profits, then we in effect, only speaking rubbish.

As I keep on saying, but as the majority keep on dismissing, CORRECT FACTUAL INFORMATION is of the utmost importance if one want's to get an understanding of what it is they are trying to understand.

My dear friends, what I am talking about here, can be summed up in two very simple words, that again, have got everything to do with anything we will ever try and accomplish in life, and those two words are,


So, you can all continue to fool yourselves, and continue to babble on about things that in effect, do not matter a damn, or you can all start to use common sense, and look for facts that are based on the desired outcome, not just facts that you think may be facts for the sake of maintaining your Ego.

Things are what they are - and acceptance of this FACT is the first step to real enlightenment.

I hope you will all consider this COMMON SENSE explanation, for remember,

"Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap"

Now, I must go, as I have some serious matters to attend to this week, but if you all wan't to answer my post#411fully, then that is fine, but if you do not, then that is also fine.

The choice is always your own - but remember, you do not make the choice for other people, they make their own choices, why, because they HAVE TO, there is no other way, and in order for them to make the best choice, so that they may always act in their own best interests, they must have access to the FACTS that pertain to the desired outcome.

That is all for now, but you will be glad to know that I have many more words of wisdom, for those that wan't to listen, of course, as there will always be those that do not wan't to listen, and it just so happens, that this group, has been assigned the title of, the 95% Majority!

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Beautiful allegories...make perfect sense...hehe...they have put a smile on my face. thank you.
Thank you my good friend - for you indeed know that what I speak is TRUTHFUL, but as usual, it will be dismissed by the majority as pure rubbish, nothing but more of the same old rubbish.

I must admit, that at first, I did not get the real meaning of what you slogan was saying, but now, I understand every word, for they are all, indeed, TRUE.

On the Question of Factual Information and Common Sense...

CYOF said:
My good friends, if only ye knew how wrong ye are.

My two stories have everything to do with trading Options, and what is more, they have everything to do with anything.

What you all fail to see, is that, the majority of the time, we are all but Inspired.

I cut short a reply to a new member, Penrithem, and for that I now apologise.

Like the dialogue between SOCRATES and ION, if we were all to be engaged in a truthful conversation with respect to what we know about trading, the majority of us, including your truly, would soon realise that most of what we speak is rubbish, nothing but rubbish emanating from Inspiration by some other person, or group of persons.

In order to gain any true knowledge of a subject under question, all discussions must contain FACTUAL information in relation to the best possible outcome.

You can have FACTUAL information in relation to the subject under discussion, but if the facts in no way lead to good results, then they should not be even discussed.

If we speak of things that we do not know, for certain, work well in delivering consistent profits, then we in effect, only speaking rubbish.

As I keep on saying, but as the majority keep on dismissing, CORRECT FACTUAL INFORMATION is of the utmost importance if one want's to get an understanding of what it is they are trying to understand.

My dear friends, what I am talking about here, can be summed up in two very simple words, that again, have got everything to do with anything we will ever try and accomplish in life, and those two words are,


So, you can all continue to fool yourselves, and continue to babble on about things that in effect, do not matter a damn, or you can all start to use common sense, and look for facts that are based on the desired outcome, not just facts that you think may be facts for the sake of maintaining your Ego.

Things are what they are - and acceptance of this FACT is the first step to real enlightenment.

I hope you will all consider this COMMON SENSE explanation, for remember,

"Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap"

Now, I must go, as I have some serious matters to attend to this week, but if you all wan't to answer my post#411fully, then that is fine, but if you do not, then that is also fine.

The choice is always your own - but remember, you do not make the choice for other people, they make their own choices, why, because they HAVE TO, there is no other way, and in order for them to make the best choice, so that they may always act in their own best interests, they must have access to the FACTS that pertain to the desired outcome.

That is all for now, but you will be glad to know that I have many more words of wisdom, for those that wan't to listen, of course, as there will always be those that do not wan't to listen, and it just so happens, that this group, has been assigned the title of, the 95% Majority!

I have read your post with great interest.

Factual information of itself is not enough.

On this thread there exists a huge problem, which remains persitently as a huge problem until it is first understood, and then resolved.

This huge problem which remains unresolved has led to a lot of difficulties of one sort or another..

But in effect, this problem is very simple, obvious it is, screaming at you it is, as Pod G says...:cheesy:

I will explain:~

The solution to the problem requires two things.

These two things are understanding and the application of common sense.

Let us start with understanding and then I will deal with the common sense element.

You see...what it that there are two camps here which are diametrically opposed and locked in conflict...why is this ?

The root cause lies in the difference between what is trading and what is investing.

They are two very different activities.

It is best if I refer to equities as a model in order to illustrate the point that needs illuminating,

In the world of equities and the scope of interest in them there are two camps, I am going to explain this fully because Sharky has personally asked me to take a hand in this.

Now, first of all we are going to talk about fundamentals and then we are going to talk of technicals....they are two very different viewpoints.

All of this is because of a conflict of viewpoints, nothing more, nothing less.

The fundamental viewpoint involves the consideration of a security from the point of view of rights to an income, and whether the right to that income is going to be sustatined and therefore the requirement is to ascertain by examination whether any changes are taking place that will give clues as to whether these changes will materially affect the performance and price ot the instument in the marketplace.

To ascertain whether the income stream from dividends is going to continue, and to assess the general health of the insturment under scrutiny the conventional method is to examine it by fundamental analysis, involving a stuctured study of the balance sheet, profit and loss account, chairman's statement, and so on, on an ongoing basis, over a period of time.

This involves the use of methods of fundamental analysis, to determine solvency and liquidity and earnings, and the use of ratios to express these as pre determined formulas, and...the use of discounted cash flow calculations on future earnings to guesstimate a net present value in accordance with futurre price discounted back to the present in order to provide a guide.

The technique for approaching the problem from this end as I have described is very carefully structured and academic, an is ideally suited to investment requirements.

It is however not suited to trading requirements because these ignore all the fundamentals and use other criteria which are essentially technical.

So from a technical point of view, the fundamentals are not given prominence and instead proirity is given to the "technical position" of the insturment in the market place according to price behaviour, price progression or regression.

It therefore means that there is a propensity for Fundamentalists to totally ignore Technicals and a propensity for Technical Analysts to totally ignore Fundamentals.

You can now see that these two camps have completely different viewpoints.

It is not that these two viewpoints are confrontational or opposite, it is that these two viewpoints, regardless as to wheher on occasion they may spill onto one another, are different, and this is the key/

it is the key to understanding conflict because they embrace, owing to their separate natures, distinct and separate philosophies, and in consequence, distinct and sepatate priorities, values, qualifications, quantifications and most important of all different use of language to express these two separate sets of ideas, and methods of approach.

Are we getting somewhere with this so far ?

I will continue...

The problem is with it is with any other instrument existing in any liquid market ) and no doubt someone will surface here to disagree )....the problem is that Fundamental Analysis does not lend itself to the activity of Trading, whereas one could argue that Technical Analysis embraces both the activities of Trading and Investing.

Now, when what I have in detail explained to you above is transmuted, is transferred and applied to the topic of Options and Options Trading, and discussions in harmony with this thread being whether the Writer or the Buyer has the edge....... a parallel conflict of misunderstanding which occurs when dealing with equities and the two camps, the Fundamental Camp and the Technical Camp, what I have explained to you above, the same problem of division of view............ is transferred to the subject under discussion immediately, automatically, even subconsciously

This creates several difficulties.

The first difficulty is both discussions implode upon one another.

The second is that the viewpoints become diametrically different.

The third is that because the philosophies are different, the thinking accompanying them is different.

The fourth is that the use of language to describe each is different.

The result is a double Tower of Babel sort of situation.

Both camps are talking and end up arg;uing interminably not only because their focuses are on different aspects, but also because the use of language is different.

I means that both camps are talking about different things in different languages.

It means both camps are trying to discuss a topic from angles each opposing side neither is able to accept or understand.

This leads to conflict.

The cause of this conflict is misunderstanding.

This misunderstanding cannot be resolved in the way that this topic is currently being discussed and in fact by perpetuating this division of viewpoint, the current scenario can only get worse.

This is because many may be subconsciously aware of what I have explained, but not consciously aware of it, and therefore continue to argue with the result it leads to frustration on both sides and the resulting disharmonic exchanges between participants on this thread.

You may subconsciously be aware of something that does not quite fit, but this does not mean you are consciously aware of it. If you are not consciously aware, you are prevented from doing something about it, meaning you are prevented, you prevent yourself from being able to resolve the root cause of the misunderstanding that led to ti.

Now that I have explained that, I am going to explain to you about Bulldozer.

I know Bulldozer personally. I have spent time in discussion with him both face to face and in telephone discussion. I assure you he is no crackpot, because everything he states, makes perfect sense from a Technical Viewpoint and from a Trading Point of View rather than an Analytical, Fundamental point of view.

All his calls are correct. All of them, both in Equities and in Option Writings.

What is more, his calls are consistently correct, and made in advance of the event, and in public.

Now none of this can be pure chance. It means he really knows what it is he is talking about.

But what it is he is talking about and presented from a Technical Viewpoint is not accepted necessarily from a Fundamental Viewpoint.

I am not saying anything in his defence. I am stating facts. Pure facts.

His difficulty is that he has a very short fuse.

At an early stage in his membership this short fuse and his ability to blow and go off the rails in a temper was discovered by a handful of members who proceeded to stimulate him to rage, for whatever reason.

His difficulty lies in being able to properly express himself and resist the temptation to retort inappropriatly when goaded.

But everything he says makes sense, everything. What is more, he has been able to prove it repeatedly, time after time, after time.

It appears to be the norm of bulletin boards to shoot the messenger rather than accept the message.

I personally am in favour of his membership being reinstated.

I am in favour of it because his expertise is a valuable asset.

I will personally do my best in the event of him being reinstated to curb his outbursts.

After all, and I am again not defending his attitude, but I am verifying his abilities, but he was ultimately driven by sheer frustration and anger stimulated by his persistent detractors, to request he should be banned. He tells me he would now like to come back, and if he is allowed to come back, then it is up to all of you NOT TO WIND HIM UP.

Finally, CTOF, a thought on the question of COMMON SENSE.

Whereas very low levels of intelligence are commonplace,
and very high levels of intelligence are rare.
Common sense not that common.

Thank You.
Well Socrates,

You have indeed "summed"it all up.

I will add to your very educational post, and bear in mind, that some of us are "drawn" to Facts ina similar way that a magnet works.

But, as you mentioned, this magnetic effect is often the opposite to a normal magnetic effect, and instead of like poles repelling, as with a normal magnet, in trading, like poles attract each other, and vice versa.

So, what you say does indeed make very common sense, and as a follow on, makes so much sense, that it should be very obvious, that in order to act in your own interests in relation to trading for consistent profits, which is what I am talking about, all of the time, as this is all that I have an interest in, as I am not interested in Investing, nor will I ever be, then it is of course very obvious that you must look for Facts in relation to Trading, as opposed to Investing.

What can I say, you are right again, but then again, I never doubted your ability from the start, and if you go back to where I started to become an idiot, I think it was in around exactly the same time that I said; "Socrates, I like your posts".

Thak You Socrtaes, for you are indeed a wise man, and you wisdom is only recognised by a very small few, and like History, the few wise are always treated as the Fools, but in reality, they are laughing all the way to the bank, well, somethings will actually "never change" and that much is guaranteed, thanks to our previous Generations and the methods by which they employed to stop man from Thinking for himself.

What I am saying here, for those who do not fully understand, and may think that we are communicating in some weird type of language, is;

The 95% will always be the 95% and the 5% will always be the 5%.

But, what I also know, and have been trying to show to people, is that any one of the 95% can become a member of the 5%, if they so desire.

And how can they do this?

Easy, just start Thinking Correctly"

But wait, the How To Think Correctly thread has been relegated to a section that states it has "absolutely nothing to do with trading".

So, what hope is ther for those that really want to learn about how to go the right way about achieving what it is they wan't to achieve.

Where is their CHOICE - for I do not see that CHOICE - all I see, as you rightly put is is PERSONAL VIEWS, and to even add to that further, most of thses personal views are, to say the least, nothing short of the ION Dialogue, and for any who have taken the time to read the ION dialogue, which I have now deleted for my thread been pushed aside, but which I have also explained what it meant, and I will now explain again,

"We are all but Inspired"

So, to look beyond Inspiration and Ego, one must seek out the FACTS in relation to the desired outcome.

And, this now leads us on to a very very important question indeed, and that is, what is the best approach for a person who want's to partake in the trading arena for profits?

Well, the first thing, which should be very obvious by now, is that the participant must first understand what it is they want to get out of the arena, for whatever they wan't to get out, will have a direct bearing on what effort they will be required to put in, and the amount of effort that will be available to put in, will be a direcct result of what they have, and what they have will be a direct result of what they do, and what they do will be as a direct result of what, yes, you guessed it right, HOW THEY THINK -again!!

Common sense, No?
CYOF said:
Well Socrates,

You have indeed "summed"it all up.

I will add to your very educational post, and bear in mind, that some of us are "drawn" to Facts ina similar way that a magnet works.

But, as you mentioned, this magnetic effect is often the opposite to a normal magnetic effect, and instead of like poles repelling, as with a normal magnet, in trading, like poles attract each other, and vice versa.

So, what you say does indeed make very common sense, and as a follow on, makes so much sense, that it should be very obvious, that in order to act in your own interests in relation to trading for consistent profits, which is what I am talking about, all of the time, as this is all that I have an interest in, as I am not interested in Investing, nor will I ever be, then it is of course very obvious that you must look for Facts in relation to Trading, as opposed to Investing.

What can I say, you are right again, but then again, I never doubted your ability from the start, and if you go back to where I started to become an idiot, I think it was in around exactly the same time that I said; "Socrates, I like your posts".

Thak You Socrtaes, for you are indeed a wise man, and you wisdom is only recognised by a very small few, and like History, the few wise are always treated as the Fools, but in reality, they are laughing all the way to the bank, well, somethings will actually "never change" and that much is guaranteed, thanks to our previous Generations and the methods by which they employed to stop man from Thinking for himself.

What I am saying here, for those who do not fully understand, and may think that we are communicating in some weird type of language, is;

The 95% will always be the 95% and the 5% will always be the 5%.

But, what I also know, and have been trying to show to people, is that any one of the 95% can become a member of the 5%, if they so desire.

And how can they do this?

Easy, just start Thinking Correctly"

But wait, the How To Think Correctly thread has been relegated to a section that states it has "absolutely nothing to do with trading".

So, what hope is ther for those that really want to learn about how to go the right way about achieving what it is they wan't to achieve.

Where is their CHOICE - for I do not see that CHOICE - all I see, as you rightly put is is PERSONAL VIEWS, and to even add to that further, most of thses personal views are, to say the least, nothing short of the ION Dialogue, and for any who have taken the time to read the ION dialogue, which I have now deleted for my thread been pushed aside, but which I have also explained what it meant, and I will now explain again,

"We are all but Inspired"

So, to look beyond Inspiration and Ego, one must seek out the FACTS in relation to the desired outcome.

And, this now leads us on to a very very important question indeed, and that is, what is the best approach for a person who want's to partake in the trading arena for profits?

Well, the first thing, which should be very obvious by now, is that the participant must first understand what it is they want to get out of the arena, for whatever they wan't to get out, will have a direct bearing on what effort they will be required to put in, and the amount of effort that will be available to put in, will be a direcct result of what they have, and what they have will be a direct result of what they do, and what they do will be as a direct result of what, yes, you guessed it right, HOW THEY THINK -again!!

Common sense, No?
Yes exactly.

I will ask you a question.

Do you think it is worth resurrecting the story about Quasimodo and how he rings the Big Bell at the Notre Dame Cathedral?

Now, like yourself, I decided to not post any more in the How To think Correctly thread when it was moved to a location that states it has "absolutely nothing to do with trading", which must be, in my opinion, the most incorrect statement of this Century!

What do you think then, should I continue to assist people in learning what they need to learn, or do you think it will be treated as just more of the same old rubbish, which of course, it is not, and is in fact, far from rubbish, but as we well know, many will see it as rubbish, for many reasons that I have already stated.

Why do people continually look for the "can you please show me how to do it", instead of looking for the "can you please help me to understand how I can do it myself".

Has there really been no major improvements since 1580, when Montaigne clearly explained in his magnificent Essay, Of The Education Of Children that the way of educating children was, to say the least, not the most appropriate way to educate, and was destined to produce nothing but "so many asses laden with books", which would eventually lead to a "rat race".

For it is very hard to accept, that in over 426 years, the majority of people are still been educated in such a manner that does not allow them to utilise fully their creative thought process for the better of themselves, their families and future generations!

So, before I waste some more of my valuable time, what do you think?

Now, I am also thinking that if anyone is interested they might also post a reply, and voice their opinion, for if no replies are forthcoming, does this not imply that no one is interested!

Is this not a logical deduction!

Does it not make sense, that if someones wants to find out about something, they must ASK!

Why do so many expect to find out about something without asking - now this one really has me bewildered.

On the one hand we have many that wan't to ask, but will not ask, for reasons that I can not just understand?

Then, on the other hand, we have a small number, that continue to put out useless information, that is based on nothing but Inspiration, and is not backed up by any Facts what so ever!

Maybe I am mad, but if I am, then I can assure you that I am glad that I am mad.

For, I would much prefer to be mad and educate myself with that which I must know, so that I will always act in my own best interests, much more so than to go with the flow of the ridiculous way of thinking that has stemmed from the many Generations of incorrect teaching that was rightly identified as rubbish by Montaigne in 1580!!!!

Socrates, your thoughts please, although, I am already anticipating your answer.

Thank You.
I am interested,

I have been a fan of these type of threads, as I like to class myself as a deep thinker, only relying upon oneself to deduce an answer from parallel thinking, any more threads like these in my opinion are well worth the read and welcome anywhere on these boards,

soc - 'journey from the basement' is genius, can you do another like this

any smilar threads like this will have my undivided attention,
jiggly said:
I am interested,

I have been a fan of these type of threads, as I like to class myself as a deep thinker, only relying upon oneself to deduce an answer from parallel thinking, any more threads like these in my opinion are well worth the read and welcome anywhere on these boards,

soc - 'journey from the basement' is genius, can you do another like this

any smilar threads like this will have my undivided attention,
I am doing a practical thread on writing naked index options...LIVE....if you are interested.

Plain Vanilla Option Trades, the thread is called. Have a look.

Enjoy !
jiggly said:
I am interested,

I have been a fan of these type of threads, as I like to class myself as a deep thinker, only relying upon oneself to deduce an answer from parallel thinking, any more threads like these in my opinion are well worth the read and welcome anywhere on these boards,

soc - 'journey from the basement' is genius, can you do another like this

any smilar threads like this will have my undivided attention,

Thank you jiggly,

I am glad to see that we have at least one person, out of +66,000 interested!

Now, let us see how many more are not afraid to speak what is on their mind - for it is indeed the only way to learn anything of true value.

As a matter of interest jiggly, did you read my Quasimodo story about the Big Bell, and if you did, what do you think I am talking about?

For, I was indeed surprised that no one was able to mention the very simple thing that is a well known common FACT!

So, as a follow up, I will post the story here again when a few more show interest - providing it has not been deleted, that is - as this now seems to be the Story Thread, and let us see how many are prepared to think for themselves, or do the majority still wan't to listen to endless Inspirational talk from nothing but self Egos - and to make it even worse, no sign of any Facts whatsoever, to even lend the slightest bit of Truth to the many Inspired words.
I havent read the story, i would very much like to if you could direct me to it, in the meantime, or ill wait until you post it here as you have mentioned.

keep up the good work guys, I realise that some of your material has taken great effort to produce and is very advanced, some of it goes over my head and maybe others too, (this could be why there isnt the kind of following as you would like to expect), until I have a realisation some way along the line and I instantly remember to go back and re-read for further clarification and a more profound 'ah-ha' moment,

Kindest regards
Ding - Dong - Ding

Well jiggly, seen as how you ASKED -here it is.

Ding - Dong - Ding

Ok, LouDean has told me to post the following:

Socrates gave a hint regarding Ding – Dong – Ding.

We are nearly 100% confident that this means a bell.

Now, we are going to show how a simple little exercise, can be of great value, if the concept is adopted and used by the individual. Here we go!

There is a very BIG BELL in the Notre Dame Cathedral, and this bell is rang by a person who goes by the name of Quasimodo.

It just so happens, that LouDean, been the magical little fellow that he is, knows that Quasimodo holds a little secret, OR TWO.

LouDean is prepared to divulge ONE of the little secrets that Quasimodo will not share. The secret is as follows:

The big HUMP on Quasimodo’s back, is in fact, not really a HUMP, but it is actually a POT OF GOLD.

So, we now know that Quasimodo carries a POT OF GOLD on his back, each and every day.

We also know that Quasimodo rings this BELL louder, twice per day, than any other times. And LouDean has told me that this first loud ring, yes, you guessed it, just happens to be @ 09:30 New York time.

But, LouDean has also told me that we need to be careful, as Quasimodo does not like been disturbed when he is ringing the bell, but, and this, is truly a gem, once Quasimodo has rang the bell, he is deafened for a certain period of time.

Now, if we know that Quasimodo is deafened, for a period of time after ringing the bell, and we also know that he carries a POT OF GOLD on his back, is it not possible for us to sneak up on Quasimodo and steal some of his GOLD!

But, LouDean, been the magical little man he is, also knows that in order to get SOME GOLD, all you have to do is touch the hump on Quasimodo’s back, you do not have to knock him down, or anything like that.

Also, he has told me to say the following; we should not despair if we do not get to touch Quasimodo when he is deafened, for when he returns to ring the bell for the second loud ring, which just happens to be at 16:00 NYT, then, he is so much bloated by his gorging during the day, that he is also vulnerable to been touched, but this time he is not deafened, he is in fact singing out loud, which has the same effect as him been deafened, and we can also sneak up on him and touch that hump on his back.

And this is where LouDean says we need to be very careful, for if we touch Quasimodo in the morning, and then try to touch him again in the evening, we might be in for a big surprise, because, when a POT OF GOLD is touched twice in the one day it has the magical power of taking back all the GOLD that it gave up in the morning, and this is a real gem, for LouDean, has told me that this happens each and every day, but, even after telling many, over many years, the POT OF GOLD seems to be always full, and that is the reason why.

Hmm, very interesting LouDean, thank you for that, Do you mind If I tell the readers some additional information, “By all means CYOF, but remember, you Know Nothing About Anything” and you only ever write what I tell you, so I think you will be better off to shut up”.

Ok LouDean, you are of course, correct again. I will shut up.

jiggly said:
I havent read the story, i would very much like to if you could direct me to it, in the meantime, or ill wait until you post it here as you have mentioned.

keep up the good work guys, I realise that some of your material has taken great effort to produce and is very advanced, some of it goes over my head and maybe others too, (this could be why there isnt the kind of following as you would like to expect), until I have a realisation some way along the line and I instantly remember to go back and re-read for further clarification and a more profound 'ah-ha' moment,

Kindest regards
Yes, many of these priceless wisdoms have to be written in code unfortunately, but there is a handful of us who know exactly what everything means. You just have to have an affinity for solving puzzles...and then everything becomes obvious...but fot it to be so, some effort is required you see....and not a great hardship if you are a thinker.
CYOF said:
Well jiggly, seen as how you ASKED -here it is.

Ding - Dong - Ding

Ok, LouDean has told me to post the following:

Socrates gave a hint regarding Ding – Dong – Ding.

We are nearly 100% confident that this means a bell.

Now, we are going to show how a simple little exercise, can be of great value, if the concept is adopted and used by the individual. Here we go!

There is a very BIG BELL in the Notre Dame Cathedral, and this bell is rang by a person who goes by the name of Quasimodo.

It just so happens, that LouDean, been the magical little fellow that he is, knows that Quasimodo holds a little secret, OR TWO.

LouDean is prepared to divulge ONE of the little secrets that Quasimodo will not share. The secret is as follows:

The big HUMP on Quasimodo’s back, is in fact, not really a HUMP, but it is actually a POT OF GOLD.

So, we now know that Quasimodo carries a POT OF GOLD on his back, each and every day.

We also know that Quasimodo rings this BELL louder, twice per day, than any other times. And LouDean has told me that this first loud ring, yes, you guessed it, just happens to be @ 09:30 New York time.

But, LouDean has also told me that we need to be careful, as Quasimodo does not like been disturbed when he is ringing the bell, but, and this, is truly a gem, once Quasimodo has rang the bell, he is deafened for a certain period of time.

Now, if we know that Quasimodo is deafened, for a period of time after ringing the bell, and we also know that he carries a POT OF GOLD on his back, is it not possible for us to sneak up on Quasimodo and steal some of his GOLD!

But, LouDean, been the magical little man he is, also knows that in order to get SOME GOLD, all you have to do is touch the hump on Quasimodo’s back, you do not have to knock him down, or anything like that.

Also, he has told me to say the following; we should not despair if we do not get to touch Quasimodo when he is deafened, for when he returns to ring the bell for the second loud ring, which just happens to be at 16:00 NYT, then, he is so much bloated by his gorging during the day, that he is also vulnerable to been touched, but this time he is not deafened, he is in fact singing out loud, which has the same effect as him been deafened, and we can also sneak up on him and touch that hump on his back.

And this is where LouDean says we need to be very careful, for if we touch Quasimodo in the morning, and then try to touch him again in the evening, we might be in for a big surprise, because, when a POT OF GOLD is touched twice in the one day it has the magical power of taking back all the GOLD that it gave up in the morning, and this is a real gem, for LouDean, has told me that this happens each and every day, but, even after telling many, over many years, the POT OF GOLD seems to be always full, and that is the reason why.

Hmm, very interesting LouDean, thank you for that, Do you mind If I tell the readers some additional information, “By all means CYOF, but remember, you Know Nothing About Anything” and you only ever write what I tell you, so I think you will be better off to shut up”.

Ok LouDean, you are of course, correct again. I will shut up.

if i may add
he also takes a lunch break when he comes back, tummy full sometimes he is in the mood to pretend to be deaf or to sing depends on the day
Yes, many of these priceless wisdoms have to be written in code unfortunately, but there is a handful of us who know exactly what everything means. You just have to have an affinity for solving puzzles...and then everything becomes obvious...but fot it to be so, some effort is required you see....and not a great hardship if you are a thinker.

BUT - you are all faced with a BIG PROBLEM that you do not even see!

The only thread that had FACTUAL INFORMATION in relation to THINKING, which just happened to be called "How To Think Correctly" was, in fact, relegated to a section, that states, this section "has absolutely nothing to do with trading".

Now, you might all see where the real problem lies - and who is causing all the problems, and who wants top prevent people from THINKING for themselves.

I also posted the Montaigne Essay of 1580, which TELLS you why we all think the way we do, but again, Montaigne, one of the greatest figures of European Intellectual Thinking, is also a FOOL!!

All I can say is that, I am glad that I am stupid :idea:
yes very interesting, this particular story can be interpreted from a few perspectives i believe with regards to trading the markets.

other than the first thought that springs to mind and that would be the process of money changing hands and taking into consideration whom you would be buying from/selling to to realise your profit/loss at given points in time.

I will be back to give my take/thoughts on this story very soon, as i would like some time to really think about the best answer i could give, the first thought isn't always the correct one.
andycan said:
if i may add
he also takes a lunch break when he comes back, tummy full sometimes he is in the mood to pretend to be deaf or to sing depends on the day

Thank you Andy,

For I am sure that LouDean will not divulge everything - after all, he is a Leprechaun, and they are a funny lillte bunch at times, but one thing is for certain, they always tell THE TRUTH, for many know that this is one of the big flaws that a Leprechaun has, he MUST always tell THE TRUTH, for no matter how hard he tries, he just can not tell A LIE :idea:
with regards to the story,

I believe that the best solution based on these facts is to only trade early in the day.
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